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=][= Loyalty & Treachery =][=

Captain Semper

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@ StruManChu: They look great! Go crazy with the splatter - it's WE after all! I think the heads would benefit from some more highlighting/ shading and some attention to the eyes... plain black will work wonders! :D


@ Fenris kid: Done!


@ Demon: Done! For the record you had three tacts: Xi, Sigma and Tau... So Xi remains. ;)



Updated to this point!

@ StruManChu: They look great! Go crazy with the splatter - it's WE after all! I think the heads would benefit from some more highlighting/ shading and some attention to the eyes... plain black will work wonders! :D


@ Fenris kid: Done!


@ Demon: Done! For the record you had three tacts: Xi, Sigma and Tau... So Xi remains. ;)



Updated to this point!

Tau squad are a legion recon squad and there should only be 5, that was a mistake. they are still in.

@ Battle8rother: I have re-linked the updates to the post above. When you way "cleaning lady" is it slang for a hitman? Preator removed. :(


@ Demon: Fixed it! ;)


OK guys, I can see that there is progress on all fronts. Keep it up and remember: November is important! December will be full with social or familily obligations -especially in the latter half - and January is only half a month. So I strongly suggest, you do as much work as you can in November and leve a realtively light schedule for December onwards...


Updated to this point!

OK guys, I can see that there is progress on all fronts. Keep it up and remember: November is important! December will be full with social or familily obligations -especially in the latter half - and January is only half a month. So I strongly suggest, you do as much work as you can in November and leve a realtively light schedule for December onwards...

Cap, please can you arrange for a dry day sometime in the next 48 hours, so that I can prime my now built Predator? tongue.png



Sure, I control the weather. I also control destiny and know the answer to life, the Universe and everything. (it's 42 btw)


Dry day? Are you kidding me? Even in Athens right now we are having rainy day after rainy day... I want to undercoat my 5 Palatine Blades but I can't get a window of opportunity... :angry:


Sure, I control the weather. I also control destiny and know the answer to life, the Universe and everything. (it's 42 btw)

Dry day? Are you kidding me? Even in Athens right now we are having rainy day after rainy day... I want to undercoat my 5 Palatine Blades but I can't get a window of opportunity... furious.gif

Well, clearly you do control the weather in the UK, because having been wet and miserable this morning it cleared up this afternoon, and I have managed to prime and basecoat my Predator tongue.png

Update on the Predator…

nothing glued yet, working on the interior as it will be used as a Rhino sometimes…


and also have made some progress with a modified turret…



Good progress guys!


@ lokkorex: This is... imposing! :D Are these the (not so) old Chaos Dread legs? This will be awesome in IW colors....


@ facmanpob: There is nothing the Inner Circle can't do! Pred/Rhino looks fantastic - the blue screens are an interesting take. I may wave to try it out...



Updated to this point!

I may live to regret this...

@ Captain Semper... Can you please add the following to my vow -

World Eaters -

1 x Contemptor - Multi-Melta & Chainfist

1 x Contemptor - 2 x Kheres Assault Cannon

Imperial Fists -

1 x Predator - Predator Cannon/Lascannon Sponsons

I'm choosing these in particular, because as far as I can see it's the easiest way for me to get all of the Consul titles! laugh.png

@ facmanpob - That Predator turret looks great! Whereabouts in SW London are you, and do you play at all? If so, we should get a game in some time!

@ facmanpob - That Predator turret looks great! Whereabouts in SW London are you, and do you play at all? If so, we should get a game in some time!

Good man on joining the gang, and thanks for liking the turret! msn-wink.gif

I've sent you a PM regarding gaming etc thumbsup.gif

Captain Semper: thanks! yes indeed, those are the legs from the ancient chaos dreadnought. i'm really proud of his look, somehow he reminds me of the old epic titans.


in fact, i'm so proud of him i'll eventually make some buddies of his with legs converted to look like his, but not for the Loyalty and Treachery. need to make some infantry first.


speaking of which, they're all basecoated now. no pics, because they look a bit boring in just boltgun metal.

@ sentinel guy: No worries mate - still if you feel you have the time, you can always join again at any point until the end of the event (your account will remain open so to speak :D)

@ StruManChu: Ambitious... So was Horus - be careful there! :lol:

@ lokkorex: I thought so! And I fully agree, some infantry is definetely required. (or jump infantry for that matter whistlingW.gif )

OK guys, still raining over here for almost a week - I just can't get the opportunity to undercoat my Palatine Blades. :angry: I'm just sitting there, looking at them staring back at me.

Updated to this point!

I want to start this off by saying thank you all for the inspiration that you have all given me during this project.  My personal life has recently exploded and I am dealing with some extremely serious issues at home.  I will not be around for any hobby stuff for the foreseeable future.  I wish you all the best in your endeavours and I do hope to return to the hobby someday.  For now it is goodbye.

Sorry to hear that Danny... I wish and hope things will normalise for you soon. When they do, we'll still be here painting Marines. ;) you'll catch up where you left it in no time!


Good luck mate.

That Alpha Legionnaire is just awesome! Great job, Demon2027.


I managed to finish the Rampagers:




Had a blast painting them, here are some more gore shots biggrin.png




Captain Semper, could you please replace the Predator with an Legion Whirlwind Scorpius? And as two units are already finished I feel like I may be able to finish more then I pledged. So please add a Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter with Kraken Missiles to my to do list smile.png Thanks!

Great stuff guys!

@ Demon2027: That's a igilator if there wver was one! Very, VERY impressive! thumbsup.gif I love the Heresy... biggrin.png

@ poom: blink.png I say... this are just too awesome for words! Excellent posing and the gore... well, it just rules! You're a great inspiration poom! I've made the necessary changes in your pledge so everthing should be alright.

@ Battle8rother: Your take on the yellow is really something... It makes me want to take a shot at it myself...

I'm putting my own WIP out there... the Prefector of my Palatines is finished. A few more pics in my relevevant thread (link in the sig)


Updated to this point!

I definitely feel your pain with the weather, and clogged spray cans :/ Loving all the work on here though, keeps me keen!

Still Ive gotten them basecoated!

Im cracking on with painting, about halfway done with the infantry! Ive also added an Apothecary that I scratchbuilt from some spares and the Ravenwing Apothecary

I continue to be inept with a camera though... 

Sadly semp I'm pulling out as these death guard are taking up my time something shocking.


Work is hectic as the government are actually injecting money into infrastructure so a lot of new projects are coming online so my overtime is about to go up by 30+ hours a week so my time is going to be consumed


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