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Captain Semper

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The sun shines upon this oft benighted land...so today I made sure to get some picts up and get my guys primed.


Update 2


MKIV Build Crop


Destroyers and Praetor - The MKIV Set.


Tac Build Crop


3 of the Tactical Marines - Since the sun is shining I wanted to hurry and get these out and done.


Praetor Build Crop


Osvet Jils 'The Silent'

VIIIth Legion 'Night Lords'


So 95% complete just the back pack decals and some small details but this is the general idea;




Eyes need some OSL treatment, hazard stripes and handle pistol casing still needs to be done but hopefully they tie in well.

Right, this is the first update after the recent data loss...

All the initial links are there although some may be dead ends as the original linked posts have dissappeared in the void. Please check that the links of your entries work and if not then point me to the appropriate new links and I will make the connections. You can do this by posting here or (preferably) through PMs.

Awesome prgress everyone - this is truly a tribute to the 30k setting!

@ furioso-prime: Welcome aboard! smile.png I habve updated your entry but it's not clear which Legion are you going for...

@ Jasp: Sorry mate - 5 assault marines are not a legal unit... if you want to make them 10...

Updated to this point!

I did a little painting on the Sicarran last night. :)





Just some airbrush work and then the first of the three stages of edge highlighting that I do on these guys.

Thought I would add a more detailed post, compared to my first image if lots of bags full of resin crack.


First up the Phoenix guard. Originally I was thinking about 10 of these guards with Fulgrim in a spartan as an all my eggs in one basket. Then I saw their rules and reflected on Fulgrim's rules and realised that a single dread will hold them up forever and slowly kill them.


Anyway here they are in all their fail



Next up my cataphractii, they are much much cooler than the Phoenix guard. You can tell this by how they hold their combi bolters and the plasma blaster all gangsta style.



Finally my heavy support squad. They don't have a sergeant yet, as I have the dilemma that all sergeants have to carry a power sword, yet auto cannons are cool, so they are being lead by a first brother, who has realised he has two guns



Now on to the painting section of this challenge.

@ Hisdudeness: Really cool model the Sicaran... I do not blame you in the least! :D However, i'm still in two minds about the Butchers... :unsure:


@ Scribe of Khorne: I guess your Avatar speaks for itself? ;) Change made.


@ sp00sed: Our resident EC tactician - a pity the crash took out some of our discussion in the other thread - but what can you do? Suffice to say I look forward for your painted degenerates - we're in the same boat here! :D And the Sergenat of the support squad? Heavy weapon please! I was actually considering making a small (like weekly) contest of painting a character with a heavy weapon - even if it's illegal in the 40k context... It may still happen. Avitus for ever! :D


@ lokkorex: No worries mate - things seem to be restored now - no? :)

After the usual nonsense with UPS, I got my bigh box of goodness from FW.


So here's the bare resin awaiting final check for mold lines etc and undercoating:





Ok, how did you get all those jump packs? Seriously...


I generally use either eggheadminiatures or thor7128 on ebay for my bits. I might be being naive, but I think both are breaking up packs to sell as bits rather than re-casting. If I think anyone is recasting I'll drop them like a stone as I think it directly affects the ability of FW to produce new minis.


In some cases (such as with JPs) it is cheaper to buy in bulk and then swap things around.


The spare backpacks etc. are going on some Legion bodies with SoH heads and the odd SoH torso to make up another squad of (foot) reavers and make the bikers more SoH-ish :)

Thanks for that...


I was in a similar situation trying to find appropriate MkIV jump packs for my Palatine Blades (the option exists in the army list but not on the minis) so I ended up buying the Sang Guard box which has some other interesting bits for ECs...

Hi, I've made a change to my pledge, I've edited the original post but here it is again.


Alpha Legion - 15th Harrow, Siege Infiltration Company

Alpharius (Thraxus Ztaban) - Legion Vigilator

Omega Squad - Legion Seeker Squad (10)

Xi Squad - Legion Tactical Squad (10)

Sigma Squad - Legion Tactical Squad (10)

Tau Squad - Legion recon Squad (10)

Legion Sicaran Battle tank (Heavy Support Harrow)


Mechanicum - 15aev45ssty - Lernaea Cohort

Magos Dominus

Thallax Cohort (3)



And the Sergenat of the support squad? Heavy weapon please! I was actually considering making a small (like weekly) contest of painting a character with a heavy weapon - even if it's illegal in the 40k context... It may still happen. Avitus for ever! :D





What do I win? :p



I second Semper's call for the sergeant to have an autocannon as well, spu00sed, it's so much more 30k. You could still give him a sword as well, either in his other hand or sheathed at his waist. :)

Ok, like others have stated before me, I never finish these things but I am a huge fan of the Horus Heresy and I really want to participate!  And because the size isn't crazy it should fit in nicely beside my tiny Minotaur project that I am also working on.


With that in mind I've always had a fancy for being one of the OC (Original Chaos) of the Word Bearers.  So I will throw off the yoke of the Emperor's oppression and bring Truth of the Imperium as a son of Lorgar and member of the XVII Legion.


I will start with a modest pledge in an attempt to actually finish!


Month 1 - 10 man Legion Tactical Squad

Month 2 - Legion Praetor 

Month 3 - 5 man Ashen Circle Squad


Let the galaxy burn!


Edit Note: Pulled out my Tartaros patterned termies and realized they were the original ones put out by FW and not at all like the newer ones with the legion chest plates.  Soooo, I'll just switch things up and leave those for my Minotaurs.  Instead I'll play an order for some Ashen Circle because lets face it...they look badass and have hand flamers.  You can't go wrong there. :)


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