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Captain Semper

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Oooh ive always liked following these topics and given I have 3 units on my to do pile I figure it must be fate :)

Im Planning a big Salamanders project once I get my paws on Massacre (And sell a kidney) but in the Meantime ill add some more to my sprawling Alpha Legion. An Army List would derail the topic a bit but ill put my latest army shot at the bottom of the post for the interested.


My Pledge! I Noserenda will paint the following three units for the XX Legion.


Moritat w/ 2 Plasma Pistols, Meltabomb



5 Destroyers w/Power Sword. Rad Missile Launcher


Sicarian Battle tank w/(Probably) Lascannons


I built the Infantry in a surge of keen last night :D Im also planning a Rhino for the squad but its MIA in my recent house move :/


So time to get cracking, they have a lot of brothers to accompany...

Now that's a lot of Alpha Legionaries out in the open, Noserenda. I shudder to think how many more are hiding somewhere behind us...


I've put my pre-paint pictures in my new thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/281950-battles-of-isstvan-horus-heresy-log/

I'm not normally keen on this type of event... but since I'm just starting to clean up a giant box of Forge World Legion kits it seems preordained!

I'm gonna set aside the Valhallans, the Elysians, the Blood Angels and random bits. This is gonna be my mission, probably the beginnings of my entry to Armies on Parade next year, too. Lets do this!

Here's my 'army list', also known as 'all my unassembled models':

X Legiones Astartes - Iron Hands


Praetor + Cataphractii Armour, Cyber Familiar,

Paragon Blade, Grenade Harness,

Digital Lasers.


Contemptor Talon (1 Dreadnought) + Conversion Beamer,

Graviton Gun

Rapier Battery (2 platforms) + Graviton Cannons


Tactical Squad (20 men) + Legion Vexilla,

Sergeant + Power Weapon, Melta Bombs

Tactical Squad (20 men) + Legion Vexilla,

Sergeant + Power Weapon, Melta Bombs

Fast Attack


Heavy Support

Heavy Support Squad (10 men) + Missile Launchers

Spartan Assault Tank + Flare Shield

Lord of War

Ferrus Manus


I'm not crazy, I probably won't get all that done. I'm gonna pledge the following:

  • Month I - Legion Tactical Squad: 10 men, Legion Vexilla
  • Month II - Legion Tactical Squad: 10 men, Sergeant + Power Weapon
  • Month III - Legion Heavy Support Squad: 10 men, Missile Launchers, Sergeant + Augury Scanner

All being well, I'll get ahead and exceed it! laugh.png

Here is a test model that I finished over the weekend:

Here is my unassembled models escaping from their cardboard prison!



I vow the following, so far:


Legion Chaplain. Pts: 105

Wargear: Crozius arcanum, power fist.


Legion tactical squad (10 man). Pts: 175

Wargear: power fist, Legion vexilla.


Legion tactical support squad (5 man). Pts: 170

Wargear: Plasma guns, combi-plasma.


FOR MACRAGGE! (I hope to complete some of this, but times are tough).

And the following's getting stronger! I think that we have entries from every Legion so far - that's fantastic! smile.png

@ Fenris Kid: Ok, thanks for clearing it up!

@ Scribe of Khorne: Oh, I'm sure when Massacre becomes availble a lot of things will become clearer... Diabolist anyone? msn-wink.gif

@ Reaver: Good to see you back on the saddle! Loyalist Death Guard are in for some reinforcements!

Updated to this point!

Yeah I just got it, going to try and stick with my original but the gears are turning already. :D

All right my Dusk Raiders are in.


This mixed up group of guys are supposed to be the survivors of the FotE.  They renounce the DG name and colors and take up the legions original name and colors.


I tend to buy whatever looks cool so no squad is going to be full size, and I have odd amounts of some stuff.  Like 3 praetors.


Anyways here's my list of stuff.  Red text is what I'm pledging to paint, purple is already done.



XIV Legion - Dusk Raiders




       Mortarion - painted as a DR, but kept his signature scythe.




       Praetor 1 - artificer armor, paragon blade, archaeotech pistol


       Praetor 2 - cataphractii armor, volkite charger, paragon blade


       Praetor 3 - termie armor, paragon blade, combi flamer


      Deathshroud - 5 guys with their basic goodies


      Command Squad - only 2 guys here atm, 1 chosen with power sword and bolter, other is standard bearer.




       Veteran Tactical Squad - 9 basic guys, 1 sarge with combi weapon


       Destroyer Squad - 4 guys and 1 sarge, jump packs, 1 with missle launcher


       Terminator Squad - cataphractii armor, weapons still working out


       Contemptor Dreadnought - dual assault cannons




       Breacher Squad - 4 guys and 1 sarge, still deciding on sarge weapon (just noticed the minimum number for this squad is 10, bleh)


Heavy Support


       Heavy Support Squad - 4 guys and 1 sarge, all with autocannons


       Legion Glaive - standard goodness here, and it gets a special color cus it's my most prized model atm, just need to actually put it together and paint it.


Pictures will follow.

Well I wouldn't feel right if I didn't at least have a shot at this whistlingW.gif

Ok, I pledge the following meagre effort for the 1st.

Legion: Dark Angels

Centurion Consul: Moritat, 2 x plasma pistols

Legion Destroyers (5), Sgt with power sword, 1 rad missile launcher


They are kitbashed, so hope they meet the requirement for 30K.

The 3rd Pledge will have to wait sorry. I'm really hoping that FW release it before Christmas!

I had a 30k list chosen from Betrayal, but due to the new shiny toys coming out for Massacre, that list may have to be altered.



@ Jaspcat: The idea is to paint waht you want - but no less than three units. If you can paint 30 units in 3 months so much the better! :D


But you need to clarify a bit - I'm confused... :confused:


1. Is the Pred the "before" pic of the pred in your vow?

2. Are you going to paint all your vowed units as World Eaters? Or have I misunderstood?


@ everybody: looks good guys - a lot of commitment going on here - I sure hope to see you guys delivering and bring the Heresy to life! :devil: Just let me know if 've missed a vow or an update... ;)


Updated to this point!

This is going to be great! Can't wait to see the progress you guys are making.




My Rampager unit ready for primer:




I will start with them, because my other pledges, a predator and some assault marines, are still in the mail together with the massacre book.

@ everybody: looks good guys - a lot of commitment going on here - I sure hope to see you guys delivering and bring the Heresy to life! devil.gif Just let me know if 've missed a vow or an update... msn-wink.gif

@Captain Semper - just had a look at the second post, and my pledge would appear to have lost the Abaddon. Can I get him added back in again?

right, finally got my ass into gear..


i will be doing a tenth legion Iron Hands force and for this event will be painting:


2 x 10 breacher squads


1 x master of signals


pic of the 2 squads needing to be cleaned up and assembled



im planning for this force to be all infantry and all mk3 armour, based loosely round company strength..i:e 100 marines or so supported by ad mech units at some point


finished my tester marine with help and feedback from b&c members so to give an idea of the army look here he is:





For the XVIII I vow the following, so far:


Legion Consul. Pts: 75

Wargear: Force Axe


Legion tactical squad (10 man). Pts: 150


Legion tactical squad (10 man). Pts: 150


Into the fires of battle, unto the anvil of war!  


edit all models primed and assembled



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