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Hmm that might be a good idea, I've been holding off on a heavy support choice so far mainly because I want to see what my meta has become. There have been a whole lot more players and maybe people have become more competitive. My default choices are either a squadron of medusas or a Deredo.


I'm actually going to try to stay away from steel right now, mainly because my choices will be for ETL and I want to show Wolf Pack that flesh is better than steel. That being said I've found most of the best legion options to be vehicles :(.


I play against a lot of mechanicum with robots. How do people rate destroyers?


I'm looking for something with speed that can either wreck face in melee or is fast but has good shooting.

Another thing to look at is what points level you'll be playing at.


With Terror Assault, managing that single HS is pretty important. The question is essentially whether or not you think you'll be seeing super heavies. If yes, I'm going to suggest a Sicaran Venator every single time. Shutting down a super heavy way more expensive than it is can never be underrated. 


For general utility or a super heavy light meta though, I'd suggest Medusas. They're great for infantry removal and anti-deathcab since they ignore flare shields with barrage.

Hey guys. How would you deal with 2 10 man butcher squads with apocs in fully shielded spartans? They just seem to take everything I throw at them, and keep coming...

As per usual, I'm running Terror assault, so only have that 1HS. A lightning might work against one, but still leaves another. And grav just doesn't seem to strip the HP fast enough.

they are unable to sweep and if the sarge doesnt have chainfists, you can probably tie them up with a Contemptor-Cortus and slowly chew through them. If they do have chain/power fists or thunderhammers, youll want to try and kill those beforehand.


Otherwise, shooting them is the only safe option, really, unless you want to use your only HS Slot for a Grav-Claw w/ Phosphex Leviathan in a pod to deal with them.

^Thats good once you get them out of the Spartans, but you have to do that first.


Grav is good for dinging off hull points and causing difficult terrain checks. A big point working in your favor, Aeternas, is that a massive amount of his army is tied up in those two Spartans. It would be more than worth it to have a couple contemptors for just that reason. Worst case scenario, you charge a 350pt Spartan with a 165pt chainfist cortus, the Spartan dies and strands the Butchers (which is almost as good as killing them) and your contemptor dies next turn. As a World Eater player, I can tell you that Butchers hate dreads bc even though you can kill them with chainfists, the dreads get to go first and will kill off plenty of butchers with instant death before they get to swing. Even if they do kill your dread, it has already done its job of Spartan neutralization for far fewer points than the Spartan.


A couple more interesting points though.


A stock Primus Medicae feels like a waste of points in a butcher squad since he's only improving their FnP to a 5+.


Gahlan Surlak also doesn't jive well with butchers either, past increasing their FnP to a 4+. The exhortations of butchery rule (give an apothecary's unit +1 attack, which is the only other reason I could see to pay for the Primus) kills a model on a d6 roll of 1 after combat. Worth it for a 10pt despoiler, not so much a 50pt mega terminator that is probably going to overkill anyway.

2 Fists on a Cortus give you 2 Gav Shots So you can plink off 2of5 Hull points right then and there. Chainfist does the rest if you can charge it.


Butchers will then probably be stuck in the two Graviton Templates that get left behind meaning that even if the Cortus Dies, they're still moving even slower.


Also, a thing to keep in mind is Butchers are always hit in CC on a 3+ meaning your Cortus' WS4 is of no Detriment for punching (not so much for getting punched). Couple that with potentially getting the Charge off and getting the Rage Buff from the Cortus Overload and you can dish out a fair number of Instant Death S10 Attacks to mulch the Butchers. And if you kill the Devoured and/or Primus? Bonus points since now they'll likely have nothing in the squad that can actually harm Av13.


But yeah, Contemptor-Cortus' are probably your best bet in dealing with them.

Plus, an entire Talon of contemptor cortus with chainfists and grav cost less than one of the butcher filled Spartans.


That gives you one cortus for each Spartan and a backup in case one of them gets lascannoned on the way in. Thou you probably won't get all that much fire from the Spartans if they're trying to drop off butchers. If they do slow down to shoot more, you get that much longer to shoot at them. Win-win-win

Edited by Flint13

What's the rest of the enemies army look like? And what does your list look like?


Looks like an all eggs in one basket kind of deal but I'd be tempted to say instead of worrying about it as 2 units do one at a time and be systematic.

If you pop one spartan that's one unit walking for starters.

Let the other one come to you, terror being troop heavy there's only so much damage a spartan can actually do.

Bit of risk involved but if you can get a few precision shots off to deal with those medics all the better.

Personally, a podded Leviathan is to me, the best HS option for Terror Assault. I took one on last Tuesday and in three turns, it killed 10 Night Raptors, 9 Terminators and a Spartan. Ironically I ended up killing it by getting rending with Sevatar but that's a different story. 


Thing to remember with the levi, you've got the big pie plate of grav death, the small plate of phosphex death, a meltagun in the claw and either 2 heavy flamers or 2 volkites (let's face it, we know what we're taking there) so that's a crazy amount of firepower just to begin. Tooled up Spartans are good but they're far from invulnerable. Cortus contemptors can put one down in a single turn when kitted out right and they're far cheaper. Just a case of managing the points and their effectiveness. 


Question too, are you playing Eternal War missions or Age of Darkness ones?

My standard load is melta bomb/artificer armor, so he can either tank some hits for the squad or throw a bomb at a tank when I really need some extra anti armor. Also a good deterrent for dreadnoughts. Also since all my squads always have all volkites, the sarg has one as well of course. If I have some extra points lying around, sure I'll throw a chainglaive on the sarg, the added melee power to the squad is certainly welcome but I feel like artificer armor and a melta bomb is more important. 

Thanks for the advice! I'm giving the seargants a make over as we speak!


So I went to my flgs after a couple of months and surprise surprise my meta has changed drastically. Gone are the days of 20 man tactical squads and Spartan deathstars it is now drop pods, tank spam, lots of mechanicum robots, and imperial Knights. No superheavy tanks are to make a scene though.


So of course I've been looking at my list and I've been thinking about my heavy support choices. I'm thinking either leviathan, Deredo, or a medusa.


Now the medusa was an excellent idea as always by flint however while it is very effectiv Its a bit boring. Also I feel like drop pod spam can take it out really easy.


The leviathan is something I'm starting to come around to. It looks really awesome and it can hit stuff in melee which is always a plus. My main problem originally was that it was anti infantry only but with the new melta cannon it can do anti tank really well, as slipstreams has shown multiplie times. It can just about everything while also being mobile which I like. It's expensive and it moves my drop pod count high though, which will be a problem because I already have 5 pods in the list.


Any thoughts?

The leviathan in a pod is clearly a very strong choice for terror assault. It gives you a frontline unit that will work as a very good distraction to all your infiltrating/podding terror squads, not to mention it brings some very effective anti tank to the list if you want to take the melta arm. Plus with the night fight bonus, when the leviathan drops in you're going to have +4 cover on the pod, essentially giving the leviathan 3 extra hp with a save. Really I think you can't go wrong with a leviathan in any terror assault list. 


That being said there are of course other good choices. The laser destroyer vindicator is growing on me recently, especially since it's now a squadron. With power of the machine spirit on one tank, you've got some solid anti tank shots you can divide between two units. It just feels like I get more out of a single heavy support choice when I get a squadron, it's certainly more ordnance shots than any other option can provide. 

  On 4/1/2016 at 5:33 PM, ThatOneMarshal said:

Another Templar taking up Night Lords? Awesome, nice to see you wade it's been awhile since I last saw you. Go our and kill some loyalist!

Thanks, the feeling is mutual)

I started playing NLs (CSM) a long time ago, but only now I have time, money, patience and, most importantly, opponents for a proper 30k legion army :)

Edited by Deadman Wade

I've decided that I'm going to try my best to avoid using teleport transponders for my Termies and Terminator Praetor.


They are one of my hardest units but spend the most time off the board, they rarely turn up till turn four.


Any got any tricks for reserve manipulation? I'm thinking dreadclaw with praetor and termie command squad, turn two charge to get stuck in asap

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