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Captain Semper

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Lovely work guys!


@ Durfast: the Kakophoni are just amazing minis - they sure deserve the Indipendent Character status! And an Apothecary? Well thought out Durfast, well thought out! :)


@ Telhdrat: they are coming along great! I really like your take on the Volkite glow - almost verdigris... Very unique and works wonders with the (mostly) black armour! They look smashing! How did you get this tone? (You realise my vast "mostly black" armour project is close to kick off ;))


@ cod_lover: NOW YOU'RE TALKING! For the Emperor and the Lion! For the Glory of the First! :tu:

StruManChu - congrats on your completion! Those Contemptors kick ass! The huge axe is awesome, it looks like it could chop up a squad of terminators effortlessly. I like the mortis patttern dread as well. Despite starting life as a Death Guard Contemptor it really fits in well.

Thanks geordie! I really like the Death Guard Contemptor sculpt, especially as a Mortis Pattern. But as I'm a long way off from my Death Guard army, my WE get one instead.

The axe is epic!

Cheers mate! I'm loving your World Eaters. Was the Storm Eagle really that much of a pain to stick together? That's a shame

Man, that axe is huge. Ridiculously so even, yet still awesome at the same time thumbsup.gif

Ha ha! I know, right? Thanks Telhdrat. And may I say that your Iron Hands are looking spectacular!

@ struManChu: Well, what can I say man? This is some painting - your dreads are all epic, with the Butcher (what an odd name for him tongue.png) standing out! You are the first to be awarded the title of the Legion Champion! woot.gif

Thanks Cap! It was a real pleasure to participate in this vow and see the brilliant work that everyone's been putting over the last couple of months. Thanks for organising and running it for us!

However... I'm not done yet!

As we've still got a couple of weeks before the 15th, and I've still got a few days off before heading back to work (and I really want that Forge Lord title too!), I've got one further piece to contribute.

A second Deimos Predator, much the same as the first (AC/LC setup) for my VII Legion.


Here she is parked next to her big sister.

Wish me luck, as my house is full of toddlers for the next couple of days!

Thanks! The armour was actually quite simple and fast to do. I started with a black basecoat, followed by a Eshin Grey drybrush. I then painted the metallic parts wiht Boltgun Metal/Leadbelcher and then washed the entire model with Nuln oil. Next I did the chipping by sponging on Ironbreaker/Chainmail, which I also used to highlight the metallic parts.

@ StruManChu: good luck mate! Nice to see reinforcements arriving for Dorn's golden boys!


@ Telhdrat: Well, I like it! You may say it's simple but works great! I personally am scared of highlighting black with grey but I might experiment with that recipe...


Keep up the good work guys! :tu:

would like to pledge this as well:

http://i1216.photobucket.com/albums/dd366/lokkorex/predatorochsalamander001_zps0b5f08b4.jpgPredator with Predator Cannon, Sponson Heavy Bolters and Pintle Heavy Bolter.


also, can i pledge this fellow? it's for Furioso-Primes Salamanders.


Dreadnought with Heavy Flamer and Twin-Linked Lascannon.

For the Lion and the 1st Legion! Glory to the Ironwing!!





When I finish playtesting, the appropriate sponsons will be added but for now I don't mind it without them. Also, when I get familiar with weathering powders/paints they will be used.

Good luck to all, hope you get your oaths fulfilled.

thumbsup.gif thumbsup.gif


Hey guys,

I'm done, here are units 5 and 6 finished:














Thank you so much for the inspiration and motivation!

And special thanks to Captain Semper for organizing this great event!

I have been looking through this thread and I must say it is a joy to see all the good painting and modelling here! Anyone with me when I say we need a new round for 2014/2015?


@poom: Those World Eaters are just beatuiful, in a World Eaters sense of the word.

Inspirational stuff as always guys, keep up the excellent work. Slight change of plan for my pledge. I'm putting the Reavers on hold and replacing them with a Dreadnought in a pod. I just didn't want to rush building those guys. So my current pledge looks like this;


Better get cracking!

poom - Simply outstanding work. I continue to be impressed by your work, and enraged and profoundly jealous of the quality and depth of your whites. How do you do it?

cod_lover - That tank is purely epic. The icons on the sides are a really nice touch.

I've finished off my second Predator, which means if my third one arrives on Monday like I think it's going to, I may just be able to get that done before the 15th too.




Captain Semper - Does this take me over the line for Forge Lord, or do I need to do another one? msn-wink.gif

This thread is so awesome I can barly contain myself. Shame tough that I didn't find it in time to pledge some stuff. Now I dont have time  until about the 15th then I deliver the final draft of my essay.

So... will there be another thing like this in the next three months? If so, I'd love to put my Wolves up here as they get done. Since noone has love for the Sons of Russ here anyway, I figure that it would be a good counter-weight to all the soon-to-be-heretics of the thread =)

Astartes! Slaves to a False Emperor, hear me! 


He which you serve is a tyrant and a coward.


He has grown fat on the blood and sweat shed by the Legions.


He would cast us aside once we are spent.


No longer. The Warmaster comes...



Just a bit of progress. Base colours are down. Can't wait for ADB's upcoming series about the Sons of Horus/Black Legion. This cover artwork is my inspiration at the moment;

OK, I'm back! :D


Now let's see:


@ Durfast: Your new tasks have been recorded! Good luck! 


@ Telhdrat: Beautiful IHs there - the volkites rock! Good luck with your Thallax! I really look forward for this unit - I think the Mechanicum is seriously under-represented here! When you're done you'll be eligible for the title of the Legion Champion!


@ cod_lover: This is beyond awesome - a great tank and a great paintjob to boot! You've made the First proud! 


@ StruManChu: Welcome to the Forge my lord! The Forge Lord title is yours! Congrats!


@ Jasp: Looks beautifully dirty - love your style! Let's see the other two rolling out of the production line - when you're done, you'll be eligible for the Champion title!


@ lokkorex: Your entries are updated mate - good luck! 


@ poom: well it's been great seeing your outstanding work man! You are walking out of here with the titles of Centurion, Chaplain and Champion! We'd sure love to see more - so keep updating your blogs and rest assured, more events will be coming along! ;)


@ geordie: Made the changes in your vow - they look great in their dark version of Sea Green! I think they're pretty close to completion! Keep going! :tu:


@ Barabas Sogalon & Natanael: given the success of the L&T there is bound to be continuation! Now the exact form that it will take and the timing remains to be determined, but i'm all ears! Let's hear suggestions! :D






Updated to this point!

Thanks Captain Semper. I do plan on a full Mechanicum army alongside everything else. Just waiting for FW to finish those lovely Myrmidons.


Love the light yellow on that predator, StruManChu. What colourd did you use?


Not ready yet but some work done on the Thallax:



Those are crazily good Dange! The freehand on the standard is something else... :o And your Centurion? Well, let's just say that you've cracked the SoH scheme! :tu:


With the three units done the only thing that remains is to welcome you to Legion Command, Centurion!


Updated to this point!

Dange - Your Sons look fantastic! Really, really impressive stuff.

geordie - I love your work so far! Nice use of parts to put the squad together.


@ StruManChu: Welcome to the Forge my lord! The Forge Lord title is yours! Congrats!

Thank you kindly, good Captain! And my sincere thanks again for running this thread, because it's really been great fun. In addition to getting me more involved in B&C in general, which is great, it's pushed me and made me aware of the output that I'm actually capable of. No excuses now!
Looking forward to the next one!

Love the light yellow on that predator, StruManChu. What colourd did you use?

It's actually come out a little lighter in the photos than when it's sitting on my desk because I used quite a white light to take the pictures. In any case, it's a really, really easy recipe, and gives a solid yellow with little to no pain at all.

  • White Undercoat
  • Detailing/Lining with Nuln Oil (for infantry I use Agrax Earthshade as you don't need as much contrast)
  • Tidy up with Ceramite White
  • Two relatively heavy coats of Lamenters Yellow Glaze
  • Top coat of Sunburst Yellow
  • Really watered down wash of Agrax Earthshade (less watered down if you want it to look really dirty)
  • Sponging of Adeptus Battlegrey for battle damage

And that's it! I will probably run some Typhus Corruption over it at some point, but I've only just got it and want to make sure it's going to do what I want it to before I douse my nice new tank with it.


BTW, your guys are looking great. Really nice work on the metallic sections so far. How are they to put together? My next project will likely be Iron Hands, and I'm wondering whether or not to include some Mechanicum stuff or not...


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