BrotherJim Posted June 4, 2014 Author Share Posted June 4, 2014 Alrighty I wanted to keep the thread as accurate as possible, things may still change but this is where they stand now. I just lost 20mins trying to come up with words to explain the pictures, everything I say sounds lame to me, so I hope you like the pictures! Space Wolves are cool, I like Space Wolves. Words r hard, Jim build stuff, Jim build stuff good. So with the TDAs underway I decided it was time for an army shot after all. Basically in that place now where I am looking at he whole army and thinking about what can done overall. I definitely want to rebase the army. That needs to be done first. Then I can fix the body sub-assembles to the waists, hang gear, proceed to paint. Every squad is kinda in a different state. Back soon with photos, that'll help! Comments and criticisms please, because nobody else in the world gets it!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted June 4, 2014 Share Posted June 4, 2014 Some COOL!!!! builds. Like theTrophies this one sort of looks odd(helmet on pad ). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted June 4, 2014 Author Share Posted June 4, 2014 hehehe look for him in some of the other photos The next round of photos will have lots of easter eggs The joy of blu-tac. I think that helm will end up on the flamer. Because of the A-symmetry Plus there is always that one guy who takes things too far and starts wearing one of the helms around. You tell him off and then it becomes a ego thing and he won't take it off. lolz I thought that I would use the chaos helms in my Grey Hunter squads to rep Mark of the Wulfen, and the idea ran away with itself. I figure The Space Wolves really have to become the enemy, in a sense, to do the terrible things that must be done. Anybody who has power, knows it comes at a price. Actually its all this guys fault I can see now he is responsible for alot of whats been going on around here lately. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted June 4, 2014 Author Share Posted June 4, 2014 Look at that combi-bolter he has! I could build that easy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted June 4, 2014 Author Share Posted June 4, 2014 Alright so more photos? I promise the thread will include some painted minis at some stage. The grid major. Everything except the Wulfen is plastic. So we should be familar with most of it by now. I decided to use some logic and photograph them from right to left. The HQ and Wolf Guard, who will either lead packs into battle, or run around in razorbacks. Add sagas and weapons to taste. The Biker Lords, Swiftclaws, Wulfen and Wolf Guard TDA. The Grey Hunters, up to 4 packs now. The Venerable Dreadnoughts. And the Long Fangs. Lots of fun to be had here. So no matter what happens we must never let my mind acknowledge how much work there is to be done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted June 4, 2014 Share Posted June 4, 2014 Nice looking Army!!!!( OK ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted June 4, 2014 Author Share Posted June 4, 2014 Whoops forgot this one. Pretty keen to play a classic Space Wolves army. Seeing as I was only 9 at the time I cannot really remember. Could anyone tell my which plastic troops were available around the era of the long fangs and wolf guard? I know there are the lead OOP Greyhunters, and Blood Claws. But I seem to remember Jacob having troubles deciding which arms to use, because he had both the rogue trader and new era plastics....? DS- very much confusion. I'm not showing off, the photos help me plan my next move Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted June 4, 2014 Share Posted June 4, 2014 ( Ok ) I meant I saw the Terminator w/o the helmet on the Pad, no dig. I love Army shots Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted June 4, 2014 Author Share Posted June 4, 2014 aha my bad, I'm just embarrassed about spamming so many updates without some colour I suppose The Wolf Lord (TDA) looks like a frigging power ranger he has so many diiferent colours on him lolz So tell me then DeathSpectreSergant7, you have been my most loyal and trustworthy comrade in this build. Which squad should I complete first? Aha but did you see he had started wearing it around like a mask? lolz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teku Posted June 5, 2014 Share Posted June 5, 2014 damn you jimmy! now after seeing your termies I want to built my chaos wolves wing! Top work! keep it up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted June 22, 2014 Author Share Posted June 22, 2014 @ Teku = muhahahaa!!! More fuel for the fire! i'm interested to see what you come up with! Welcome to Jims Space Wolves Work In Progress Diary, the happiest place in all of the internets. Alright so I am a terrible host, we know that. A big thanks to anyone who has offered advice and criticism along the way, as it turns out you guys were right! Its this terrible ego thing I have, it won't let me see my shortcomings. But its all about growth, and change and you cannot grow and change on your own! Now I wanted the army to grow and change to better invision my idea of 40k, the ideas and images i have had in my head since i was a 9 year old boy. My favourite thing has always been the black and white artworks, the grimdark nature. And of course the miniature as well. I value ad respect the other aspects of 40k, but when its comes to inspiration, i look to the miniatures and artwork first and I never really made it past that Things seem confusing because I was involved from the age of 9-15 then 40k took a back seat, and i basically just collected White Dwarf and kept an eye on things until the last 4-5 years or so when I started collecting again. So I missed out on alot! Working on my Space wolves army now is like taking a trip down memory lane, and so i thought, lets do that. Might as well start at the begining. My best friend when I was 9 was Jacob Ryder, his family used to babysit my brother and I. Jacob had 2 older Brothers, so there were 5 of us and we used to spend a lot of time growing up together playing games and riding bikes. The early years yow know, before the internet and mtv, we used to go riding bikes barefoot in the bush, building jumps and bases and playing armies. all day, no water, no phones, no shoes! haha It was jacob who first discovered 40k and this was even before we discovered star wars! this awesome science fiction!, what was it? white dwarf? 40k? spacemarines! you're not making any sense man! I can remember he was bursting at the seams trying to explain it to me! From there on Jacob collected White Dwarf, Space Wolves and various Necromunda gangs. Between me and Mitch (my brother) we were lucky and I had 2nd edition and Necromunda, and with Jacobs collection (and a friend of his who collected Imperial Fists) we had quite the collection. I personally collected the original Orlock gang. I bought them all in blisters from the one little stand at the one little hobby shop in town. back then White Dwarf was everything, unless you knew somebody involved in the hobby, there was no internet, no WIP logs, no forums, no google images. I was lucky, jacobs family used to baby sit me and jacob used to collect white dwarf. there is alot more to the story, including why books like Dune, the lord of the rings, the simarillion, the bible, space wolves, star wars, dragonball z, and how that all relates to me and why it means so much. But for now lets go back! way back to 1996, 3 years after it began. Hope I'm not breaking any laws here as i intend to show lots of photos from this edition. There is more inspiration packed into this one edition than you might think! I got a little snap happy, so i'll just post some photos but if people want to see more I can provide, lots of cool chaos stuff in this one. Its too good not to share! And now, may I introduce, Niel Thompson. It is right to give him thanks and praise! So yeah really cool i think. More highlights from the issue i had better leave it there i think. Now this all started because i went hunting through my codex looking for validation for some of my latest ideas, and boy did i find it! I did a test paint scheme with decals and all and these guys were a run away success, so much so they didn't survive to make this update. So I will regularly be dropping in inspiring photos and begining to try to merge them into my miniatures. but for now lets look at the facts. Space Wolves have a passion for Collecting heads, with their axes, Being so awesome lighting strikes frame your epic moments, wearings skulls on your head, The cause of all the lighting, grimdark as fack I think the last photos I showed of my work space were a bit chaddy, so I wanted to show things in a better light. I have divided the army into two halves, the grey hunters on one hand and the rest of the army on the other. I am basically trying to do everything i can to get the army on the table asap. I have developed a means to quickly swap my work space between building, and painting, so I am just trying to do everything I can as i go. this has been working out quite well except that i have ruined two brushes by accidently touching them onto wet glue! I havent worked out a way to incorporate greenstuff into this yet. actually ran out of gs and spend this weeks hobby budget on paint and things. been quite productive actually! I'm lucky to have so much space at the moment, my roomies are really cool people. It sucks because we rent here, and the house is for sale, so i may have to pack it all up (again!) This is my work space proper. This photo would be perfect but for the ashtray! its a fithly habit really! But thats reality. The army will never be finished, nor will it ever be perfect. every photo will have its blemish. just doing what i can here. I stopped by IP's Iron Warriors Log, which is probably the greatest thing I have ever seen. I really like the army and want to do bases similar, I asked him for advice and he kindly gave me some tips. So it begins. I will continue to run with the desert weathering for now, I'll have to see how it gels with my new colour scheme, really lack experience here. I think with my new theme of "less colour/more black and white", that snow would work really well, I did some experiments but basically just made a mess. So I'll build the bases, finish the desert scheme, for now, and keep pushing elsewhere. Huzzah progress at last! I more or less got 50% through the first block, not sure about a few things and I want to catch the grey hunters up. Swiftclaws are my new favourite unit to work on. Tdas are my new favourtie unit to look at Still need to do a lot of work on the bronze. I think everyone will get either black/grey/white hair (top knots pony tails etc) just playing it safe with brown for now. The only real colour will be red on the decals and pack markings, as well as yellow, but very minimal. Also the brown and all its variations, fur, bone, bronze, skin, the faces will be he whitest parts (the higlights) followed by the blus glow of frost blades/plasmas guns and he green glow of scopes and lenses. in theory of course The lord will eventually have the most elabortae base. first real shot at painting faces Impatience ruined this guys face Coming along nicely. Its a shame I couldn't contribute to the etl, but im largely just repairing things here and there. Haven't seen this fella for awhile The new look. Black is back Any thoughts? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted June 22, 2014 Share Posted June 22, 2014 Dang it I missed the last post , I was going to say the temmies but the Bikes look cool . Finish the termmies , no the Bikes . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted August 30, 2014 Author Share Posted August 30, 2014 Alrighty just wanted to do a quick teaser bump. I have moved house (finally) and things are settled down enough that I can get back to my wolves. However we still don't have internet here so I am attempting this update from my phone. So much to say, so much has happened. But a proper ramble will have to wait I'm afraid. More than anything I just want to keep my head down for awhile and actually make some progress. No joke I had my hobby area packed away for nearly 6 weeks. It sucked bro! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted August 30, 2014 Author Share Posted August 30, 2014 Currently working on sky claws pulled from the greyhunter pool. I converted the swift claws to wolf guard bikers although I won't be doing the full conversion as with my biker characters, at least for now. Greyhunters in the pipeline (receiving basecoat if the weather clears up) more than anything though I've been bitten by the tank bug lately and I'm fast becoming a tread head. Going to push all that energy into my wolves and try to finish up what's started and look again at my fleet. What that actually means is attempting to scratch build extra armour, dozerblades, stowage etc I want to convert my tanks and SPCA to the level of my Greyhunters. All this scratch building talk makes me want to build some terrain and again my SW will receive the glory in the form of more elaborate bases. Just waiting on material. I've taking the pressure of myself and now see my space wolves as the testing ground for all of my ideas and techniques. They are also my gaming army so I'm in a mad keen rush to complete one of each squad unit type for games. It guna be kick ass. The deal is not to purchase anything space wolves related until I've finish what's in the house (or at least started it) If the thread goes away for away just know that glorious things are happening. Oh also I have a girlfriend now so there goes more hobby time, but it's totally worth it :D I'd better get moving! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted August 30, 2014 Author Share Posted August 30, 2014 *apc's (Damed auto-correct!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted August 30, 2014 Share Posted August 30, 2014 Looking Good !!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted August 30, 2014 Author Share Posted August 30, 2014 Cheers DS! As you can see I decided to go with the termies :D I should get some time to do some more work this arvo :) Hopefully I'll get the bikes or skyclaws over the line so I can show more pictures :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 10, 2014 Author Share Posted September 10, 2014 Alrighty nowhere near ready to update but I couldn't resist :D So I have WIP skyclaws to show. A lot to be said about these blokes. Originally I didn't want skyclaws in my army, because I feel Assualt marines are better suited to other more iconic chapters. But that's just nonsense, my space wolves are my gaming army (at least they were) And I want to play with assault marines. So it was done. I had a lot of dashing Greyhunters who I now felt didn't suit the mood I was trying to convey with that unit, words like staunch, robust, tough, gritty. "Dashing" doesn't fit anywhere in there, good thing, I just decided I liked skyclaws. Now I've always thought assault marines (with jump packs) deserved better than just bolt pistols. I liked the bolters on the grey hunters too much to tamper with them at first. I was running with the idea that I could just pin their back packs and that way swap them back to grey hunters if/as the need arose. Then I remembered they were so dashing. It's not likely I'll ever build more dashing characters, so these dudes had to be the skyclaws. So I just went with a stubby/snubby bolter conversion, I first saw on dans night lords. Now I also built both the power sword and power fist option, and they are both present in the pictures. You cannot really see in the pictures here but the powersword guy has the prototype bolt pistol conversion that I had planned for everyone, but I think it's too cool for what are essentially blood claws (low rank scum) Also present are two wolf guard with jump packs. A thunder hammer option and a twin wolfclaw. They are cool. Then there's the wolf priest. I painted the squaddies with the tamiya spray, but decided I didn't like it at all. I think that short -cheating the process is holding me back as a painter, so from now on I will do things properly. I painted the HQ in this squad with adeptus battle grey, and I'm much happier with the process, and the finished result. Now awhile back I mentioned an airbrush. Now 4-6 weeks ago I bought a vampire counts battalion before I even realised it was roughly the same price as an airbrush lolz And then they had all the new releases for vampire counts, not to mention all the space wolves crap. Well it's not all crap I suppose. Anyway I'm not making excuses I'm just saying. I've decided to consolidate the rest of my marines into a blood ravens army, as I'm really excited to be painting again now that I'm doing everything "by the book" I actually have heaps of side projects I will dump pictures of in here, as I feel the are a natural by product of the army. I still intend to do everything I've stated thus far (13th company) but now I'm just doing everything else aswell. My hobby is my relaxing time, I don't take things too seriously around here. Anyway not much to show but progress is progress. I'm a little worried about painting vechiles and such without an airbrush, but I'm sure one of the guys at the shop will help me out. Also still no internet, I checked the last update and the pictures were painfully massive, like embarrassingly so. Probably part of the reason I switched over to hand painting, because I know I can do better than that! Also now that IP is doing his space wolves it's going to be insanely difficult not to just directly copy his work. Such a cool looking army. Skyclaws Now I lost a whole week to mucking around with pack markings, so please don't mention them. The only colours that looked good were red and black, but that's grey hunters. Let's just not talk about it. The rest of the army will have pack markings, I'll come back to this problem. Going to attempt some free hand company markings, got the moon down ok, now the wolf skull. I'm ok with drawing but I'm really worried about consistency. I was going so well with painting, but now, the building has begun. Always the bloody Greyhunters that bring me undone! So It's just bikes and termies and skyclaws and Greyhunters and long fangs and scouts and wulfen to go! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urauloth Posted September 10, 2014 Share Posted September 10, 2014 So many horns and spikes and trophies and topknots... your wolf lord isn't called Svane, by any chance, is he? I see he has a suit of terminator armour now... Anyway, impressive collection! I like the stormshields on the front of the bikes, it makes them look a lot more "wolfy". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 10, 2014 Author Share Posted September 10, 2014 Haha cheers mate! Yes I'm trying to use the trophies on the wolf guard (the bone of the chaos helms) To tie them in with the topknots on the rest of the army. (Which will also be painted bone) I'm kind of taken by the top knots because it reminds me of the way the samurai would wear their hair. Plus now with the red moon company markings. It'll make more sense when the whole army is painted (I hope) But fear not! All tropie poles and top knots a an be removed and back filled ;) Was actually just thinking space wolves have so so so so many bits going on, I'm sure everyone has a place, now I just have to figure them all out ;) My next army will have no bits. None. Really that's all that's slowing me down here, just where to place all those little bits. Cheers for the comment! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted September 10, 2014 Share Posted September 10, 2014 Ran out of likes Love those Jump Packs on your Pack. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 11, 2014 Author Share Posted September 11, 2014 Cheers mate ! They will eventually have glowing runes around the rim of the exhausts, but don't tell anyone because it's my secret idea ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 17, 2014 Author Share Posted September 17, 2014 Here are some photos of some Greyhunters as I'm largely in the thick of it now and this is usaully where I burn out. Might take this weekend off space wolves and paint something fresh. But anyway, some photos of progress on the grey hunters, feel free to cheer me on! So yeah lots of photos, not much sense. I'm feeling pretty confident about finishing up the grey hunters. Might stop here and actually finish them as much as I can, then make my way back to the bikers "finishing" everything. We'll see. Hope you have enjoy today's update :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 17, 2014 Author Share Posted September 17, 2014 Here's a greyhunter I forgot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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