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It's been a good long while since I posted something in the HoH so with the new Codex out, despite not getting it yet (my Crimson Fists Lt.d Edition order never got through, depsite ordering at a GW, so instead I'm getting a standard one for free, plus £140 of Online Vouchers! One Storm Talon and Drop Pod is already inbound! woot.gif) I figured it's time I got back into the painting saddle and finished up some projects!

And to kick this off, I'm starting with a Captain from my Sons of Doom army.

This time it's what is to be my Counts As Sicarius model, also called Captain Hellion "The Hooded" Argentis of the Sons of Doom 2nd Company:

Captain Argentis has served loyally and with a fierce pride and tenacity for the Sons of Doom chapter since his recruitment in 772.M41 from the smaller "Devan" tribe on their home planet of Auton. He displayed his tactical acumen and innate ability of leading his brothers into warfare since his early years in the Scout Company, after his Sergeant had been killed in a Tyranid ambush. Leading his fellow Scouts to overcome the Genestealer ambush, Argentis was marked and groomed for future leadership as he advanced through the ranks and he eventually reached the rank of Captain to the 7th Company in 891.M41, before he then took over command of the 2nd Company in 954.M41. Argentis wears a distinctive green and bone hooded cloak, a traditional garment that displays his heritage form the Devan tribe, which earned him the sobriquet of "The Hooded" due to the addition of the Devan styled hood to his Cloak of Office. Argentis has displayed himself to be a Commander with a rapid ability to adapt to any surprise incident or change in the battlefield's situation. He has won many a battle that was destined to destruction but he has always found a surprise or unorthodox tactic to earn the sons of Doom their rightful victory. With the passing of Captain Amorphus in the Nestir V Campaign, Argentis is now being groomed to succeed Chapter Master Cambrius in the future.

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I'm very happy with the freehand on the cloak for Argentis, took me a good while to make it and although it's not too visible, I also managed to sketch his surname with a black fine-liner pen, which is a bit more visible in person, but I might line it in grey so it stands out more.

And now onto my next Chapter, the Vanquishers, whom are also a Crimson Fist successor chapter like the Sons of Doom, but are much older, having been created in the 4th Founding. They're a chapter that specialise in Urban Warfare and dealing with Orks, thanks to their location near to a large Ork Empire in the Southern region of the Segmentum Solar. They've got a crap-ton of older material (basically an excuse to use my ancient models from eBay winnings and gifts), along with a good amount of up-armoured and modified suits of Power Armour with added sensors for urban warfare.

And to start it off, here's my "Master of the Relics", which I completed a few weeks before the actual model was released and have now given a bit of a touch up to deal with wash stains. I used a 1990 Captain miniature I got from a friend that needed some serious love after a thick paint job was given to him, so this is a survivor form my "Operation Reclamation" project some may remember from aeons ago... It's weird to think the miniature's a little older than I am if it's from 1990!

Thus, here's Captain Haelo Tarn of the Vanquishers 9th Company:

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It was fun to paint up an ancient miniature so it can stand proudly with its fellow miniatures on the battlefield (although a little shorter than the rest... laugh.png), I intend to field him in small 750 points games and he'll form part of my Masters of the Chapter force in Apocalypse game.

Now to move onto my newest completed miniature, which is my Counts As Lysander miniature, which I worked on and off for a year plus now from a Metal Terminator Captain miniature, heavily kitbashed with a Green Stuffed Thunder Hammer and custom Storm Shield made from plasticard and other bitz.

So here is Master Captain Galad Tarran of the Vanquishers 1st Company

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I'm really happy indeed with the detail on the Storm Shield, where I've used an Aquila form the Drop Pod box and a Fist icon form the IF/CF Tank symbols set. The MCCCV you see on the shield represents the Vanquishers' being listed as the 135th Adeptus Astartes Chapter.


And that's that ladies and gentlemen! I hope you like what I've done and I welcome any comments/critiques etc with open arms! I still have another Captain and a Chapter Master to showcase later on, but I think I've spammed you with enough pictures for now. laugh.png


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Dude you named your terminator in honour of me msn-wink.gif

I'm kidding its close but I joke

Haha that'd be one helluva coincidence! laugh.png The name itself is a direct mutation of "tarran", menaing Thunder in Welsh, hinting at the mighty weapon Tarren uses. I always link up my characters' names to their weapons or character (eg Argentis = Argentium = Silver, which is the metal used for Second Position and what Company is "The Hooded" in command of. ;))


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Right then time for more commanders, which this time involved a Counts As Pedro Kantor custom miniature and also a certain Captain featuring in the Liber Campaign in the LIBER ASTARTES section!

And so to kick it off, I posted up this guy a good long while back when I first finsihed him, but since then I have touched up the paintjob and added some extra details to help add some extra character and whatever to him. So thus I present to you my Counts As Pedro Kantor, whom I made form the 25th Anniversary Miniature and the arm, head and backpack from the Metal Kantor model, which all fitted together perfectly!

And so here is Coras Brenen, Chapter Master of the Vanquishers:

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And finally a little fun I had with Photoshop a while back:


And now onto the one some of you have been waiting for, my Avenging Fists Captain! This miniature was built from scratch and mostly painted within 3-4 hours at Carmarthen Games workshop as part of the celebrations for its 3rd Birthday. Paying a tenner, each person got a bag of bitz and set about building a Space Marine Hero, I decided what the heck and went on to build a Captain that is leading my homegrown Avenging Fists chapter in the Kuis Campaign in the LIBER ASTARTES.

Painting the quartered scheme was fun as I'd only ever done that one before, in 2008...and this time there was a time constraint. After the festivities ended, I went on to work on the Captain at home and complete him properly.I enjoyed working on the freehand though for his heraldry and banner.

So thus I present to you, Captain Theos Dialo of the Avengiing Fists' 4th Company, wielding the "Judge's Axe", a Power Axe and a simple Bolt Pistol, whilst he carries his banner and heraldry proudly:

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And that's that! Any comments/critiques etc are always greatly welcomed and appreciated! Hopefully in the coming days, I'll have some old 1990s Commander models to show off as I complete them, including a Chaplain and a Librarian, along with 2 future Captains for the Sons of Doom and the Vanquishers.


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Thanks deathspectre! I'm tempted to actually paint up a small combat squad to go with Dialo so I can field him with some of his Brothers in an Apocalypse game.


I will have fresh works coming soon as I now have my Codex finally and will hopefully receive my Storm Talon and Drop Pod order in the coming days!



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