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jim's Space Wolves WIP


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Cheers! I eventually do want to start sculpting cloaks, but I'm willing to give the WoC cloaks a go for now as I start to get a feel for converting.


Don't know if you've ever used it but the cloak that comes with the marauders is a much easier fit on a marine model. However there's only 1 per kit to my knowledge,so they're not exactly worth the effort to track down. Shame that the marauder sculpts are pretty dated too as there are some nice bits you can use if you're going for a more feral look with the Wolves. Just doesn't warrant buying a whole box of them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mosesgun- Know them feels

The Wolf Time Never Ends


Did you notice?


The addition of the chaos back packs really helps them stand out as a squad, and it got me thinking along those lines.


Maybe if I just keep posting images the will appear in colour?

All they need now is trophie poles. So far in my campaign against the emperors enemies my Space Wolves have made war against:

Black Legion (lots of black legion around these parts)

Chaos Demons



Renegade Guard


Hmmm and thats it so far. So its time I started collecting trophies. Now that I have cloaks on my PA Wolf Guard, everything changes.


Horrible photo I know. But there they are. Would be better if there where 50, but they went to my Long Fangs while my mind was elsewhere.

So 40 Grey Hunters. Pinned arms and sub-assembles all nearly there. Convenient there are 5 sets of legs and 5 helmets also (including the wolf helm one), and 5 different bolters (including plasma). Curious very curious.

So each squad gets one helmet. This will make it a cinch to tell them apart, and also carries that whole legion vibe with it.

Its going to take some time though.

Tries to ensure that I could pull the two plasma guys out from each squad, and end up with a complete squad (in terms of which legs I use)

You follow? It will all become clear with time.

Same I'm tring to build two guys in each squad who are close combat orientated, pull them out and have a neat squad.

It gets confusing with power squads, power fists etc


Same again but with the old kits. I so love tinkering with painted miniatures.

So that will make 100 GreyHunters.


heres the long fangs and wolf guard. I have packed the termies away for now as I only have 3 of these nifty basket trays.










Looking forward to winter and settling into a proper routine.

I've written up a 2500pts list which is half painted, so might get things together, take some photos and make some vows.

Feeling pretty good about 7th, so far the only change is I get three dreads instead of one.

But my wallet is angry, very very angry.

I wish Forge World were doing Space Wolves already. I'm really hoping they go with MKII


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Cheers DS he is my favourite also.

He and his squad are next on the cards to be completed.

Cannot decide if I should do fancy bases or not.

Probably not. Things are fine the way they are.

But if I start hanging tropies poles around the place, I feel like they need to be balanced out somehow.


Having trouble getting good photos of whole squads at a time, and it's pointless anyway until I do abit more work on them.

Sprayed a rhino and a dread ready to paint when I realised my series 7 size 1 brush has finally died (lasted well over a year with inadequate mataince and constant abuse)

So I took a week of painting in mourning.

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Wowww 100 Grey Hunters...

Army pic methinks!! (I'll accept WIPs and PIPs too 'cause with that many it's still cool tongue.png)

You know how many models I've completed in the last year? 3. I'm not using them either now that I'm truescaling again..

So fair play there!!

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I want to build bases from dead chaos space marines (black legion)

And maybe some objective markers, with CSM being executed, dead space wolves etc....


It never ends really, going to always paint in squads of 5, with vehicles or dreads in between.

The only problem is the budget really, and the airbrush debate.

I do need one, I do want one.

Will I be able to colour match the tamiya colour? (it is ww2 so should be fine)

It will take some time to tame.

I will save money in the long run.



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Blissfull brushes: Lols it gets insanely hard to take photos of the whole army at once. And impossible to tell squads apart.

But rest assured we will be getting to know these squads.


I'm going to put my fighting army together along with transports as many points as I can muster, with un-bound armies this gives me a great target to get :cuss done.

So I will take some army photos then forsure.


I have 5 rhinos for the oldschool crew and 2 of 5 drop pods for the new school.

Might try to finish the current squad and do photos again on the weekend.

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Something like this





As you can see, the Berserker is scrambling away, in fear,



Having just witnessed The Space Wolf murder a possessed CSM, his sword now trapped under its corpse.




Will probably swap the demonette head for a possessed one. Implying The Space Wolf took his time decapitating the possessed one in front of the berserker, seeing that its mind was taken by fear.




This shot shows the bolt pistol, forgotton completely by the berserker. I think it would be cooler to have the berserker actually shooting his weapon at the Space Wolf, with the bullets bouncing harmlessly off his power armour. Again the berserker lacking the composure to make the crucial headshot.

I can see blood effects happening here.




Boy I love getting sidetracked.

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Athrawes - Cheeers mate, appreiciate the feedback.




I intend to finish up some things ive started here then will look into making some vows for the Space Wolves Forum, I'm dying to paint something atm.....

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I really like your Wolves, they are all so dynamic, each is a character in his own right and it is definitely something you should be proud of!


Yuuuuuuuup. This thread is awesome!


And that last model. That scene is fantastic!!!

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And we're back.


Lets just get straight to it.


Still alot of work to be done but getting closer.


First, The Wolf Lord.





Then, the Wolf Priest




Because the only thing cooler than Space Wolves, are Space Wolves wearing Black. He will keep the Swiftclaws in line in larger games.





Only just begun the conversion, as you understand. He and the Wolf Lord have had their legs done, so that puts them one step ahead of the next two.

Bam dom tish!



Thunder hammer storm sheild Wolf Guard Battle Leader









Only just realised he doesn't have his shoulder pads

Awefully tempted to give him some hanging handle bars, not really my kind of cool though.





Some new guy.

















Theres something about that face, and today I finally figured it out.
















Once again




Going to make boss level guns for all my biker lords to rep the twin-linked bolter I removed. Could see myself having alot of fun building Iron Hands bikers. Will eventually convert all the swiftclaws to this level.


Will go and get a group shot, as usual this was just the entree, up next, greyhunters!

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And now the Grey Hunters. All of them actually, decided to exclude the new space wolves plastics after all.


First up, the Grid.





Decided just now to name the squads, as I really like them.


This is squad Krellr (norse for spirit)




This is squad Hugr (also norse for spirit)






And this is squad Andi, again meaning spirit in norse.






Close ups and new paint scheme as we progress!!!


let me know your thoughts, better? worse?

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yes well getting there. Will actually stop and attempt to completely finish a squad before doing anymore.




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Okie dokie.

I have been experimenting with taking photos, and it looks like I am definitely going to have to make time to sort out a light box. So many loose ends with this hobby, though I do love tracking them all down.

Anywho, some Grey Hunter close ups for your perusal.

I will try to finish up mucking around, post up my new list and make some vows, and get some stuff painted. Largely boils down to not getting enough time at once to really get stuck into anything.

Plus I really love mucking around.

I am using the new tactical legs in a last ditch effort to avoid addition converting to my fighting army. I want to be able to play games with a painted army, and convert Space Marines for fun on the side. The secret secret plan was always just to cut the legs of and pin them back on, and make loin clothes etc to hide the gaps.

Plus once you chop their arms up a bit, they tend to shrink down, so that helps too.

But if your going that far you may as well space them, but then it follows you should space the waist, and bodies, etc.

Seeing as I have already pinned all the arms, im not keen to space the chests at all.

Im hoping the new tactical legs will do the job and buy my some time to attack the old plastic I do have, and see what can be done with it.

At the very least I can see some Iron Hands coming out of this.


Horrible photos, but here they are, I'll post my list soon, but its largely - the bikes, the wolfguard (pa), the grey hunters, the long fangs.

so here are the troops







I'm going to update the scheme to be more Grimdark, the photos really help me to paint plan.

Going to go with double black shoulder pads, but keep everything else the same.

Might be able to finish up a squad this weekend, plus I have a Rhino and Deadnought ready to go.

Can we make multiple vows? I'm sure that will be fine.




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Fantastic work all round dude, all of your conversions really capture the spirit of the Wolves and look great together, nothing like a vicious feral looking son of Russ along with some of his equally fearsome pack mates to put the fear of the Rout into people :)

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Cheers DS.

Fantastic work all round dude, all of your conversions really capture the spirit of the Wolves and look great together, nothing like a vicious feral looking son of Russ along with some of his equally fearsome pack mates to put the fear of the Rout into people smile.png

Probably the best comment ever. I'd be happy to leave the thread right there, but alas, there is still more to be done.

But that definitely earns a spoiler

The Wolf Lord TDA


Just when you think your done, you remember the terminators.... D'oh!

All well once more, into the breach!

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Still early days









A crown of thorns? I've never really been one for spikes, but this seems to be working for me. I wanted to mimic the chaos termies trophy poles, but in left to right kind of fashion, rather than back and forth. Like a Japanese fan, opening. Ever since I had begun hanging trophies on my boys I have been having visions like in the scene in the Last Samurai, where the warriors are coming out of the mist (storm) and they seem 13 feet tall monsters/demons with chains rattling, saws buzzing, then the bark of bolter fire, and your dead.





Will have fun finding just the right head to put up there, and will never use more then blu tac to affix it.




I'm not clever enough to give this photo the caption it deserves




Anyway  back to business, lets get serious!








Probably should have spent today painting these guys up, to help with dramatic effect, but instead I spent all day converting up the other two squads.

So much work to be done. Decided I want to rebase the army as well.


This guy is my favourite



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