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"Shenanigans" meaning in this case something the bros in ToM's meta didn't specifically prepare for and thus can't just steamroll :rolleyes:


If we're talking about a blob and death-taxi heavy meta, those medusas would be an excellent investment, Marshall.


Barrage ignores Spartan flare shields and does really nasty things to huge squads of marines. 

Thinking of getting a leviathan as a more ground based HS choice/zone mortalis choice as opposed to a fire raptor.


Was wondering, what experience you you have with/against them, are they generally useful, and what is the ideal loadout? (rest of list is basically just a normal terror assault list)

Alternatively, Melta Lance (WHEN WE GET THE DAMN MODEL FOR IT), Drill in a DDP gives you 3 S9 Ap1 18" Melta Shots (who cares about AC, its still S9 AP1) with 1 S8 Ap1 Melta gun Shot alonside S10 Ap2 Armorbane in CC due to the Drill.


Great for dealing with AV and can even kill a Knight if it gets the charge off or shoots it twice without the Shield in the way.

Melta Lance will be the most effective vs a Non AC'd Lord Of War such as Knights. If you threaten a knight enough that they doing point their Shield at the Leviathan, you should be getting some good hits in with BS5 S9 Ap1 especially if podded in.


Otherwise, stick with the Bombard.

  On 2/22/2016 at 11:14 PM, Slipstreams said:

Alternatively, Melta Lance (WHEN WE GET THE DAMN MODEL FOR IT), Drill in a DDP gives you 3 S9 Ap1 18" Melta Shots (who cares about AC, its still S9 AP1) with 1 S8 Ap1 Melta gun Shot alonside S10 Ap2 Armorbane in CC due to the Drill.


Great for dealing with AV and can even kill a Knight if it gets the charge off or shoots it twice without the Shield in the way.

Huh, I didn't think of this before now.


Levis actually are pretty great against knights while being decently cheaper. If the Levi gets the charge (doubly so with a drill) it has a pretty good chance of an engine kill. Or at least taking a big chunk out of it before getting D-sworded.

Pretty much.




Drop in: 3 Av12 Shrouded Ablative Hull Points with the Levi's own 4 Av13 HPs with a 4++ to get through to instagib it. (or 2 Explodes Results w/ failed saves...Sigh. Vehicles...)


Shoot 3 S9 Ap1 Shots @ Said knight. Bonus points if you dropped in in melta range. At BS5, odds are all 3 hit. Knights dont have Armored Ceramite and if your in an Arc without the Shield or behind a Lancer who doesnt get the shield to his butt.


Most of them (Until we get the new Shooty Knight) have Side and Rear Armor 12 which means 3's to Glance, 4's to pen. With Ap1 thats +2 to damage table so 5+ for an Explode to deal additional Hull Point Damage. So, 1 in 3 Chances per dice that pens (half of those that hit on average vs Av12). This is without accounting for potential +1D6 for Melta. So if you do get Melta Range, odds are all hits = all pens. So, RNGesus willing, you could potentially Deal 3+3D3 Damage in Hullpoints with the Melta Lance alone. You also have a single, normal, meltagun shot too...so thats cool...


And then you do that again on your 2nd turn if it (Levi and/or Knight) still lives. Bonus points if the knight didnt move all-that-far enough away to avoid a Charge or if, using a Cerastus Chassis, decided not to run 3D6" away - a good thing either way since its one less shooting phase for said knight.


Then you charge into him with 2 S8 Ap- Hammer of Wrath Hits (5's to glance vs Av13), then, at I5, before it can swing, you Kneecap it with 5-6 S10 Ap2 Armorbane Attacks at WS5 (Hitting most Knights on 3's cuz they're WS4...meaning they only hit back on 4s if they survive....lol).


And if you dont deal 6 Hullpoints in damage with ALL DAT...then, when you return home from that game, pray to RNGesus for forgiveness for he has forsaken you.

Those are all some very good points, I always figured the issue with Leviathan vs a knight the problem is the levi can get close to killing it, but not close enough. Now that we have this new melta weapon, a levi taking a knight on all on his own is possible. With all those melta shots plus i5 charge I'd feel pretty comfortable with a leviathan taking down a knight with no help at all. It is a shame to miss out of the bombard, but I guess it's better to equip your leviathan for what you need, either anti infantry with bombard/phosphex, or anti vehicle with the melta arm. Plus, since terror assault often lacks access to more heavier anti vehicle units, the melta leviathan does sound like a good choice. 

I took one last week with Grav/Claw/Phosphex/Volkites against 40k Eldar and it laughed at them. And that was without a pod to drop in seriously painful places and the 3HP bonus too.


This is going to be my default HS choice in a Terror Assault list going forward I think


Quick question too for anyone with the new red book, has Sevatar's Warlord Trait been updated to the proper Master of Ambush or is it still the worthless outlank

  On 2/23/2016 at 11:00 AM, Balthamal said:

I took one last week with Grav/Claw/Phosphex/Volkites against 40k Eldar and it laughed at them. And that was without a pod to drop in seriously painful places and the 3HP bonus too.


This is going to be my default HS choice in a Terror Assault list going forward I think


Quick question too for anyone with the new red book, has Sevatar's Warlord Trait been updated to the proper Master of Ambush or is it still the worthless outlank


Just checked for you, it's stayed exactly the same

That's a real shame, since I rarely use outflank. If his trait was updated to the 7th edition version of his trait it would be far more useful, especially with terror assault, as we could infiltrate a few more squads alongside terror squads. 

I still don't understand why they don't let his Warlord Trait be Master of the Atramentar, and just give him a Telehomer as wargear. Because, you know that's what he does.


Change Master of the Atramentar to let Termi's with TelePacks roll reserves from first turn.


NOr why they don't give him a special rule 'You'll never guess how I got here' giving him Deep Strike.

You can't outflank anything that doesn't have Outflank special rule, Infiltrate or Scout (which grant it when held in reserve).


So, no. All Sevatar does is let you Acute Sense your Vigilators (and attached squads), Terror Squads and Bikes. I'm not sure if it affects Javelins. Also would affect Recon Squads, but they have it anyway.


So, garbage. Like giving Heavy Weapons Squads Furious Charge.

My group plays with a house rule that lets anything that arrives from non-deepstrike reserves assault when they come in, 5th ed style as outflank is pretty weak right now unless you have a lot of melta and get a vehicle. Obviously this makes his warlord trait better, but double obviously its a house rule so can't be applied to general tactics

Ya but the problem is I'd much rather either infiltrate my terror squads, or just throw them in drop pods and deep strike in. Pretty much the same case with any other unit that can outflank-dropping in with a pod is just so much better. The only unit I really see a good use for outflanking is javelins, but it's not worth having the acute senses warlord trait for just one outflanking unit. 

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