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^Damocles are a good investment for several reasons.


It gives you a little boost to that reserves roll, gives you a 24" bubble of no-scatter deep striking, and you get a little bombardment like the master of signals.


Not bad for the points they're asking. 

My only issue with the damocles is it's just a rhino chassis, so if your opponent has a chance to get any shots of on it chances are it won't last. Really comes down to the board you usually play on. If you have some good terrain to hide it behind, it's a solid investment, if you don't it's difficult to keep the damocles alive till turn two. 

Yeah, it is a little odd that the Scorpius that never needs to get into LoS has predator equivalent armor, but the Damocles that is supposed to facilitate the maneuvers of an entire battle company is still working stock ^_^
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/9/2016 at 1:40 AM, SkimaskMohawk said:

Transponders usually aren't used for melee oriented terminator units, their strength lies in delivering combi-plas and melta into critical range.

if only we could give legion termies multi meltas...

Is there any general consensus regarding methods of utilising the Sacrificial Offering RoW? I've been unable to find any such discussion.


Anyway, I've been thinking that perhaps SO is a good way to finally make use of Sevatar's warlord trait, and make all that outflanking much more reliable. I'm still not convinced I want half or more of my army dependent on a super fickle 3+.



I mean you just stated the huge drawback to that RoW, if I'm going to have a very large portion of my army coming from reserves there's no way I'm relying on a +3, and given you can't have a damocles start on the table the only way to mitigate the reserves rolls is a lucky warlord trait roll on the strategic table, not something I'd rely on. Sure, it would make Sevetar's trait more useful, but I'd still rather not risk having a few units not show up when I need them. 


Now if the RoW allowed you to grab drop pods and have at least a fun units come from reserves in those, maybe it would be worth it. 

  On 4/21/2016 at 1:13 PM, Lord Asvaldir said:

I mean you just stated the huge drawback to that RoW, if I'm going to have a very large portion of my army coming from reserves there's no way I'm relying on a +3, and given you can't have a damocles start on the table the only way to mitigate the reserves rolls is a lucky warlord trait roll on the strategic table, not something I'd rely on. Sure, it would make Sevetar's trait more useful, but I'd still rather not risk having a few units not show up when I need them. 


Now if the RoW allowed you to grab drop pods and have at least a fun units come from reserves in those, maybe it would be worth it. 


Dark Compliance says hellllooooo!

Hey guys,


So I have been toying with my old Terror Assault list and have come up with this:



Night Lords 2500 Terror Assault (2503pts)
Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness)
  • HQ
    • Legion Centurion

      Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive, Refractor Field

      • Consul

        Primus Medicae

    • Legion Praetor

      Archaeotech Pistol, Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, Paragon Blade, Trophies of Judgement

      • Master of the Legion

        Terror Assault

  • Troops
    • Terror Squad

      7x Executioner, Legion Drop Pod, 8x Volkite Charger

      • Headsman

        Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive

    • Terror Squad

      9x Executioner, Legion Drop Pod, 10x Volkite Charger

      • Headsman

        Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive

    • Terror Squad

      9x Executioner, Legion Drop Pod, 10x Volkite Charger

      • Headsman

        Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive

  • Elites
    • Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon
      • Cortus Dreadnought

        Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter, 2x Graviton Gun, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod

    • Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery

      3x Legion Rapier, Shatter Shell

    • Legion Terminator Squad

      Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, 3x Combi-Weapon, 4x Legion Terminators, Plasma Blaster, 3x Power Fist, Teleportation Transponder

      • Legion Terminator Sergeant

        Combi-Weapon, Power Fist

  • Fast Attack
    • Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter

      Battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, 2x Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles

  • Heavy Support
    • Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon
      • Leviathan Siege Dreadnought

        Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger

  • Legion
    • Legion Astartes

      Traitor, VIII: Night Lords

What do you think? Most of it is pretty standard stuff that can't be avoided (Terror Squads, if only we could make do with two!) plus the obligatory Leviathan, but I'm pretty happy I managed to shoe-horn some Atramentar in there (thanks for those Cataphractii shoulder pads Forge World!). This is my logic for the list:

  • Praetor and Medicae go with the 8-man Terror Squad unit. They come down in the first wave with the Dreadnoughts.
  • Kraken Lightning, Leviathan and Contemptor are my alpha strike anti-tank units.
  • Shatter shell Thudd Guns for follow up AT duty and general template harassment.
  • Terminators are my anti-heavy infantry unit.


Any reason why you're taking an Archeotech Pistol?


Just know that since your Preator has a Jump Pack he's bulky so takes up 2 Slots in a Transport that can hold Jump Infantry (which Drop Pods cannot)

Edited by Slipstreams

Woops! Good spotting mate. The JP is a left over from when he was tagging along with some Night Raptors.


That actually frees up 15 points (I was 3 over)! The pistol is because I didn't know what else to spend the points on. I could give him a Volkite Charger and have 10 points left over for something else...

  On 4/21/2016 at 11:16 AM, TheCelticRaven said:


  On 4/9/2016 at 1:40 AM, SkimaskMohawk said:

Transponders usually aren't used for melee oriented terminator units, their strength lies in delivering combi-plas and melta into critical range.


if only we could give legion termies multi meltas...
Justaerin can and they never bother.


Regarding the list above, I rather have two combi-plasma than one plasma blaster.


The 35 points I would spend on 2 more kraken missiles (so you can pop off all 4 when you come in). Last 10 points either for volkite nipples on leviathan or a chainfist for the contemptor and/or something better than a power sword for terminator Sgt.

Edited by Terminus
  On 4/22/2016 at 6:13 PM, Terminus said:


Justaerin can and they never bother.



Don't mislead the man. Justaerin are normally kept as cheap and general as possible because of their price. That is not a reflection on the Multi-Melta's utility but instead the frugality of some of our membership. Multi-Meltas on terminators are extremely useful, particularly Justaerin.

Edited by Sheesh Mode

I'd just prefer a plasma blaster. Melta just really don't appeal to me much in the world of armored ceramite, I'd rather have the extra shot from a blaster. Especially since the rest of my terminator unit usually has combi plas, they go well together with a blaster. 

  On 4/24/2016 at 4:09 AM, Terminus said:

I would never take it.  My terminators either have combi-plasmas or volkite (Lerneans, so not even by choice).


Right, and Lerneans are an anti-elite infantry unit built to secure objectives, not an anti-monstrous creature unit or anti-vehicle unit like Justaerin. It's a matter of effectiveness towards a given purpose that determines the viability of a given selection. 




  On 4/24/2016 at 4:55 AM, Lord Asvaldir said:

I'd just prefer a plasma blaster. Melta just really don't appeal to me much in the world of armored ceramite, I'd rather have the extra shot from a blaster. Especially since the rest of my terminator unit usually has combi plas, they go well together with a blaster. 

Certainly. Though keep in mind that an Strength 8 Ap1 weapon is still effective even against vehicles with armored ceramite so long as their armor is thirteen or less. As I said, you equip your units to achieve their purpose. If you are looking to field a squad suited to eliminating elite infantry quickly then the multi-melta might not be for you as that is not what it is expressly for.


But then again we are getting of topic. This is the nightlords thread. ;)

so for terror squads using terror assault.

Dreadclaws or normal drop pods?

dreadclaws offer you the utility of being able to get back into them but drop pods allow you to be much safer with placement due to the guidance system and they also allow you to get out and start shooting sooner.

Sure you can get out of a dreadclaw the turn yout drop in, however with no internal guidance it's riskier to drop closer to the enemy to ensure you're in good volkite range. Plus if you plan on your terror squad getting out the turn they show up, why waste pts on a dread claw when a normal pod is significantly cheaper.

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