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if you've been in this hobby for a while, I am sure that like me, you have bought a couple of things that you may not have quite finished yet. You know what I'm talking about -that extra squad of tactical marines; your 14th dreadnought; the latest, greatest widget GW released that you're gonna try and shoehorn into your army somewhere; not to mention all the bits you bought thinking "if I buy this I can use this bit here and that bit there and I'll have the most awesome {insert appropriate title} the world has ever seen... MUHAHAHAHAH!!!!"


And I'm sure, like me, these are all kept in a room somewhere and, on occasion, forgotten about. I reckon this is a normal, natural part of our hobby, and it's totally fine.




Every so often though, you'll experience that moment where you poke your head into that dark corner of your home where you store your armies, your carefully crafted works-in-projects, and of course all the projects-that-never-were... You look at the NIB squads; the overflowing bitz boxes; the random piles of assorted plastic and metal pieces sitting on tables (or more likely the floor) and you say to yourself...


"Holy #@^* !!!!! That is a lot of plastic! If I hadn't bought all this junk, I could probably have bought something really nice - you know like Hawaii or something!"


Anyways, a while back I had that fun experience. I took a look at the huge amount of plastic I had in various stages of construction and decided I'd make a stab at putting it all together to see what over 20 years of collecting will give you. I figure I have enough models for several decent sized armies (read well in excess of 2000pts, albeit mostly troop heavy as I don't seem to buy many tanks).


Unless I get sidetracked again, this will track my progress, at a minimum, through some Imperial Fists, Death Guard, World Eaters, and Ultramarines. I'm gonna try and do my best not to buy anything more until I have a chunk of this finished. I'm going to post things as I finish them, starting with some Imperial Fists...


Imperial Fists


I've liked the idea of owning an IF army since I first read "Space Marine" back in the day, but could never work up the energy to paint all that yellow...


This is a test mini, so it's not perfect. Storm bolter needs drilled; obviously it needs to be based; I want to add a little battle damage, and the helmet needs work - the grill needs some ink, and I think I need better colour separation between the red and white on his helmet.


Anyone see anything else? What d'ya think so far?










Hopefully these pics come out ok - my photobucket account seems to be playing silly buggers so I've had to try uploading the pics through B&C instead.


As always, comments and criticism welcome.





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I can relate to you on most of those points, Widowmaker. The only difference for me is that athough I did buy blisters and squads that weren't always used, I did not buy enough to actually put them to much use - which is more annoying than the situation you're in. Try mixing a Wolf Priest of Ulric with some Orc Boar Boyz and tossing them together with a metal Vostroyan platoon and a handful of plastic Dark Eldar. Yea...only thing that emerges is heresy. The only thing I can do besides stare and dream longingly is try to make half-hearted attempts at small-scale projects.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And we're back...

Thanks for stopping by and commenting folks, I appreciate it.

@Shadowsong7007 - Thanks, and I will... eventually. Just realized I killed the last of my drill bits so I need to go spring for some more (more money, grumble, grumble, grumble). Always nice finding models like that - is it a new one, or one of the older versions? I have a couple of RT-era rhinos to go up once they're finished (3 for 15 quid back in the day. Gotta love it.) I look forward to seeing yours once it's up.

@ChaosRising - Ugh! That'd suck! I can imagine it's painful looking at a the start of several armies and wondering which to flesh out. Although, I'm not sure which is worse. Small scale projects can be fun though, and certainly less daunting than 4+ full armies waiting to be painted - as much as I love painting, this might take some time wallbash.gif

So I have some progress to show. I managed to get a couple of HQ figures painted up. My thoughts so far are as follows...

  1. I am pretty happy with the yellow, although it's perhaps not as smooth as I'd like.
  2. First attempts at weathering and battle damage. I'm pretty happy with it, but know it could be better. If anyone has any tips on how to improve, I'd be interested in hearing them.
  3. My freehand is normally OK, but it turns out it is pretty shoddy at this size. It will improve with more practice I guess.
  4. I've got to tidy up the bases a little - I just noticed the drybrushing bleeding onto the rims in places.

That said, onward to the models....

Capt. Lexandro D'Arquebus

D'Arquebus has made several appearances in IF and 40K background since his first appearance in "Space Marine". I tried to do him justice with this mini, but feel I came up a little short from the vision I had in my head...

IF Captain - Face

IF Captain - Left

IF Captain - Rear

I like the model, but think my freehand and script on the banner is lacking. The banner heraldry is meant to represent the vision he has of his heraldry in Space Marine. Basically it is "a skeletal fist, clenched around a chalice of light" (or some such thing - its been a while since i read the book). Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time pinch.gif

Capt. Darnath Lysander

I've bought Lysander 3 times, and this is the first one I've painted yellow. Figured I can't have an Imperial Fist army without him.

Lysander - Front

Lysander - Right

Lysander - Rear

Lysander - Left

Again, I'm pretty happy, but the freehand and script lets it down a little. I used a micro-pen for the script, but don't have the control I'd like - although I think I can probably blame most of that on my terrible handwriting whistlingW.gif
Anyways, that's what I have to date - comments and criticism welcome as always. otherwise thanks for stopping by.
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Greetings one and all...

Thanks for commenting Dark Scipio - I'm working on it.

So I have a quick update. I've been working on the command squad for my Fists, and the banner is ready for critique.

Since I am painting them up as 5th Company marines, I spent some time trawling the internet to find ideas for heraldry and banners. I found a banner I really liked on warhammer40k.wiki.com so, as with all great ideas, I shamelessly stole it for my own uses. My thanks go to the original artist.

Imperial Fists - 5th Company Standard

Since I blew it up, I noticed I need to go back and fix the top left corner so that the banner proclaims the army as followers of "DORN" and not some slaneeshi cult offshoot whistlingW.gif A
As always, comments and criticism are welcome, and thanks for stopping by.

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Lexandro D'Arquebus! Such a coincidence, as I'm currently rereading "Space Marine" at the moment! happy.png I always told myself if I ever get around to doing an IF army, he'd be a HQ for them happy.png If I recall, when he was still a Brother, he'd taken the skin and flesh from his hand to Scrimshaw the names of his Trazior Brothers on the bones (and then have it refleshed) as a tribute. Whilst scribing their names, he pondered on using the boned fist as a personal heraldry should he ever become a Captain. I like the banner a lot smile.png, but putting that much detail on the few my armies have is a little beyond me at present:(

In any case, he looks "Lordly!" msn-wink.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

I made a very enjoyable (re)discovery last night which is actually relevant to this thread.


I had just picked up a Dev. Squad to help flesh out my in-progress Dark Angels 3rd Company. When I got home I started going through a previous Dev box that I had only partly used, when I was in the process of adding a couple heavy troopers to my now-retired Black Templar squads. Out of the original box I only used a single plasma cannon and heavy bolter, so I have a lot of wiggle room on extras. But even better than that is I discovered enough spare legs (non-kneeling poses) lying around to build another 5 complete marines that were not part of the box I just bought. I had forgotten that I still had two sets of legs in the old Dev box, two more were already on my work area (from a Command squad I think) and another was in a Tac box. To top it off I also found an unclaimed signum.


And last but not least, I had just finished the first half of the 7th (Assault) squad (with their jump packs), so I had 5 extra torsos that did not have harnesses on them, which means that I could build two more marines in kneeling poses, for a total of 12 guys between the new box and leftovers from all the other bitz I had.


I remembered having a lot of spare weapons, but I did not recall having enough spare body parts to build an entire 5-man squad from scratch.


4 lascannons, 2 missile launchers, 2 heavy bolters, 2 plasma cannons and 2 sgts w/ signa.....any questions? :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

And we're back...


Over a month since the last post - sheesh!  I blame life getting in the way.


Cheers Aquilanus - Yeah, that's the story I remember too - and why I wanted to include him in an army as well.  I just wish my painting was better so that I could capture it better.  Hey ho!  If you haven't read it, he appears in some of the Draco trilogy as well, and I believe he inflicts a host of other injuries upon himself there too!


@Chaos Rising - very cool.  Gotta love finding full squads and more in your bitz box.  Hope you made good use of them.  Are you going for a full DA company?  Or just bits and pieces of it?



So I managed to get some photos taken of my command squad - although the white balance on my camera looks like it's been altered since the last time i used it.  I'm too lazy to go back and fix it, but take my word for it that these are closer to reality than the pics of Lysander and D'Arquebus above.


Photobucket is still playing silly buggers, so while this post is pic heavy, hopefully it isn't too out of control.


Full Squad













Company Champion
















Standard Bearer






Melta Gunner








And that's where we're at with these.


So things that I can spot - I'm still getting to grips with weathering, so some of the metal chips are a little large, and I have a lot of weapons to drill, but other than that I think they're not too bad.  WHat d'ya reckon?


As always, comments and criticism welcome.






Edit - As an aside, comments on the choice of colours for the Company Champion would be appreciated. 


I made the assumption that the helmets and shoulder pad colours should reflect the company that the Champion represents (see GW Ultramarine champion with gold helmet and shoulder pad - I assumed this was because he was the 2nd Company Champion, and had gold heraldry, rather than it being an "I'm important, so I'll wear lots of gold bling" move). 


I also thought Gold would be a lousy choice for a yellow marine.



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@Widow - I have made good use of them, mainly by not using them until the new Devs were put together and I saw what I needed to build. I am going to use the old Dev sprue to build at least 2 lascannons, and as for the other stuff...I'm gonna build as needed. There tend to be a number of squishy armies near me ('nids, demons, etc) so I prefer weapons that can clear a good  chunk of the board at once, but I also do want some tank-busting power.


My DA production has slowed down a bit, but yes I am still planning on building an entire 3rd Company for the Dark Angels (as well as a handful of extras for weapon swaps). In addition to the 10 "usual" squads, (6 Tac, 2 assault and 2 Dev), I am thinking of adding in a Command Squad (why not) and a 3rd Company Dreadnought.


So far I have

Company master - power sword, back banner (decorative unless I use it as wargear)

Librarian (DV) - force sword (not assigned to the Company but tags along when needed)

1st Tactical Squad (the DV squad) - 1 plasma gun, 1 plasma cannon, 7 bolters, and sgt w/ plasma pistol and chainsword

2nd Tactical Squad - 9 bolters and 1 plasma gun

7th Assault Squad (1st half) - 2 flamers and chainswords, 2 bolt pistols and chainswords, sgt w/  poweraxe and bolt pistol

9th Dev (1st half) - 2 missile launchers, 2 heavy bolters, sgt w/ lightning claw and plasma pistol


Currently the 3rd Tactical Squad is in the works (just started) with plans for anti-armor weapons, but I haven't decided how I want to equip them. I'm thinking double multi melta, but I may do multi-melta and missile launcher.

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Thanks for stopping by folks. The next set are almost ready for posting. Should be able to get them up in the next couple of days.


Thanks 1000Heathens. Glad you like him. I love that whole range of veteran models - mad props to the sculptor.


Cheers Kierdale. I appreciate the comments. I HAD to have D'Arquebus. And I'm glad you like the weathering and the yellow. Both were experiments so I'm glad they meet with approval.


@ChaosRising. Nice. Sounds like a solid start to the company. I look forward to seeing them. I have almost a full 3rd company and a bunch of deathwing. I thought they were on B&C, but I guess they got lost in the warp. I well repost them all when I get round to finishing the WIP models.


As always, Thanks for the comments folks.





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And we're back...


 I have the first half of a tactical squad for your perusal.
























As always,


Comments and criticism are welcome.





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  • 1 month later...

And we're back...

Well, I'm hoping that the last combat squad slipped by without folks noticing. Either that, or they were so poor no-one bothered commenting on them cry.gif

Either way, I have the second half of the squad for you perusal. As per usual, the bolters need drilled (this is laziness - but the laziness which prevents me going and buying new drill bits, not that I just forgot) pinch.gif Again, I think I may have gone overboard with the battle damage, but see what you think.

Full Squad


Marine 1



Marine 2



Marine 3



Marine 4



Multi-Melta Marine



As always, comments and criticism are welcome



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  • 2 weeks later...

And we're back...


@DeathSpectersgt7 - Thanks for commenting, I appreciate it.


OK, so today I have the first half of the second Tactical Squad for your perusal.  And I think I fixed my white balance, so these should be a little closer to reality.


See what you think.


Full Squad












Marine 1







Marine 2






Marine 3






Melta Marine






As always, comments and criticism welcome.





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Here's a comment for you.


Oh my Emperor... These are incredible! The damage, the weathering, absolutely sublime!


Well and truly inspired to put paint to my siege vanguard. The weathering is awesome, what are you using?


Not to mention, your technique for the painted pathos damage makes these sing!


Incidentally, you've used my absolute favourite space marine model in the veteran sergeant with the storm bolter and power maul. I have to get hold of a new one soon for my own fists!


Again, incredible work. Love love love them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers MasterBuilder, you are far too kind!


The weathering is basically layers of stippling. I used 4 layers of paint, none of which completely obscure the one below, meaning some of the base will always be seen on the feet, and you'll still see the Armour color through bits of the top coat. It's a simple process, but there's 2 things to bear in mind.


Most importantly, you need to figure out where the mud would reach on the model. This is a pretty obvious, statement and very easy to find on the standing Marines, but it is worth pointing out so you hit the right level on the kneeling or running Marines.


Second, the paint choice will be determined by the paints used on the bases. Whatever you used to paint (and highlight) your base will work pretty well to weather the marine.


I pictured the mud being pretty high up the shin, but I figured that the stuff at the highest point would be drier (and therefore lighter) than the feet. I found works better done backwards (light to dark).


I started with Scorched Brown on the feet and bottom edges of the greaves. I didn't try to totally cover the yellow, but I did make sure the deepest cracks were covered.


Next, I used graveyard earth on the top part of feet and lowest part off the greaves. Again, this is not meant to be a solid layer, and the Scorched Brown and yellow well be visible in places.


Third, was kommando khaki mainly on the bottom half of the greaves only, but if there's over soil onto the feet, tats fine. You don't have to be too accurate, and I think it looks more natural if you're a little messy.


Finally, I used bleached bone starting about 2/3 of the way up the greaves, and going down toward the bottom third if the greaves. This is the dry earth, so don't go down too low.


Hopefully this helped - honestly it probably took longer to type than it took to paint them. I look forward to sing yours when posted.


Thanks again for the compliments. I'll have more posted soon.





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Ah your all good my man, they are stunning.


My major love at the moment every time I look over them is the battle damage. I mean the multi melta marine took a headshot for sure, which makes perfect sense as you would target heavies or support troops with your sharpshooters!


The effect is beautiful though, I've used a similar effect myself in the past with green marines (dark eagles and sons of medusa), working up in stages of: a darker colour of your original to represent the scorching, blended into black and with light metallics for the centre of the scarring/damage.


The use of the iron hands bitz here is great. I'll be using grey trim to represent the assault company for my siege assault squads.


This will be using my own IH bits and bionics to represent the downside of the violent 8th company lifestyle.


I lime your depiction of the fists using so many bionics. Surely after a long time fighting, the occasional flesh wound is likely, and at close quarters for me, I'd expect a higher prevalence of bionic replacement!


Thanks heaps for the weathering tips. I'm not sure what I'll be using for them yet. I like the idea of s dusty breach being stormed... Plenty of while and light grey for me to represent the pulverised concrete dust..


I'm looking forward to an update!

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  • 1 month later...

And we're back....


So these will be the last of the Imperial Fists for a while.  I have a squad of terminators from a mix of Assault on Black Reach and other left over bits that I managed to cobble together, and a vindicator to come, but I'm gonna leave those for a bit and paint some other stuff first....


The final installment is a small Devastator Squad.  Take a look and see what you think,














And the army so far...





Comments and criticism are welcome as always.


Next up will be something a little different...




Check back soon for more.



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To take these from being good to great I feel that you need to really concentrate on the details, e.g the plasma pistol handle is yellow in the palm and not on the top and it looks like you just missed it. Drill those bolters, it makes a HUGE difference. All of your piping is metallic except for the backpacks and the helmet grills (i'm no expert but it seems that painting over a ventilation grill would knacker it up). Finally think about where you apply your battle damage. Have a few goes at diving or sliding for cover at home and see which parts of your body take the most impact, look at which parts of your shoes get scuffed up the most, and go for a run through the mud to see how it gets all kicked up along the backs of your legs.


This is not a criticism of your painting quality, as it is good, but to kick on to the next level I think these are some of the things you need to address. I look forward to seeing more in the future.


Your brother in brushwork, Ratboy x

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Thanks Ratboy1664 - some very helpful comments there. Nice catch on the bolter grip, I ABSOLUTELY missed that. Good eyes. And yeah, you're right. I suck at drilling bolters. One of these days, I'm gonna sit down and drill all my models. Should only take a week or so wallbash.gif

I appreciate your comments about the battle damage and weathering. This army was my first attempt at adding realism, and by the time I figured out I didn't like the way it was coming out, I was too far gone to stop. Next time I'll be using the less is more train of thought. I may go back and redo it all, but that'll be down the line. I'll definitely use your comments when I get to my Deathguard though.

Thanks for stopping by.


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  • 5 weeks later...

And we're back...


Moving on from the Imperial Fists, the next models up on the painting block are some Grey Knights that I've had kicking about for eons

First up are the command elements...






















They're a little quick and dirty, but I'm fairly happy with the way they turned out.  The camera washed them out a little, the shading is a little crisper in real life, but you get picture.


As always, comments and criticism welcome.





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