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Space Hulk: Death Angel (FFG Card Game)

Brother Eleysium

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So I picked up the Space Hulk Card Game by Fantasy Flight Games  the other day, and it's pretty sweet.  Reminds me of a more simplified version of the old Space Hulk classic board game.  I picked it up for only $20 US at Barnes and Noble.


The whole purpose of this thread, was to let my brothers of the B&C know about it that were not aware, and to see if any of you guys have played it. If so, have you came up with any of your own rules to kind of change the game a little to increase replay value.

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Yup, I got the game last christmas and played it a hell of a lot. Bit harder for non gamers to break into, unlike other games with boards etc, but good fun.


Apart from Gideon.


Look for the Expansions with chaplains and the Cyclone Missile Launcher.

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I picked it up last year. I still haven't sat down and figured out how to play it yet, though. I've been told that there is a youtube video that shows gameplay, I just haven't looked it up yet. Every time I think about it recently I end up turning on Steam and playing the video game instead... geek.gif

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Note that I've edited the topic title. The game is actually called "Space Hulk: Death Angel." I don't want anyone getting confused and thinking that there's a new game. Interested players can see the official website here as well as the Board Game Geek site for the game here.
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Yup, I got the game last christmas and played it a hell of a lot. Bit harder for non gamers to break into, unlike other games with boards etc, but good fun.


Apart from Gideon.


Look for the Expansions with chaplains and the Cyclone Missile Launcher.

Do you know where I can find the expansion sets?  Because it was my understanding that the card game was no longer in print.


@Brother Tyler

Sorry for the confusion, I just posted on the thread what was on my retail packaging.

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Got the game earlier this year. It's great. One big let down for me though is that the expansions are exclusive instead of inclusive. By this I mean you will not be adding the expansions to the underlying game and integrating that material with pre-existing material, but rather swapping some of the original game material out for the expansion material.

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