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I've been wanting to do this for quite a while. A few years in fact. I've been a fan of the Imperial Fists for a long time now and have always struggled to paint yellow, despite having tried a few dozen times. Perhaps my fear of the unknown (in this case, white undercoat spray) stopped me from making any progress or perhaps it was the discovery that I had HBS (Hobby Butterfly Syndrome) and so assumed that it was a valid excuse for my pathetic lack of progress, but whatever the case, I could not paint yellow and thus collect the army of my dreams.

(Such melodrama! laugh.png)

A few days ago, I received the new Tactical Squad kit from a friend of mine and was wondering which Chapter I'd start collecting after having spent such a long time without any sort of primary focus. Ultramarines were my first choice since they got a nice set of rules and, apart from the name and some odious fluff that I have chosen to ignore, I do really like them. Besides blue is probably one of my favourite colours. However, I discovered a can of white spray paint that I had purchsed at the begining of the summer to try out. My first attempts were horrible as the paint seemed to have that frost-effect that ruins your model, but I thought I'd give it another go on one of the Space Marines I had just assembled. A few days later, I ended up with this:



I was going to give up at least once along the way, but instead told myself to man-up and just finish him for the sake of being able to show that I can actually fully paint a model once in a while teehee.gif Since those pictures were taken I have advanced quite a bit and have covered up most of the wash overspill, covered the white parts with black paint (except the pouches, because they'll be brown and I have no more brown paint for the moment), started to paint the eyes purple and have added a bit more shading to the metallic parts. I didn't take any pictures of my progress because of the atrocious lighting so I'll upload some more pictures on Monday.

Anyway, hopefully I'll manage to paint up the whole squad in yellow as I'm actually really enjoying the painting process and have leared quite a bit from my (stupid) mistakes. As always, any C&C or encouragement is welcome!



Anaziel: Thanks mate! Yeah, I made a mistake by using a large brush for applying the wash, which left me with the overspill on the pictures. I've cleaned most of it up, but I now know that I'll be using a smaller brush for washes ;)


Rhetoricus: Cheers for the kind words, mate :)

What I really like is the smooth coat you have achieved over the surface. I must say white is such a good undercoat to go over with yellow. It seems so obvious, but for most of my Fists, I started with black and worked my way up.


Still, great to see from yellow from you. Keep it up ;) Oh and about time too ;)

What's this? An update? Why, you are lucky people to be blessed with such regular viewings of my most holy work teehee.gif

Anyway, enough sill talk, onto the pictures!



As you can see, the yellow isn't so smooth in some places due to a couple of mess-ups late at night when I wasn't paying attention to the thickness of the paint. Nothing too major or noticeable when you're looking at the model on the gaming table, so I'm not too worried about it. I'll just make sure I'm a bit more careful next time smile.png

Now, onto the Veteran Sergeant:



I'm really quite glad with this chap as he's a conversion that (for once) went well and came together quite easily. I haven't thought of any fluff for him yet, but the sword that he's got at his side will definitely be something that he cherishes (some kind of Terran relic or something else along those lines?). If anyone has any C&C concerning him, I'd love to hear it.

And finally, another boltgun chap of which I only have one picture:


Straight out of the box, no fancy conversions or anything, but I quite like him. If you look at him head-on, his arm pose is a bit strange but it's not too bad as to warrant a reconstruction of the model (at least not for now).

Now, onto replies to other people's kind words!

Hey that is looking awesome! Keep it up!

Thanks mate, will definitely try and keep this going :)

What I really like is the smooth coat you have achieved over the surface. I must say white is such a good undercoat to go over with yellow. It seems so obvious, but for most of my Fists, I started with black and worked my way up.

Still, great to see from yellow from you. Keep it up msn-wink.gif Oh and about time too msn-wink.gif

Yeah, I'm still quite chuffed at how smooth the paint is in most areas and I'm glad people can actually see it :D And I can feel a fraction of your pain, as I also tried painting up yellow on a black undercoat. Never again. And yes, it is about time, isn't it? :P

Very nice yellow. Just out of curiosity, how many layers of which yellow did you do?

Cheers mate, glad you like him :) As for the number of layers, on the first pictures, I'd say about two-three max. However, on the pictures you can see in this post, there's more likely to be anywhere between half a dozen and a dozen thin coats of yellow and I still haven't finished the yellow yet. I'm mad, I know :lol:

Anyway, I hope that you chaps (and ladies?) like the update and hopefully I'll get some more done by the end of the week.



Great update. The first guy is coming along well. I like the poses of the other two. I like the addition of the sword to the sergeant. Could certainly be a dueling sabre from old Terra or failing that can always be a 'Knife' Dundee style.

Syth: Cheers mate :) Yeah, I'm really liking the new Tactical Squad kit, loads of different options and very few mold lines! :D As for the sword, I'll try and come up with some cool fluff for it.


johnyocum: Thanks! Glad you like them, but the painted one isn't fully completed yet ;) Still got about an hour's work to do on him (painting the puches, highlighting the metallics, the black parts and the yellow), so hopefully I'll be able to get that out of the way rather soon!

Maybe the sword was gifted to the sergeant after a joint campaign alongside another chapter (I'm thinking Black Templars)? It may have been in recognition of something-or-other that he was involved in. It would also give you a chance to add a nice Maltese Cross somewhere on the model, too! wink.png

  • 4 weeks later...

I sat down to paint in this mess earlier on today...


...and I surprised myself by managing to finish the first member of the Tactical Squad. Bouyaaa! biggrin.png

I present to thee, Brother Eshan [2nd Tactical Squad, 5th Company]





The freehand symbols are a bit wonky, but they'll do. Oh, and he hasn't been based, but that'll happen later on. Also, he's technically not finished as I'd like to add highlights to the armour and try my hand at weathering, but for sake of having a playable army by the end of April next year and my own sanity, I'll add those little details after I finish off the first 1'000 points laugh.png

Anyway, thanks for looking!

Crusader_91: Yeah, I love the new Tacticals. Such a great kit! And thanks for the kind words :)


Dorns_fist: About 4 thin layers of Yriel Yellow, watered-down Devlan Mud in the recesses, clean up with more Yriel Yellow. The final touch will be a Flash Gitz Yellow highlight on the edges of the armour, but it looks good enough now without the highlight, so I'll go back and add it after I finish the first 1'000 points :)

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