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Allied detachment are treated as a separate detachment from the primary detachment, the only time NL night vision is shared is in a shattered legion theme (were HH book 6 explicitly states that it is shared).


Actually, RaW Night Lords don't even get night vision if they're taken in an allied detachment, the rule states all models in a NL primary detachment gain night vision.

Not that I'm aware of, IIrc only Raven Guard have access to infravisors (and even those are situational at best, you generally only need NV on turn 1 but you take blind tests at I1 for the entire game).


Tbh I think the case could be made for giving NL's night vision even if they're in an allied detachment, it fits RaI in my opinion.


I'd also like to hear somebody else's opinion on the wording for that rule.


Actually, RaW Night Lords don't even get night vision if they're taken in an allied detachment, the rule states all models in a NL primary detachment gain night vision.


Might slap someone if they tried to insist my Night Lords didn't get night vision just because I was using an allied detachment. As Charlo mentioned though if you only take weapons with poor AP values, don't really matter. 

Essentially yes since you're allocating wounds from the centre of the blast templates final position instead of from the shooter itself.

You're allocating wounds from the center of the first template placed.


That's a big part folks seem to forget with barrage in 7th.


If you drop the first medusa shell in front of an Aegis line all of the shots of that particular group are subject to a cover save, regardless of where the templates after the first has landed.  

So something I just realized was that with the new buff to raptors hitting on a 2+, is there any need for a chaplain in that unit? Is there any other use for a chaplain in a Terror Assualt list? 


Also was wondering what peoples thought's were on running a pride of the legion list. How well do vets compete with terror marines? Otherwise I was thinking an all terminator list might be fun.

^While hilarious and very satisfying, the biggest problem Raptors typically have is overkilling things and being left hanging in the breeze b/c they've wiped out a unit on the charge and have to sit around through the opponent's entire shooting phase.

Terror Marines trump vets from a pure damage output perspective. Preferred enemy infantry is massive and if you're first thought is to send them against non inftantry then you're using them wrong. Plus I can't overstate just how easy it is to take massive chunks from units when they have Volkites. 


What vets lack in raw damage they make up for with versatility. Sniping bolters or frag missiles anyone? They're a better option when dealing with bikes/jetbikes/mechanicum for that reason alone. I've found they can compliment themselves very well too. Plus the vets are always scoring as they have implacable advance.


Pride lists are typically pretty sound providing the relatively low model count is offset with some hard hitting units to compliment them. Plus assault terminators with Talent for Murder are hilarious. 


Be interested to see an overall composition. Terror Assault obviously favours Terror Squads but has the crippling lack of heavy support options but then again, when running Konrad with it, it's on the verge of being overpowered. 

The problem with konrad and terror assault is that you quickly run out of good units to put him with. Terror marines aren't a possibility due to infiltrate and night raptors are kind of a trap in terror assault as they provide more melee anti infantry and take up a good amount of points for a unit whose role is redundant. I like him a lot more in horror cult lists where them being troops makes them hugely attractive, as well as not competing for anti infantry roles with other compulsory units

Agreed, but then again, even with the compulsory Terror Squads and Night Raptors to run with him, fielding a Primarch is usually the preserve of 2.5k upwards so there's still a good chunk of points to devote to anti tank.


I had a very strong game a few weeks back with Konrad/Raptors/Terrors and a siege breaker/rapiers/plas support/outriders and 2 levis in pods at 3k. Konrad himself killed 2 contemptors and a leviathan so he's far from powerless against AV13 and down.


Thing to bear in mind with Terror Squads in any case is being selective with their targets. Obviously infantry but that shouldn't be taken as carte blanche to go after anything foot slogging. Tactical Blobs can absorb even the relatively high amount of damage they can inflict whilst dedicated assault units like Templars/Invictari/Palatine Blades will mince them in assault not to say anything of heavy infantry like Lernaeans/Justaerin/Firedrakes/Butchers


Bottom line really, depends on how you're able to make it work. If you can handle the dance of engaging the right targets with the right units it's devastating. 1 list it will struggle with though is anything with more than 1 AV14 vehicle or tyhpon totting gun lines

2 contemptors and a levi immobilized in one game would be most unusual. WIsh Curze had rending just so he could at least glance contemptors. 


Tactical Blobs can absorb even the relatively high amount of damage they can inflict whilst dedicated assault units like Templars/Invictari/Palatine Blades will mince them in assault not to say anything of heavy infantry like Lernaeans/Justaerin/Firedrakes/Butchers



Unless you're constantly up against 20 man tac squads with apothecaries, don't see how terror squads have any problem murdering tacs quickly. Smaller squads will lose a fair number to volkite, then with preferred enemy plus outnumber terror squads they will make short work of tacs in an assault. That being said, I am a fan of raptors in terror assault, sure they are not needed all the time but they can go after more dangerous assault units that terror squads can't handle. Plus they are an awesome escort for Curze, minimum of +4 cover is super handy. 



I'm a little annoyed with GWs new draft faq. Apparently a rule everyone has been getting wrong is one grenade attack per squad in close combat per turn. So a squad of vets with melta bombs can only attack with one measilly bomb. Even though everyone in the unit would have them.


This will make tank hunting much harder for us and I bet mechancum players are delighted, one krak grenade attack per squad per cc phase.

^My Castellax have a question to axe power blade you.


But for seriously, that seems a tad silly. I can understand the throwing one grenade thing (why bother with bolters when you can huck krak grenades?) but I'm doubting the one in combat will stay around past the secondary feedback phase. 

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