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[HH1.0] Night Lords Tactics


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I have had him get hit by a crashing aircraft and ignore it and then charge out of the flames into a DA command unit that had every DA special character in it and after a challenge every combat phase he finally won. I found it amusing but probably not what you were looking for lol. I personally run him with a command squad with jump packs or a Night Raptor squad but only field him at 3k + and not always even then.

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I've had mixed experiences with Konrad. Some games, put him in some infantry squads and down they go. Other times, he's been just disappointing - though that may be due to my dice rolls. A IH Iron father with a slew of upgrades tied him up for a fair few rounds, concussed to stop H&R. The only thing I've found to keep him away from are castellax squads. Yes, he has the chance of a ID hit before they attack back, but on average you'll probably get 1 per round of attacks, and then clobbered. I use the 'fight anything smaller than you' sort of role. You always want to be charging though, you just lose too much not to be. 

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@Galron You can't run the primarch with a jump pack command squad sadly, unless you also have a praetor who has taken one 


@Isj The most interesting thing about Curze imo is how his King of Terror rule works.


First of all it works better when he's with a unit and you win combat without a lot of casualties, this is because it is line of sight and 12" from the combat, so the larger the footprint, the better.


Second is that it even affects other units locked in close combat. This can be used to force a potential second round of morale checks on enemies, or break them before they have the chance to swing (though you could easily save enemies from your own units by accident). 


In general its extremely useful for disrupting backline squads like rapier batteries who need to test on LD 8.

Edited by SkimaskMohawk
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The times I have used him with them were in fact games where I also had a jump pack praetor although I am not sure if this was intentional on my part or I just had them since I typically use a non-Sevatar praetor with Night Raptors.

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  • night lords gain night raptors as troops, any unit can take trophies of judgement for a fixed cost, any unit of 10 or more men, may take kharybdis assault claws as DT. must always charge if in range.

Credit to Garro @ http://heresy30k.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/5934-garros-weekender-info-dump/



Night Raptor's are Troops, pretty cool. With Trophies also pretty cool. Pretty cool mean's you could also take Termies in Kharbdis. I presently use 5 in a Dreadclaw to some hilarious effect.


Always charging not much an issue either.


Love to hear other thoughts on the new ROW.

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I'm not that irritated about the blood angels getting a better TfM. What I'm pissed about is letting white scars (sgts upwards) get power glaives - A superior chainglaive in multiple ways. That irks me somewhat.


Other than that, I don't actually think our RoW is that good. I mean, who here thinks, oh man, if only I could field more raptors. Fluffy, sure. Powerful, can be. But to me, the 'bonuses' don't help much. Yeah, you now have an army of superior assault marines, but with limited modelling opportunities, high points costs, the fact that fear doesn't help as much as the rules writers think it does. I can't say I'm suprised that our two ROW are basically -take unit x as troops, and then take unit y as troops. I also feel they've hammered the 'fear legion' point home hard enough now.


Also, Kharybdis...sure they're cool. But hella expensive for a dedicated transport. The charge rule is hell (imo) if you're facing a mechanicum army. The opponent will put some castellax close, and laugh as your raptors bounce off their T,W and armour save. Or any other army that benefits from being defensive.


This might just be me feeling negative :biggrin.:


As for the character, he actually looks decent. I mean, FW seem to assume every special NL character wears power armour, especially the preator level ones, so there's that to complain about... but then again, the cc save, the anti combat buffs, the ap2 weapon, I could see myself taking him. Especially for the tankiness/fnp factor. 3 wounds in combat with 3+,3++, then a 4+++ which turns into a 3+++


For reference, here he is.


Edited by Aeternas
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Not BAD but not GOOD.


The WS Glaive is pretty damn good I will agree. I'd rather have seen those rules for ours.

It's that ap 2 at initiative that bothers me the most. White scars look to be one of the best legions at the moment, again.


I disagree with your assessment of the row Aeternes. I'll write it up when I get home.

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What :cussing need do WS5 guys have need of "Fear" for? And that new character is garbage. 10pts less than Sevatar? Get in the sea.

Thanks for the in depth overview hesh!


I for one, think this guy has his uses.

And those uses are combat related, and playing for the long game.

Having a rerollable dice for varying game length if you are losing and all your army within 12 inches getting stubborn might be a smidge helpful in averting a crisis or at least useful in pulling something back.

Also I'm not gonna shirk a 3++, 4 attack axe wielding character in combat. Especially when he gets his fnp.

Also might have his uses vs characters but that's a situational calculated risk

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No worries.


Sevatar meanwhike has a 4++ Rerollable (superior to a 3+) instant Death with rerolls to hit and wound on an AP3 Rending weapon.


Night Lords should not be losing combats. They should be ganging up and units that they can win against and flattening the rest with Firepower.


His one real buff is rerolling game length. He is just another Llansahai level character. Niche.

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How do the changes to our LA rules effect how you all view the new ROW


Courtesy of Garro on heresy 30k


Night Lords

'from the shadows' confers 5+ cover save, use to be 6+

'talent for murder' confers +1 to hit and wound, use to be just to wound




Raptors hitting most things on 2s seems attractive at a glance.

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Just amazed by the updates.


As per above, by Garro over at Heresy


Night Lords

  • 'from the shadows' confers 5+ cover save, use to be 6+
  • 'talent for murder' confers +1 to hit and wound, use to be just to wound
  • terror squads gain 'precision strike'
  • sevatar has his additional psyker rules from the FAQ added to his profile, also gains precision strike



Talent for Murder really helps out any large squads, or alpha strike units. Dreadclaw's with terminator's get pretty amazing as well. 


The new ROW I'm not too crazy about.


Thoughts on the new assault squad ROW + above army rules. Once the points cost reduction goes in for Assault Marine's you can really cause some havoc. 

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