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So, I have several more squads of Death Guard ready to go before the camera.


Somewhat annoyingly though, the models and my camera are separated by about 3,500 miles. I hope to rectify that situation next month, but till then I'm gonna have to show you what's been coming off the paint table most recently.


I picked up some FW World Eater bitz at the same time as the Death Guard - must have been on a Chaos kick or something. Anyway, they're still under the paint brush, but will be finished soon. I do have a Daemon Prince though...








As you might be able to tell, he's a blend of Daemon Prince and Morghast Archai - the second of two (first can be found in my Fallen thread). The paint job is a little rushed, but it's serviceable (When I photographed it, I noticed several areas of white where the washes hadn't properly hit, which I'm annoyed about, but there you go).


2 squads of berserker and some Terminators coming soon.


As always, comments and criticism are welcome.





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Hah! Agreed and agreed Quixus.


I was trying to get the axe to look like a great lump of stone. I should probably put some marbling onto it in order to enhance that effect.


As to the middle finger... Yeah, I got nuthin' :D Seems like a weird way to sculpt a hand to me, but there you go.


I appreciate you taking the time to comment.


More to come soon.





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Thanks Zeller, I appreciate it.


The bone is really easy to do - I'm gonna give you a longish list of steps, but it is just simple layering.


Over white layer...


Zandri Dust

Seraphim Sepia (quite heavy wash)

Zandri Dust

Ushabati Bone

Seraphim Sepia (thin wash)

Ushabati Bone

Screaming Skull

Seraphim Sepia (thin wash)

Screaming Skull


You could probably skip some of the middle steps (the Ushabati bone steps), but the more layers you do, the smoother the transition will be. It's trying to look like wet blending without all the fuss and muss of actually wet blending :D


How it helps.





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  • 4 weeks later...



So I got the chance to head home for a bit and got some pics of the Death Guard I have painted up. Continuing on from my earlier DG post, I have several squads to show. To break them up, I'm gonna put them in two posts... it'll also give me time to edit them all.


These photos aren't the best, but they'll give an idea of what I was going for...


Squad 2




And individually...




















Squad 3




And Individually...

















Squad 4




And Individually...
















The sharp eyed will see that I'm missing one skaven back pack (actually two, but that's another story - and another squad...) and I need to drill some barrels. Other than that, in relatively happy with how they turned out.


More soon.


As always, comments and criticism are welcome.





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Time for many, many more Death Guard...


Squad 5




And individually...
















Havoc Squad 1




And individually,
















Havoc Squad 2




And individually...
















And family photo (though I think I might have hit my limit for pics in a single post)...




As always, I need bolters drilled. You'll also see the second missing skaven backpack. Other then that, as always, comments and criticism are welcome.





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So... No love for the Death Guard, huh? Is it due to the lousy pics? Or the lousy models? Any feed back would be appreciated folks.


Well, either way, things must move on, and I have more to post. I'm back to the World Eaters... a Lord on Juggernaut, and some Terminators. Once again, I'm afraid the pics are poor, but they give the general idea.










And the Terminators...








And individually...





As mentioned - apologies for the lousy pics. They are a lot better IRL than they appear in these pics.


I don't have many more WE - only 2 berserker squads and 2 Defilers at the moment... I have plans to add to the force; 3 additional beserker squads at least, some Raptors, and some tanks, but that'll only happen once I get further through the pile o' plastic that caused this project.


That being said, I'm nearly there.


With Imperial Fists, Deathwatch, Grey Knights, Death Guard and most of my World Eaters done, I have broken the back of the pile. I have a Demi-Company of Ultramarines (1st Company), and a Rogue Trader and retinue to go. Then I can get on to new projects... that is if I ignore the piles of models waiting to join my Fallen, my Space Wolves, and my Dark Angels. And of course the distinct lack of armor in all these armies....




So many projects, so little time (and money).


Thanks for looking folks, and as always, comments and criticism are welcome.





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Bueller... Bueller... Bueller...


OK children, are we sitting comfortably? It's time for the next installment - this time World Eater Beserker squads.


First Squad








And individually,





Second Squad








And individually,





And family shot...




Again, I apologize for the badly taken, out of focus pics, but they do serve to document my progress.


As always, comments and criticism are welcome. Go on... you know you want to... :D





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HELL YES, slaughter brother. Impeccable work.

I really like that you don't have trophy racks on your terminators. I decided not to use them, myself. Well, more like they broke off in storage and the decision was made for me. tongue.png

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Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments.


@Venomlust. Thanks man. Yeah. No trophy racks for these guys. Partly I like the sleeker look, but partly I don't think they fit real well given the bunny rats.


@ ElDuderino - Hah! You have no idea. Well, thankfully, it's not too bad any more, but yeah, it was getting silly. The worst thing was most of it wasn't even "in" the Bitz box, but still on sprues. I think I suffer from the shiny new toy syndrome.


Ultramarines well be next - somehow I managed to amass a stupid number of the metal Tyrannic war vets and old Sternguard. Figured they'll make a nice base for a Demi Company.


Thanks again, and as always, comments and criticism are welcome.





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  • 1 month later...

Greetings one and all,


OK, so I lied... sort of...


The Ultramarines are coming, but they're not going to be next. Though, just to whet your appetites, I do have my test model to post. What d'ya think?




However, the real meat and potatoes of today's post are my Rogue Trader war band. Yes, I know that in game terms these will have to be an inquisitor and retinue, but since I rarely play, I figure I can call them what I want.


Let me introduce you to...


Rogue Trader Kristoffer Coulquitt Culzean.


House Culzean holds a relatively new Warrant of Trade, dating back less than 250 years.


The Patriarch of the family, Dalziel Colquitt, II, was a Lord-Captain in the Imperial Navy assigned to the Segmentum Pacificus. Admired and feared in equal measure by his subordinates, his superiors were somewhat less enamoured of his presence in the Segmentum. Although an acknowledged master of void warfare and being blessed with an unrivaled record of victories, Colquitt was also seen as being something of a maverick... Although never actually disobeying orders, Colquitt frequently interpreted his superiors' directives so loosely, that without his success to stand behind, he would long ago have been killed - either by the enemies of the Imperium, or by the on board representative of the Commissariat.


During the year 765.M41, Colquitt was assigned to a supposed "milk-run". Commanding the Dictator class cruiser, Swift Death, and in overall command of two additional Cobra class ships, Colquitt was ordered to escort 10 troop ships full of imperial guard and 25 support ships between Hydraphur and Macharia for refitting, resupply, and redeployment. Whilst preparing to translate into warp space en route to Macharia, only equal quantities of luck and reflexes saved them from complete destruction as an ork space hulk burst through the veil into reality into the midst of their convoy and started disgorging fighters. After a fierce battle, during which Culzean lost one escort ship, eight troop carriers, and fifteen support ships and suffered severe damage to the remainder of his fleet, the majority of the orks were defeated. Once the fighters were defeated, Culzean was able to send troops to board the hulk and strike back against the ork warlord himself.


It is still unknown where the hulk came from, or where it was going, although Imperial scholars have suggested it was perhaps part of a raiding party traveling from the Veiled Region into the deeper Imperium. Regardless of its destination, its history changed the direction of the Culzean family forever. Normally, the loss of over half a Captain's fleet might have been cause for "concern". That day, however, Culzean must have caught the eye of the Emperor, as Explorator teams searching the space hulk found a partial STC database in one of the ships making up the hulk. Culzean was given the choice of promotion to Admiral, or the chance to leave Navy with the reward of his choice... money... power... even governorship... whatever he desired.


He chose to leave.


Requesting a Warrant of Trade and the continued use of "Swift Death", a new Rogue Trader dynasty was born.


As the fourth son of his father, rather than going into the family business, Kristoffer had his eyes set on a career in the Navy. Having already purchased a commission, days before his planned embarkation he received news that his father, his two elder brothers had been killed along with their entire fleet. Details are still scarce as to exactly how the fleet was lost. The final radio transmissions picked up from the ships consisted mainly of static interspersed with unintelligible screaming. While traitor marines are suspected of being involved, xenos reavers such Eldar, or perhaps even the Necron cannot be ruled out.


Inheriting the family business in such a way came as a blow to the young Kristoffer, but he adapted superbly. Moving the focus of the family business from shipping to exploration and trade, he started to expand the reach of the Culzean Dynasty at a prodigious rate. Kristoffer is an incredibly urbane individual; charming, intelligent and civilized, but he is also absolutely ruthless, absolutely lethal and absolutely uncompromising. He has inherited the military skills of his great grandfather, Dalziel, as well as all the commercial acumen accumulate by Dalziel's offspring. He trades with anyone that can make him a profit... imperial governors, his family's navy contacts, even xenos empires. He also has inherited the luck of his great-grandfather, Dalziel... in trade or in combat he never seems to lose. Ever.


Kristoffer wears an ancient suit of power armor - while it has been worn by three previous members of his family, none of them died while wearing it. He carries several weapons whenever he leaves the ship - some more overt than others.


Most obvious is the Calabrian hunting rifle. The rifle has built in sound, flash and recoil suppressors. The scope has a range finder; wind, thermal and barometric sensors; and allows the user to see in the dark, in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums. This information, when fed to machine spirit of the rifle, allows the shooter to move from target to target almost instantaneously, regardless of changing weather conditions or distance. Chambered for both standard .50 caliber explosive bolts, and the somewhat less dramatic but no less effective, needle rounds, there is little Kristoffer cannot terminate at will.


Kristoffer also carries a executor combi-pistol, although no one knows quite how he obtained it. He has a back up bolt pistol, several digital weapons and a cane concealing a power sword.








I built the warband several years ago, which means that although I still like the idea of this guy, the GS work isn't as good as I'd like it to be. The lack of hard edges on the model has also means I'm not 100% happy with the paint jobs... it's hard to do edge lining with no edges to paint. I might redo him later, but for now I'm leaving him as done.


Unlike usual, when I batch paint squads to ensure uniformity, I don't have the need for conformity with an inquisitorial warband. This means I'm going to try to use this as a chance to improve my painting skills. Any thoughts or suggestions as how to improve my painting skills would be gladly appreciated.


As always, convents and criticism are welcome.





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I love that Rogue Trader, both the model and the fluff! I think you've done an excellent paint job and I'm not reallysure what to suggest for you to improve on. The UUltramarine is very nice too, by the way.
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Thanks folks, I appreciate it!


@Rojo - thank you, glad you like it! I'm not 100% happy, but mainly because the GS work want sharp enough to allow a better paint job.


@DSS7 - Cheers buddy! And yeah I live that TWV too... that entire range was awesome IMHO.


So, welcome back.


Today we continue with the Rogue Trader Warband. This time, we have an actual Inquisitor... someone whose presence Culzean finds as useful as it is inconvenient. See what you think.


Inquisitor Kurtz


Accompanying Kristoffer Culzean on his journeys, though rarely seen in public, is the imposing figure of Inquisitor Kurtz. Ostensibly, Kurtz is traveling with Culzean to ensure that he does not go too far in his dealings with the xenos cultures he encounters. In reality however, Kurtz gives him a long leash - benefitting from the flow of information that arises from Culzean's dealings with the xenos and their sympathizers.


A member of the Ordo Xenos, Kurtz has operated in the Segmentum Pacificus for most of his career. An unusually bellicose and unforgiving individual, he is widely disliked by both friend and foe. His exact age is unknown, but tales of his exploits have been told throughout the Segmentum for over two centuries.


The oldest stories - now frequently regarded as myth rather than fact - have him leading his men into the thick of battle, a towering man in white plate, crushing the enemies of the Imperium without compunction. People whisper tales of him in dark corners; stories of him culling entire civilizations if he felt that they represented a threat to humanity His name is spoken with fear and loathing throughout the Segmentum by xenos and their sympathizers alike, though most believe that he perished decades ago.


Few specifics are known of Kurtz's origins and early career. Like many of his Ordo, he has an intense hated of xenos in all their forms, however he has no qualms over using their technology against them... which places his beliefs and behavior firmly into the Radical end of the spectrum. Kurtz lost his left leg sometime during his years as an acolyte to his previous master. The Ordo gifted him a bionic leg, one so technologically advanced, the loss never slowed him in combat. The leg is so ornate that it became something of an identifying mark for Kurtz. Combined with his archaic white power armor, his war gear ensured that his enemies never missed him when he entered a battlefield. He carries a graviton pistol and a two handed power sword given to him by Culzean.


Today, Kurtz rarely makes planetfall, finding it more effective to continue his fight from the shadows when he can. Remaining on his flagship, Shield of the Innocent, he runs a network of agents spread throughout the Segmentum; one which feeds him information on all types of xenos related activities. From overt actions, such as weapons and drug trades, to the more surreptitious moral threats typified by the "Greater Good" espoused by the Tau of the Ultima Segmentum, Kurtz hears it all. Some information Kurtz will act on directly, imposing the sanctions he sees fit. Other information he will pass on to Culzean; allowing the Rogue Trader to exploit it for his own gain. Which, of course, also allows for further details to be revealed by the unsuspecting traders without them ever knowing they are feeding information to the Inquisition.


Culzean met Kurtz during a trading run on Verghast, in the Sabbat Worlds Sector. It was a tense first meeting. An inquisitor dropping in during the middle of a weapons deal will often have that effect. Especially when those weapons are of xenos origin. It took all of Culzean's considerable charm and guile to avoid being immediately executed by the Inquisitor. Instead a tentative alliance was formed. An alliance which has, over time, turned into, if not an actual friendship, certainly healthy mutual respect.


While Culzean has benefited from their relationship, and Kurtz's rather lax views toward the prohibition on trading with xenos, Culzean has often found Kurtz's presence to be something of a double edged sword. On one memorable occasion early in their relationship, Culzean had discovered a planet a short warp jump into the Veiled Region. Encountering a previously unknown xenos species, Culzean found artisans able to produce exquisite jewelry, works of art that made men cry when they gazed upon them, and weapons so technologically advanced as to seem to be witchcraft. Culzean, of course, saw a lucrative opportunity to be exploited. Having finished trade negotiations with the species, successfully securing exclusive trade rights between the planet and his dynasty for several centuries to come, Culzean started shipping the first of several loaders worth of artifacts to the Swift Death and his other transport ships.


At which point Kurtz launched the first virus-bomb at the planet.


Feeling that such an advanced species could become a threat to the Imperium, Kurtz had decided that it would be safer if the xenos species was eradicated before a threat was realized. Culzean was outraged... not so much at the loss of life, rather at the loss of profit. Especially given that the holds of his ships were not even close to full.


Culzean and Kurtz have since then come to an better working arrangement.


Though Kurtz will still on occasion eradicate those species he deems to be too dangerous to allow to exist, he now, allows Culzean to finish his trade dealings before implementing any such final sanctions. While still distressed at the loss of potential long term profits, this arrangement has allowed Culzean to ramp up the prices of the goods he does obtain, safe in the knowledge that his ships now contain the final artifacts of a dead race.


Kurtz's personality and reputation are such that traveling openly guarantees, at best, only an immediate end to any trade discussions. But this is not to say Culzean does not benefit from his presence. In battle, the military aid Kurtz can call on is considerable. In trade, Culzean, always willing to use any leverage he can, has been known to threaten adversaries with the possibility of Inquisitiorial involvement, or worse, should they not strike a deal more to Culzean's benefit. Unfortunately, as often as that ploy has worked, whispers of Kurtz's presence has chased potential buyers and sellers back into the shadows.


Kurtz is content to let Culzean play his games. He leaves Shield of the Innocent only in the direst of circumstances. Instead, he collects information, and decides how best to use it to protect humanity.


Whether he passes the information on to Culzean; sacrifices the entire population of a planet in hopes of protecting the sector; or decides to remove the threat surgically by once again donning his famed white power armor and leading men into battle, Kurtz is secure in the belief that everything he does is for the greater glory of the Imperium and the Emperor of mankind.







Kurtz is a recent addition to the Warband. He existed in a previous, much uglier form, so i redid the GS work... I'm kind of pleased with how he turned out. The edges still aren't sharp enough, but they are improving. I think that the paint job turned out reasonably well. This is the first time I have painted such a large area of white, and I'm fairly passed with the result. There is always room for improvement though, so any suggestions as to changes I can make, or tricks I can use in future would be appreciated.


As always, comments and criticism are welcome,





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