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Kayvaan Shrike (conversion)


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Hello all,


I spent a ton of time doing some sculpting and kitbashing for a Shrike model. I tried to make him pretty unique looking and I think for the most part I succeeded. I wish I had known the Space Marine release was on it's way before starting this guy!



* Lightning Claws (with plasticard also)

* Raven Guard Emblems (chest, head, shoulderpad)

* Feet (more talon-like)

* Chest strap

* Smoke Launcher (on his jump pack)


(it's a .gif, so let it load!))





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Amazing work, what a model to lead the Raven Guard to victory! The rotating gif is great too, really shows it off - it's easily better than the GW model in my opinion. Well done Brother and thank you for sharing your brilliant model it was definitely worth all the time and effort!

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Thanks guys, much appreciated!


I've got some Sternguard and Tacticals in the mail to try out some more conversions on. Thinking of some other special characters.


@Anaziel: A lot of it has to do with the varnish that you use with black. I use a couple different varnishes over the coarse of the paintjob, which I think adds more depth to the black than usual -- I find having matte, satin, and gloss varnish handy is helpful. Honestly I still need to work on making it smoother though.

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As has been said, this beats the original GW model into the dust.


I think my favourite thing about this is the relatively understated smoke grenade launcher. The one on the GW model is just over the top in the wrong way. This actually looks like a cool bit of tech the Raven Guard Techmarines hardwired into a jumppack to cause as little encumberment as possible (and the RG emblem it merges with is just sweet).


I would like to know how you do your 360 deg shots. Is this just a case of stop-motion animation or do you actually have a rotating plinth you put the model on?

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@BrotherCaptainArkhan: Thanks -- I think the grenade launcher is my favorite part. It kind of looks like current stealth technology. For the 360 degree shots, I use a tripod, DSLR, camera trigger and I would hand-rotate a lazy susan between each shot (usually 50-100 images). It's a long process, but recently my technologist friend rigged up a stepper motor to spin the lazy susan and take a picture between rotations. The Shrike GIF is the first time I've used it -- it's so much smoother! Older gifs are here: http://www.warandpaint.com/tag/rotating-gif/


@Firepower: It was supposed to be a freehand of a raven snatching up some prey, but I agree it looks a little funky.

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