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Leviathan or just 10 terminators of your own. Who cares if they have 2 wounds and FNP if you're punching through it with ID? The Leviathan is probably the most frustrating model to kill for squads that aren't rocking all melta bombs.


However, from what you've provided of his list its illegal. He seems to be using Covenant of Fire to get Troop Pyroclasts. The thing is though, you can't have more Fast and Heavy than Troops while using it and he has 2 Troops  against a total of 4 Fast/Heavy. Even if one of the Spartans is the Firedrake's Dedicated he still is going over the thresh hold.


@ the terminator loadout discussion. Chainfists, that's it. They threaten everything and are only 10 points each; claws and power swords are only a threat to 3+ and claws are super expensive on top of that, while axes save only 10 points and are completely out classed. Who cares about the wound part of TfM when you wound on 2s anyways with fists?

Add onto that that Pyros are only Non-Compulsory Troops in CoF and the list is even more illegal :p


@Terminator Loadout:


Depends on the points you have to shower them in. If you've got ALL the points, full chain fists and at least 2 TH to concuss things would be my recommendation.


Also, if they aren't going to be punching AV, I'd save the points on Chain Fists and only take 3/10.


Otherwise, S8 Ap2 All the way.

  On 2/17/2016 at 12:46 AM, SkimaskMohawk said:

@Slips yea normal fists should always be baseline, but the 5 points to chain is negligible, kind of like going from power weapon to fist is in the first place lol

Yeah 5ppm is kinda trivial LOL and just means that Dreads wont want to get ANYWHERE near them lol!

@lanceqi, I would honestly just try to throw grav at the spartan with firedraks. Though you'll never have to worry about it since the list is illegal.


2 drop dread of any flavor can do the work. Try to kill the spartan, unforntuatly they have move through cover though so you can't slow them down with grav.


@terminators so terminators are superior to vets however here what I'm trying to figure out: what do I run sev with? 

I run sev with vets in terror assault. Deepstrike termies and tag team with terror squads to crush a flank, while sevetar and crew role up in the party bus and go throught the center. That way you can make use of the no scatter off of sev too if you need it.


That being said, 10 termies in the party bus with the boss is more devastating, but I'm practicing for a tournament where there's no kill points so I prefer the list that gives me 7 scoring units

Wow thank you guys @SkimaskMohawk @Slipstreams

And yeah on the second thought his list is totally illegal lol...which means he didn't deserve the victory last week...and the week before the last...Urrrrrrrrr...

Such trickery shall be rewarded with the most painful torment. 10 termis in a spartan with AC and shield sounds wonderful. Maybe deploying a squad of terror dude nearby to aid their Atramentar brothers as well.

@ ThatOneMarshall I didn't plan to add our first captain because I am running a 9th company army and you know...Sev mudered their former captain...

As for his Spartan I'm considering throwing a comtempor dread with pod and yes I believe he might need some help to blow that Spartan...

For me I would suggest some 10man tact squads or 5man vets to speed bump him and just run circles around his fire drake Death Star. No real need to smash faces with one of the hardest stars in the game. They aren't fast and can only assault and kill 3-5 units a game of you position properly

Problem is with firedrakes vs normal terminators, even with all fists in your terminator unit they still lose. Firedrakes are higher ws and have a better invul save. Sure if you can manage to outnumber them that evens the odds, but firedrakes still win. Yes they will come out of that fight bruised, but I'm not sure I'd like to throw ten terminators into a fight that they are all going to die in. To make matters worse, your preator or sevetar is going to have a tough time beating the salamanders preator, given he will have eternal warrior. 


I think I'd prefer using something like 3 medusas to take out firedrakes. Drop in your grav dreadnoughts to take out the spartan, then pound them with a few pie plates to even the odds before you assault them. We are night lords after all-why have a fair fight when you could cripple that firedrake squad before the fight?  

Grav to nix the Transport, and then Medusa to blow up the squad. Who cares if they have a 4++, when each shot kills 2-3.


If you really want to, take advantage of the rumoured new Vindicator Squadrons instead, or a Typhon.


Alternatively, pod in a leviathan, with a Grav Bombard.

Its why you Pre-empt the Spartan Death Taxi by killing it with Grav First thus drowning the embarked units in Templates that require a test to be taken for each one that gets crossed and follow that up by, if you were so inclined, Combi-Plasma Shots from the Terminators before they charged in the next turn when the Templates Dissipate.


With the Sallies -1" to Charges + the Terrain Bubbles from Grav, out in the open they're looking at -3" to Charge. So place your Terminators at 12" Rapid Fire Range and even Double 6's wont Guarantee them getting into combat.


Blast them with your nasty-shooty stuff then charge in to finish the job when you have the upper hand.


Fight Like a Night Lord.

  On 2/17/2016 at 4:14 PM, Hesh Kadesh said:

Grav to nix the Transport, and then Medusa to blow up the squad. Who cares if they have a 4++, when each shot kills 2-3.

If you really want to, take advantage of the rumoured new Vindicator Squadrons instead, or a Typhon.

Alternatively, pod in a leviathan, with a Grav Bombard.

(3++ with the shield)

Edited by Slipstreams

Sallies get move through fire with covenant, it is worth pointing out though. Admittedly, not in this list, but if Covenant gets first turn, and/or has a vigilator attached scouting them 12"/12" flat out, 6" debuss, 6" move, 2d6-1" assault.


While it doesn't counter grav, it is one of the few ways to make it (Raider/Spartan rush) work (Infiltrating Alpha Legion and World Eaters/SoH taking 3 and spamming Tactical Marines).


That said, why bother Raider rushing infiltrators? It is also why I like to take such a grav heavy list; between the Medusa, 2 podded dreads and the Rapiers, i can usually kill 2 Spartans, or even 3 with luck, as well as kill a similar number of Knights.

Depends. The meta doesn't support mass flyers, because they're so expensive and are otherwise so easily countered by units like Deredeo's. Storm Eagles are rather terrible, Caestus too expensive, Fire Raptors limited to MEQ's and light armour, Xiphon's too expensive and niche, and even then not good enough (Interceptor and an out of phase pivot/interceptor would be lovely), while the one remaining unit is the Lightning Primaris - which is usually equipped for AA duties, and still cannot arrive until turn 2 - by which time you've either already gibbed the Spartan, or you're getting teabagged by Move Through Fire WS5 2+/3++ 2 Wound Terminators XD and it won't matter if you kill a 350pt tank who at best has 2 Super Lascannons and a Heavy Bolter for damage or not.


A Primaris equipped with a pair of Sunfury Heavy Missiles and a Phosphex Bomb Cluster with Tank Hunter is packing a pair of Super Accurate AP2 Bombs, pair of AP3 Blinding Missiles and a Lascannon to try and gib a medium armour. It's not too bad either - 180pts only for that. It would be a lot more popular if, as a Napalm Weapon, it ignored cover, but FW seems to have forgotten that mechanic actually exists.


That said, Fire Raptors can hard counter a Terror Assault List, which is why I find that a Praetor Missile Launcher is a slightly better option than a Typhon these days, as the Praetor has Indirect Fire, 2 huge S7 AP4 ignores cover at S6 to gib Zealous FNP T3 Cult Horde/Tainted Flesh units, without being open to Grav attacks in a take all comers list, as well as a 2 shot Twin-linked S8 Skyfire Interceptor missiles. Although only AP3 (still not sure why something meant to be plane killer is unlikely to do so), it can hopefully force a jink, or get a pair of hull points or stun it.

What is everyone's favourite spare points filler?


For example you are crafting a new list and have 100-200 points spare.


I was making a 2k list today and had 170 to fill, so decided on a unit of Tacticals for extra bodies/ objective camping.

Filler? My good man there's no such thing as filler :p

Though if you've crafted what you wanted for your list and have 200 points spare you make as well grab a lightning.

Stands a chance of gibbing something on the turn it arrives and then becomes a pain in the butt if your opponents don't have AA or rely on template weapons

One of the big appeals of terror assault for me is that you don't have to take any tactical squads, I'd never throw away some pts on tacticals that will do nothing all game. 


For filling around 200pts, I'd take a squadron of 2 javelin land speeders. Take a multi melta, 2 hunter killers, nice cheap anti tank. If you hold it in reserve, you an outflank or deep strike and spew out ten s8 shots the turn the speeders show up. 

Golden rule, unless your tactical squads have massive bonuses, never run them beyond compulsory troops. At the very least you can get another Terror Squad in with 170pts. Or sniper vets, seekers etc which are all scoring. Depending on what slots you have some space in you could be getting rapiers as well. In short, you can get plenty of things more useful than a tactical squad

I actually have the same problem as Perry. I get everything that I need for my army and I still have about 200 points left. Maybe a deepstriking terminator squad?


A quick question but how does sevater compare to a regular praetor with a paragon blade? I'm still trying to figure out which one I want for my army. Sevater needs a veteran squad to ferry around while the praetor can just fly with some nighthawk raptors. There both around 170 points so not much change point wise. For those who have the book has sevaters master of ambush changed? That would change things tremoundsly for me.


I'm still trying to figure out a fun heavy support choice right now. So far I'm having trouble deciding between the Deredo, Leviathan, Sicarian, Medusas, or a fire raptor. I've already got grav from two cortus Contemptors in drop pods. The Deredo seems to be pretty effective but a little boring. The leviathan is pretty cool but I feel like I already have a lot of infantry munching though the ap 2 is nice. The medusas I like because I love artillery while also giving me ap 2 to deal with deathstars and can act as decent anti tank. I just love the look of the Sicarian but I feel like it would die pretty fast being the only vehicle also it doesn't really provide much of what I need. The fire raptor looks really cool but all it provides is medium strength weapons, which would be nice against mechanicum but I'm not sure if that would help much.


Flyers aren't really all that big in my meta. The people in my area mainly play with big 20 man blobs and deathstars in Spartans. I also play against a lot of Tagmatha Mechanicum and solar auxilia/ imperial militia armor spam.

Edited by ThatOneMarshal

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