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[HH1.0] Night Lords Tactics


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Yeah, for the most part, my thing of "Looking for something else" was trying to still get as many heavy support options on the field with only one slot. If the Sicaran can be taken in squadrons, it might be more viable as a "jack-of-all-trades" squadron than a Predator or Whirlwind squadron.
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Still not anywhere near my book, which actually resides with someone else...ah, the life of a vagabond. But no I don't believe Sicarans come in squadrons...not sure on your other question, I more or less glued myself to the Night Lords section haha, with cursory inspection of other bits.
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I would definitely max out on the chainglaives and get big squads of 15 or 20 if you can as to outnumber your enemy.



While I like the sound of the raptor and the terror squads (iirc they have a max of 10 guys) they wont be able to pull all the weight if need be. What Im saying is get a 15-20 man assault squad too so that you can take on those worrisome 20 man tacs with apothecaries.



that or maybe take the volkite chargers off your squads and get a 10 man tactical support squad with calivers (the heavy 2 ones) as they can camp an objective and shoot lightning like emperor palpatine :P

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Revised-ish list I posted elsewhere. Don't really put much stock in it for the moment, and is subject to change on a major level, given reading. Still...


I think my problem, when it comes to designing lists, is I ask for effective and I sort of want effective, but I tend to go for what I think sounds cool. General strategies should be clear, I would think...


With regards to Terror Squads - if not a transport, would you Infiltrate, or Outflank? Or change depending on the situation? Infiltration from what I've seen can be very cool, but occasionally be a bit iffy. Outflanking, I'll be honest, haven't really seen before.


Terror Squad - 250
x10 models
x10 Volkite Chargers
Terror Squad - 250
x10 models
x10 Volkite Chargers

Terror Squad w/ Sevatar - 425
x10 models
x10 Volkite Chargers
x1 Sevatar

Legion Tactical Squad - 185
x10 models
w/ Drop Pod
Veteran Tactical Squad - 265
x10 models
x2 Melta guns
w/ Drop Pod as dedicated transport
Heavy Support
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank - 175
Lascannon sponsons
Fast Attack
Night Raptors - 350 (!)
x10 models
x10 chainglaives

That comes to about 1900. With the other 100 points, not sure where to go. Perhaps just buff up an existing Squad?

And then, my final idea...This I could see failing abysmally.

Terror Squad - 285
x10 models
x10 Volkite Chargers
w/ Drop Pod
Terror Squad - 285
x10 models
x10 Volkite Chargers
w/ Drop Pod

Terror Squad w/ Sevatar - 445
x10 models
x10 Volkite Chargers
x1 Sevatar
W/ Drop Pod

Legion Tactical Squad - 185
x10 models
w/ Drop Pod
Veteran Tactical Squad - 265
x10 models
x2 Melta guns
w/ Drop Pod as dedicated transport
Heavy Support
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank - 175
Lascannon sponsons
Fast Attack
Night Raptors - 350 (!)
x10 models
x10 chainglaives
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How about you get rid of the vet squad, add the extra 100 or so points and get an 8-10 man termie squad?


Makes more sense as you can give them deep strike to come in on sevatar, can give them combi meltas if you want or power fists, and they come stock with power weapons!!



At least, thats what I was thinking about my list.




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Just to clarify, I don't think you can take a 10 man squad + independent character in a drop pod with 10 man transport capacity. It'll have to be 9 man squad.

Yeah my bad, I've cut the points out for the extra model, but forgotten to update the model count.



How about you get rid of the vet squad, add the extra 100 or so points and get an 8-10 man termie squad?


Makes more sense as you can give them deep strike to come in on sevatar, can give them combi meltas if you want or power fists, and they come stock with power weapons!!



At least, thats what I was thinking about my list.




True dat, might do so. Gives the list a fair bit of synergy too...Hmm. If I rejuggle to have two outflanking terror squads, terror unit infiltrating with Sev into cover,  and Terminators deep striking on his position, might work out.

Edited by Verity
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Trust me when I say that I, too, want to see it in action...Above everything, effectiveness, efficiency etc...The idea of playing a full out Night Lord force just appeals to me so much. VIII Legion is just so damn attractive.


Also, anyone know whether Night Lords have a preference to Cataphractii or standard TDA?

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Trust me when I say that I, too, want to see it in action...Above everything, effectiveness, efficiency etc...The idea of playing a full out Night Lord force just appeals to me so much. VIII Legion is just so damn attractive.


Also, anyone know whether Night Lords have a preference to Cataphractii or standard TDA?


Its never been mentioned I think, so that allows for personal license to do whatever you want.



I would say to stay with the cataphractiis due to their astethics and wonderful rules if you can afford them :)

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Hmm, might go towards the cataphractiis. Appearance is quite nice, plus as the slightly stronger version of terminator armour, has it's own terror effect to it...If I was more fluent with English I'd give a go to writing it up, but the idea of heavily armoured troops breaking veil and appearing amongst their foes, with even the most powerful armour piercing rounds seemingly ineffective against them as they unleash a storm of fire is just lovely.


On the other hand, gah, Slow and Purposeful. Painful memories, there...Although they'll likely be well positioned thanks to Sevatar's Master of the Atrementar (not sure why I put transponder first time...Old age making me crazy). Might make a concession towards the rule of cool and give them Reaper Autocannons. With a name like that, I feel like they should be absolutely everywhere...


EDIT: Do we have a Vassal thing going on, on this board? Would be nice to play some of the individuals here, as my playing against Legion lists irl is looking less and less likely. Vassal isn't the most perfect of tools, but it is good for long distance matches.


EDIT2: Just realised where my idea falls down, in that I cannot infiltrate Sevatar.

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Hmmm thinking it through, I'd pod Sevatar with a terror squad (providing you can fit them, not sure atm since I don't have Massacre to check the squad size) or infiltrate them (pretty sure attaching him to an infiltrating unit will grant him that too) and pod a tactical/tactical support squad. Infiltrate the rest of the terror squads taking advantage of Sev's warlord trait. Pick a unit that bothers you and send the raptors after them. If you go with 15 chainglaive totting murderers there's isn't much that will beat them. Kit out Sev's Terror squad for CC and send him hunting warlords. He's a monster in challenges (only some of the stupidly OP EW totting 40k characters or the primarchs will smack him) and he offers you the lovely option of teleporting terminators on top of him

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not double Lightening Claws? ... plus  2 with Chain Fists?

I dunno I guess fluff-wise I see them loving the shredding with claws plus rending on 6's with double attacks and shred means even if they were facing terminators then they wouldn't do badly at all.

Edited by AfroCampbell
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