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And we're back.

Well, that last post seemed to slip by without being noticed. Let's hope this provokes more of a reaction tongue.png

So rank and file Grey Knights next. One squad done many, many years ago, the other more recent - which do you prefer?













As always, comments and criticism are welcome. Terminators are coming soon.



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I like your Draigo, very well done, but I hate (personally) using the normal mark of TDA for librarians... I used Aegis TDA, though I'm planning to rework my own librarian.


As far as the PA, I like the older better, but that's cause I have never been very partial to the blued silver. Lol. Still, over all your models, I must say you have done an outstanding job. Truly truly impressed with your talent


Edit: sorry, one last criticism... you may want to paint over the edge if your bases where you have had some paint splashes. It's a minor critique though. I think it will make your models even sharper

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I prefer the second 'newer' batch of Grey Knights because of the blueish tinge, just goes to show that there are no right answers when painting, just ideas and opinions. And on that note one opinion I have is that I feel the piping on the armour joints should be a darker silver to the armour. At the moment it looks a bit rushed because it is all the same colour, whereas darker piping would pick out the model's details and make your lovely silver 'pop' even more. The power weapons are excellent, really nicely done.

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Thanks for the comments guys.


@Grand Master Caloth. Thanks. Draigo was fun to do. I know what you mean about using the standard libby in a GK Army, but I had a spare one I had to use, so he for nominated for the role :-) Once I get my unpainted models down to a suitable level, I may go but some more aegis suits and add another Librarian. Time will tell. And good point about the bases. I thought about that when I took the photos, and just blew it off. Thanks for keeping me honest.


@Ratboy - Thanks man. Yeah. That's a good point about the piping. I have been looking at them thinking they look... I dunno, unfinished? Rushed? Amateurish? I think redoing the piping would help. Maybe going back and picking out some of the joints in the Armour plate better as well?


Thanks again for looking. Keep the comments coming.





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And we're back...


The first of the Terminator Squads is ready to be posted.  See what you think.


Group Shot




And Individually












So, it occurred to me as I took the pics, I am back in the trap of not having drilled the bolters.  Apologies for that, but I will take care of it soon.


Otherwise, comments and criticism are welcome as always.





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  • 2 weeks later...

And we're back with the second squad of terminators... with a slightly older school look.














And that's all she wrote.  I really want to go back and add some vehicles, and perhaps a Dreadknight, but I need to make more of a dent in the stockpile of unpainted plastic before I let myself buy any new toys.


For completeness sake, this is how the Grey Knights look to date






Up next (I think) will be a few Deathwatch marines.


As always, comments and criticism are welcome.





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Thanks Darth Potato, I appreciate it.  I know what you mean about the older ones having something the new lack - not sure what it is either...  I think it might be something to do with the poses, which give them a certain presence that the new ones lack - they just look "heavier".


But we're moving on from Grey Knights, and into the Chamber Militant of a different branch of the Inquisition, the Deathwatch of Ordo Xenos.


I started some of these a long time back, so some old timers may remember some of these from a WIP post before the fall.  They will be fielded as Sternguard, but as you will see, some allowance will have to be made for their weapon load outs.  Each Squad was designed to be broken down into combat squads, and eventually each will have (for fluff purposes only at this point) a Captain, a Librarian, and some form of specialist (chaplain, tech-marine etc).


First up, Deathwatch Squad - Vengeance


Vengeance Squad, Combat Squad 1






Vengeance Squad, Combat Squad 1 - individually


Brother Captain Lucius Macro - Sons of Orar Chapter




Brother Konrad Balk - Iron Knights Chapter




Brother Pallius  - Silver Skulls Chapter




Brother Temujin - White Scars Chapter




Brother Cadoc - Iron Hands Chapter





Vengeance Squad, Combat Squad 2






Vengeance Squad - Combat Squad 2 (Individually)


Librarian - Brother Ashok - Angels Sanguine Chapter




Brother Torismond - Death Strike Chapter




Brother Torin "Trollbane" Ulrickson - Space Wolf Chapter (Ragnar's Great Company)




Brother [unknown] - Angel of Vengeance Chapter




Brother Argos - Iron Snakes Chapter




As always, Comments and criticism welcome.





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And we're back with some more Deathwatch...


Deathwatch Squad  - Retribution


Retribution Squad - Combat Squad 1






Retribution Squad - Combat Squad 1 (Individually)


Brother Captain Durus Vettias - Black Consuls Chapter




Techmarine Hephaestus- Iron Hands Chapter




Brother Degtyaryov - Mentor Legion




Brother Wayland- Salamander Chapter




Brother Durendal - Imperial Knight Chapter




Retribution Squad - Combat Squad 2






Retribution Squad - Combat Squad 2 (Individually)


Librarian - Brother Gusion - Consecrators Chapter






Brother Ogedai - Storm Lords Chapter




Brother Rhage - Flesh Tearers Chapter




Brother Friedrich Kraus - Black Templars Chapter




Brother Audax - Genesis Chapter





As always, comments and criticism welcome.





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Thanks ValkyrieUndead, I appreciate it. It was a fun conversion to do - althoug I wish I'd had a finecast model to work with, not the old lead one.

Anyways, for your viewing pleasure we have one more Deathwatch Squad. See what you think.

Deathwatch Squad - Reprisal

Reprisal Squad - Combat Squad 1



Reprisal Squad - Combat Squad 1 (Individually)

Brother Captain Quintus Maximus Scipio - Ultramarines Chapter


Brother Chaplain Heinrich Voss - Black Templars Chapter


Brother Einar Skolle, The Silver Wolf - Space Wolf, Sven Bloodhowl's Great Company


Brother Atreus - Raptors Chapter


Brother Pyrax - Novamarines Chapter


Reprisal Squad - Combat Squad 2



Reprisal Squad - Combat Squad 2 (Individually)

Librarian - Brother Telemnus - Executioners Chapter


Brother Rauch - Exorcists Chapter


Brother Tristan d'Monfort - Howling Griffons Chapter


Brother Sorath - Dark Angels Chapter


Brother Keilor - Doom Eagles Chapter


I still have to paint the Howling Griffon and Space Wolf chapter icons, I'm working up to it msn-wink.gif

Other than that (and the bolters needing to be drilled), comments and criticism are welcome.



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Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments. I'm just about finished with a more mobile squad, which will be run as Vanguard vets.


@Darth Potato, thanks, I enjoyed being able to use my spare Ezekiel in this army. Beyond a little green stuff, it was a remarkably easy conversion to do. My personal favorite is the Black Templars' Chaplain, partly because the conversion of the Chaos Warrior legs actually worked (I'd seen it done, but this was my first attempt), but also because he came pretty close to what I had in my head.


Thanks for the comment Corporal_Chaos. I appreciate it.





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And we're back!


This time, something a little different - a Deathwatch Assault Squad.  I'll likely run it as a Vanguard Vet Squad, but as with the Sternguard rules, allowance might need to be given for the weapons load-outs.


So, without further ado, I give you Deathwatch Squad - Bellicose


Bellicose Squad -  Combat Squad 1






Bellicose Squad -  Combat Squad 1 (Individually)


Brother Captain Castiel - Blood Angels Chapter




Brother Chaplain Tarik - Storm Giants Chapter




Brother Ban Nex - Raven Guard Chapter




Brother Stelios - Scythes of the Emperor Chapter




Brother Mathias - Sons of Medusa Chapter




Bellicose Squad -  Combat Squad 2






Bellicose Squad -  Combat Squad 2 (Individually)


Librarian Shaidan - Mantis Warriors Chapter




Brother Holos - Blood Drinkers Chapter




Brother Diomedes - Blood Ravens Chapter




Brother Hektion -  Aurora Chapter




Brother Artemis - Scythes of the Emperor Chapter




I noticed as I posted these, that there was some bronze over painting on the chest of the Blood Drinker, which I hadn't seen earlier.  I will fix that, and perhaps the tattoos on the Mantis librarian, and re-post shortly.  Other than that, what d'ya think? 


Next up will be a small Devastator squad.


As always, comments and criticism are welcome.





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  • 1 month later...

And we're back...

So, no love for the vanguard, huh? unsure.png Oh well. Lets see how the Devastator's fare. Let me present Deathwatch Squad - Vigilance...

Vigilance Squad -



Vigilance Squad (Individually)

Brother Captain Raphael Ortiz - Crimson Fist Chapter


Brother Varro - Ultramarines Chapter


Brother Alexis Octavian - Imperial Fist Chapter


Brother Arcadia - Revilers Chapter


Brother Cellini - Lamenters Chapter


I (mostly) like how these turned out. The paint job isn't 100%, the bolters need drilled, and there's a horrible mold line on the Crimson Fist's power fist...

But... these are the old metal minis, so adding the DW shoulder pad was unnecessarily fiddly. You kids with your 100% plastic Devastator Squads have no idea how lucky you are tongue.png

Oh, I think I also need to go back and fix the Revilers' shoulder pad. I think the lightning bolt goes the wrong way, so right now it is more Rampager than Reviler. Anyone able to clarify for me?

So, this marks the last of the Deathwatch for a while. I want to add some transports to them, but I'm trying to wait till I am further through my pile o' plastic before I make new purchases. When I restarted painting these, I had an idea to use them as the Elite sections for a 'Nid-hunting themed force of Ultras. I have a bunch of old metal Ultras and vets that will eventually fulfill this dream. To close out, here is the whole Deathwatch Contingent (to Date)



Next up will be something a little different - there is an ill-wind blowing...

As always, comments and criticism welcome.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Seeing as I have posted on here more than once, I thought it would be kind of fitting if I actually showed you some of my work. I apologize in advance for the photo quality - it's not nearly as awesome as what you guys have created (although it was the best I could manage at the time without clicking until my finger fell off).


Anyway. I give you....


Deathwing Chaplain/non-Deathwing (Interrogator) Chaplain in Terminator Armor. [sorry....no name for him - yet].


Front: http://postimg.org/image/61yx6ofwp/full/

Right side: http://postimg.org/image/agytu0pgb/full/


I painted the storm bolter a little more fancy than normal so that I could reasonably pass it off as Foe Smiter (otherwise it would be yet another red and silver storm bolter). The mace is his crozius. I didn't have any other crozius-esque items on hand, and I felt it looked suitably menacing for  a DA Interrogator Chaplain, especially if he was leading a DW contingent (particularly DWK).

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And we're back...







I can't unsee how badly that sword is bent out of shap.. Is that an actual Failcast or a recast?

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Hey folks, thanks for all the comments.


@Corporal Chaos - Thanks mate, I appreciate it. Next set of models are almost ready to go up.


@ChaosRising - From what I can tell, that's a pretty nice looking Chaplain. From a pic point of view, can I suggest trying 1) a tripod to steady the camera; 2) a macro function, if you have one, too get closer to the model and cut blur; and 3) cropping the photo via whatever hosting service you have. I know photobucket let's you do it, and it's a free site (with no pop up ads). From a painting/modeling point of view, it looks like a pretty solid start. Nice load out, and good coverage. It looks like it could benefit from some shading and highlighting though, but I couldn't get close enough to really tell I'm afraid :-( look forward to seeing more though.


@Appiah5 - actually neither. Like almost 60% of the figures in this thread, Stern is an an original metal model. I agree with you about the sword, but it's been bent and rebent so often I was afraid to try to straighten it any more in case I broke it completely. It's a little fragile round the hilt area. It bugs me, but what are you gonna do?


Thanks again. Like I said, stay tuned, more should be coming soon.





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Very impressed with all of these - t'is quite interesting to see all the different sets you've drawn pieces from, and I can imagine you had a lot of fun thinking of creative ways to convey each of the different characters. Methinks your dual-sword Librarian is my personal favourite.

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Widowmaker, thanks for the compliments. I finally figured out what I had to do to get a sharper image.


So, with that said, here's the same termie chaplain, but better image quality.


Front: http://postimg.org/image/5xrsa46u3/

Right: http://postimg.org/image/fbe3nunyx/

Rear: http://postimg.org/image/r2gacmfah/

Left: http://postimg.org/image/g5rlb1jbp/


The first of my three dreadnoughts for my DA 3rd Battle Company formation for Apocalypse. The store only had a Venerable Dreadnought kit when I was there, so I had to get a little inventive with how best to make a Ven. Dread look a little less Venerable so that I didn't have to put it in the D.W. and buy 3 more kits, rather than 2. Eventually I decided on a fallen 3rd Co (interrogator) chaplain.


Front: http://postimg.org/image/gr9aw8kdb/

Right: http://postimg.org/image/9e69sud5h/

Rear: http://postimg.org/image/mu3l4a19l/

Left: http://postimg.org/image/8g9r6rfad/

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And we're back....

Thanks for the comments folks, I appreciate it.

@Samnite - Thanks mate. Yeah, it was a fun exercise. Great way of using up a bitz box tongue.png I have a few more in mind, but I still want to reduce my stockpile of plastic and metal before circling back. The only exception is a couple of dreads I'm seriously thinking of adding to the army. And maybe some tanks. And maybe a flyer. You see why I'm my own worst enemy. wacko.png

@charlo - Thanks, I appreciate it!

@Reckoning34 - Cheers mate. Steal away, I'd consider it a compliment!

@ChaosRising - Those are much better pics. You're off to a great start. Love the pose on the Chappy. My biggest comment right now, is that you need some washes and further highlights to make him stand out a bit more. Black is a pain in the tail to do this with, but without shades and highlights the models start looking a little flat. I'm not the best painter, but this is a Fallen Terminator I put together a while back. The gradations are slight, but (I think) it makes it a little less flat.


Anyway, good luck on the rest of the models.

So, We're moving out of the Deathwatch for a bit... I have 2 Dreads constructed to add to the army, but I'm gonna circle back in a while... for now I want to paint something a little different.

What I have for your viewing pleasure today is my newly minted Death Guard. I had started painting these when they first came out, stopped, picked up some FW parts, but never got around to putting them together. The project has been languishing for about 7 years not. I'm gonna post a pick of the original Typhus, just so you see where they started.

Original Typhus.


So, as much as I liked that scheme, I love the new white scheme that has started popping up. Apologies for the photos - I seem to have mislaid my usual camera, so I'm working through the kinks of using my DSLR. Some of the focus points are a little off, and the colour balance is not quite right - the base rims are Black for instance... but you get the idea.

Newer model



Death Guard Lord - I need to work on his face more. I don't like how it comes out in these pics.



Terminator Squad






And I just spotted the mold line on the combi melta furious.gif


Chaos Marine Squad









As you can see, the squads are in groups of 7... this is partly for fluff reasons, but partly due to how many marines I had at the time. By the end, I'll have exactly 49 Chaos marines, and the 7 marines in terminator armour. I kind of wish I'd only picked up 42 PA marines, just so it would be a truly favoured armour, but hindsight is 20/20.

If you are familiar with my work, you know I suck at drilling bolters. I will get to it at some point. Probably.

Anyway, as always, comments and criticism are welcome.



Edited for better color balance.

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