Verity Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 (edited) So having finally acquired the new book of a friend, I thought it might come time to ask about what sort of methods of playing the Night Lords people have in mind, and if anybody could be so kind as to offer advice for where I should go with my list, or what they think would be practical. Bearing in mind that most of my games tend to come in at 2000-3000 points and that I don't think I'll be playing many other legion lists. As a sort of prototypish Night Lords list that I'll be having a play about with against Tau, Space Wolves, Sisters and Tyranids I've come up with, so far... Troop Terror Squad - 285 x10 models x10 Volkite Chargers w/ Drop Pod as dedicated transport Terror Squad - 285 x10 models x10 Volkite Chargers w/ Drop Pod as dedicated transport Terror Squad - 285 x10 models x10 Volkite Chargers w/ Drop Pod as dedicated transport Elite Veteran Tactical Squad - 265 x10 models x2 Melta guns w/ Drop Pod as dedicated transport Heavy Support Legion Sicaran Battle Tank - 175 Lascannon sponsons Fast Attack Night Raptors - 350 (!) x10 models x10 chainglaives All this leaves me with around, roughly, 355 points to play about with for a HQ, plus another troops choice (maybe Sevatar with one of the Terror Squads, and a Legion Tactical squad?) - but, to be honest, I've not got much clue about where to go, what I'm doing or...anything, really. I'm far more used to playing with Chaos Daemons than any power armoured variant army, and even then I only played Chaos Daemons throughout 5th edition, so my experience is a tad limited with 6th. They also seem to play slightly differently to power armoured armies. The Terror Squads, I'm thinking, could potentially rip through infantry. On average, against power armoured units, the Volkite Chargers are dealing around 5 wounds, which isn't exactly a mean feat. Price wise, however, they feel a tad on the high side for 10 models. If Night Fighting can be forced, that'll be one more bit of protection for the Night Raptors as they take advantage of cover to creep up on the enemy. I play with very high terrain boards, so likely they'll be able to get into combat with little enough difficulty. If they can get there, with their rules and stats, they're look to cause a world of pain against anything they hit. They'll even do decently against monstrous creatures - on the occasions they face them, they'll be striking at strength 6 at initiative, thanks to a talent for murder + chainglaives. Beyond that, I wanted to ask what people thought of the Night Lords in general - our Legion Tactic, for one thing. Do you consider it worth taking? I've been toying with the idea and leaning towards it, but that could be influenced by my love of the idea of Drop Pods. If Night Fighting is forced, then most of our models are looking at a 3+ cover save, but at the same time the limitation of being forced to take the Terror Squads - well, that can be good or bad, depending on how you see them in usefulness. Our benefits in general are actually probably not too bad, so long as we can manage to outnumber our opponent...Which, I think, the list I've built hasn't really gone towards too well. To outnumber our opponent likely it would be best to max out on all squad sizes so as to better our odds, and of course you need to be trying to get into CC to take advantage of the talent for murder, which I understand is a bit of a difficulty in the current meta. How do you think you'll play them? Using the Rite of War, the special units...even the Primarch? (Haven't got any experience or idea of how Primarchs perform in general, but it does seem like ours is a bit of a beast for taking out key models in units - precision shot the models you don't like the look of, smash into them in CC, and maybe even break away if you're feeling confident and want to get that extra movement in/want to create a distraction. If he can absorb as much fire as I hope he can, he can likely present a target you're opponents might divert some of their firepower to - in my case I suspect my opponents won't be able to commit to whether or not to shoot everything at him, will make half an attempt and cause little to no damage whilst having let something else in my army not get shot.) Edited October 9, 2013 by Verity Ishagu 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jeremy1391 Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 I'd add in a base line legion tactical squad in a drop pod and a cheap HQ. Gives you another pod and scoring unit. And fury of the legion is beastly! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kol Saresk Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 Well, as someone who is ignorant of playing, going with the Rite of War means basically giving up on the higher numbers per individual unit except for a few. Pretty much, I see two different ways of proceeding with this list. Infiltrate and Assault. Infiltrate, at least how it's popping into my head, means dropping the Drop Pods and relying on the Terror Squads Infiltrate. For this option, I'd say drop the Sicaran, and pick up an Infantry unit to take advantage of the first turn cover save to help set up your opening positions. Could be another Raptor unit, maybe an Assault or Tactical Unit to fill out a fourth Troop slot, or maybe even a Heavy Support squad. Assault, here drop the Sicaran and either pick up another Raptor squad, or trade them for Termie squads. Use the Terror Squads to "escort" Sevatar to get him as close as possible and deepstrike the Termies in with no scatter, just go crazy with the assaults and try to use Sevatar to reinforce the line. Alternatively, replace the Sicaran with a Predator or Whirlwind Squadron, whichever works best(or keep the Sicaran) and use them to provide heavy cover fire for your Terror squads and what you do with the Raptors is personal preference. If you don't want to use the Rite of War, go for horde armies. Maybe do Angels of Wrath and make a Raptor army with Assault Troops filling out your Troop slots and Raptors in your FA. Or do a mechanized force. Traditionally, the idea is to "cause confusion and fear". Problem is getting that on the table. Usually this translates into assaults, although Forgeworld has also seen fit to give us fantastic Infiltrate and Drop Pod options. I'd also say, take advantage of the +1 W. Try and get like twenty man squads, throw in your HQs, or maybe Apothecaries, shoot for the over twenty. IIRC, most tactica suggest twenty-one man squads anyway(twenty plus IC), so try and rely on maybe killing a few when you're shooting at them to lower your numbers. If you choose Terror Squads, part of me wants to say, give at least one squad the rotary cannon, and actually go after targets with all three squads in unison. Won't get the +1W, but you'll get two squads' worth of extra hits. But like I said, I have very little gameplay experience(read as none), so it might be worth it to just not pay attention to me. :) AfroCampbell 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AfroCampbell Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 As far as Sevetar goes I think he would go much better with a termie list. The one you have is excellent, as you said already not a lot of outnumbers so maybe the tactical squad may be a decent choice. Question I have : Av for Sicaran? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Balthamal Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 Without seeing Massacre and hence ignorant of points values, I plan on taking 3 terror squads, a contemptor talon and some terminators to begin. Depending on the rest a buffed squad of raptors and probably a storm eagle/fire raptor. HQ is tricky since we're restricted to one consul with our RoW (which is awesome by the way) and I'm reluctant to take Sevatar without a model to do him justice so it's a Legion Champion or lvl 3 psyker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
depthcharge12 Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 By one consul do they mean one in addition to your praetor? Do you still need the praetor to unlock it? Heh I know how to counter this unit. You will have trouble facing up against squads with augury scanners and MoS I also plan to get some Lorica Thallax since they strip -2 off your cover save, get rending and shred and are somewhat decent in close combat. I would watch out for these guys as I'm getting them specifically to troll NL players :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kol Saresk Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 Yes, in addition to the Praetor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
depthcharge12 Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 Ahh makes sense meow. Thats not that big of a speed bump since you really dont need more than 2 HQs as they just suck up points. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Balthamal Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 Oh I must have read it wrong then since I assumed that it was one consul period. My bad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kol Saresk Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 Yeah, I think the wording would get confusing, although if it was our entire HQ was restricted to a single Consul, that'd just suck since we couldn't tale characters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Balthamal Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 I wouldn't mind too much since I'd rather take Sevatar than a Praetor but we'll see. Unless Sevatar is classed as a Lord of War Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adra'Melek Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 A consul is a centurion. You need a Praetor to take the Rite of War. So you can take at least a Praetor and a Consul (centurion). I do wonder if "consul" means a special consul (e.g. Champion, Vigilator, Moritat, etc) or any centurions (even if they're bog standard without any of the specialisms). Personally, if I do Night Lords, which I'm leaning to while I wait for Massacre, I'll definitely use the Rite of War. I don't know if it's effective but I'm not too worried about gameplay and it seems pretty cool. I'll be looking for how I can get it to work for me. As for the list itself, no idea until I see Massacre and I'm certainly no tactical genius. It does look similar to what I'm considering. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
depthcharge12 Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 Ive been really tempted to switch over to the Night Lords with the predicament of the WEs and ADBs wonderful writing. Soooo tempted.....part of the crew, part of the ship, part of the crew, part of the I think I will make an assault squad based force with a squad of destroyers and a moritat for my mandatory consul. I definitely want to get chain glaives for the marines and then do a 10 man squad of terminators. Yummy. Sorry World Eaters, your rules are based on ifs and not inherent traits :( I will now be in midnight clad!!! AfroCampbell 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 Brother I'm disappointed. I hate our rules as it's a bitch to get into cc but the sons of angron don't falter, attrition rates will be high and we may not win. But when we do the blood ohh the blood will be glorious :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AfroCampbell Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 Ive been really tempted to switch over to the Night Lords with the predicament of the WEs and ADBs wonderful writing. Soooo tempted.....part of the crew, part of the ship, part of the crew, part of the I think I will make an assault squad based force with a squad of destroyers and a moritat for my mandatory consul. I definitely want to get chain glaives for the marines and then do a 10 man squad of terminators. Yummy. Sorry World Eaters, your rules are based on ifs and not inherent traits I will now be in midnight clad!!! Welcome brother ... watch your back... ;) depthcharge12 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
depthcharge12 Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 @afro keep your friends close, your enemies closer @jasp I might revive my WEs if the siege of sarum allows them to get MOTHA FREAKIN URSUS CLAWS but until then my eaters will be on hiatus I might do a later project called "Shock and Awe" where my NLs and WEs team up ;) its in the pipes AfroCampbell and Russ Brother 92 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 I just want my WE to be able to have boarding shields and CC weapons and to all have an overrun special rule first turn they move 2d6 extra Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
depthcharge12 Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 Ha I just want my WE to be able to have boarding shields and CC weapons and to all have an overrun special rule first turn they move 2d6 extra was this supposed to go in the wishlist thread? lol :P I plan to make a Night Lord contemptor dread with the sinner's red and call him Des Haa "The Incarcerated." The idea is his crime was so egregious he tried to get out of it by running away and was promptly dismembered by his primarch, then imprisioned within a dreadnought hulk as his blood task was uncomplete. muwhahahaha AfroCampbell and Verity 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
depthcharge12 Posted October 10, 2013 Share Posted October 10, 2013 I would also say if you are deepstriking termies, take the nuncio vox, which is a much cheaper alternative to Sevatar, so that they don't scatter if deployed within 6 in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AfroCampbell Posted October 10, 2013 Share Posted October 10, 2013 I would also say if you are deepstriking termies, take the nuncio vox, which is a much cheaper alternative to Sevatar, so that they don't scatter if deployed within 6 in. LOL true, but why wouldn't you want SEVETAR!! :D lol but seriously I personally think he is the best HQ choice in HH yet he is such an HQ assassin. Though having just seen Typhon he may tank.... mooftak 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheForgottenAngel Posted October 10, 2013 Share Posted October 10, 2013 I'm seriously debating doing night lords after dark angels. By then Kurze week be released and hopefully Atramentar terminators, upgrade packs and Sevatar. The possibilities are endless Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Verity Posted October 10, 2013 Author Share Posted October 10, 2013 (edited) Some sound advice all round here...Goddammit my life becomes that much more difficult now, would've been better if you punks had just let me use my failure of a list without the good advice. On a serious note, thinking about going with the dropping of the drop pods, infiltrating two of the Terror Squads, Drop Podding in the veterans + a tactical squad, and outflanking with another terror squad. This gives me an excuse to shove Sevatar somewhere in the list, cause he has the Warlord trait to help outflanking units. (For those who aren't aware, getting Infiltrate also grants you access to Outflank, and you can join a non infiltrate/outflank HQ to an infiltrate/outflank unit in reserve.) Sev can either go with someone who's Drop Podding in, or with the Outflanking unit...or I can desperately find points and get a terminator squad in...decisions, decisions. (Or I can drop him altogether and get the Praetor with the Archeotech pistol. Seriously that pistol is just stunning.) Also realised that the Sicaran isn't the only Heavy Support choice in the entirety of the Legion list with your comments, Kol...I sort of got taken aback by it's beauty and decided, hey, yeah, that's going in my list. Practical considerations may force me to drop it, but on the other hand it's a decentish infantry/light vehicle/somewhat heavier vehicle killer with it's guns, and I do so love that model...But on the other hand, a bombardment style Heavy Support option may be more useful, cause I do have the Veteran Squad podding in with meltas... Cheers for the help so far people, I'll be looking at improving the list and throwing a new one up sometime today. First match comes tomorrow/day after against Tau, so I'll let you know how that goes. Edited October 10, 2013 by Verity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Balthamal Posted October 10, 2013 Share Posted October 10, 2013 If you plan to go against Tau on a regular basis I'd strongly recommend taking a unit of 10-15 Night Raptors. Tau break like glass under a hammer in assault and those lovely D3 attacks on the charge, per raptor no less means you're going to rinse them. Providing you make it into combat of course Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kol Saresk Posted October 10, 2013 Share Posted October 10, 2013 And it isn't S+1 AP3 Rending like a huge murder against the Tau too? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Balthamal Posted October 10, 2013 Share Posted October 10, 2013 I'd take the S+1 AP3 Rending against anyone bar Deathwing armies and riptides Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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