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[HH1.0] Night Lords Tactics


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Accurately Outflanking Twin-Linked Melta/Plasma could be a good thing and its the FA slot which, even with Terror Assaults 1HS Slot, isn't used all that much.

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You can see that without being able to assault from reserve, it doesn't actually do much unless you have brutal close ranged shooting. IMO its why they buffed the SoH with Death Dealer, as reavers and black reaving incentivized outflank...with no actual benefit back then. 

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Would you take a laser vindicator or a deredeo with missiles in a 2000 point Terror Assault list?


The rest of the list is:

2x8 infiltrating terror squads with chargers.

1x8 podding terror squad with bolters for late game objective grabbing and support.

1 contemptor cortus with kheres in a dreadclaw.

5 terminators with plasma blaster, 2 fists and 2 chainfists in a dreadclaw.

A praetor.

6 plasma gun support marines in a rhino.

2 land speeders with graviton and multimeltas.


The vindicator would free up points to make the land speeders javelins, but I don't have any at the moment and without the deredeo I have no AA firepower.

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I think both a laser vindicator and a deredeo fits terror assault well. Given that vindicators can seen be fielded in squadrons, that's what really makes them a much more appealing choice for terror assault, as one may not have a big impact or may just be eliminated too quickly, two though brings a lot more pain and durability. Of course you can't go wrong with the deredeo, even without fliers around it's a solid anti tank unit. I'd say it really depends on your meta as to which you should take. If fliers are a problem, definitely take the derdeo, if not I'd say two vindicators as they are better against units like spartans. 


Also just curios, why put a dreadnought in a dreadclaw? A DDP is far better for dreadnoughts, since you can fire out of them the turn you land. 

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Thanks for the advice. 


I went with a dreadclaw because I already own a couple of them and it gives me the option to pick units up and move them about later in the game if I really need to. Besides that it has the flame attack which I have used to kill off small teams and it can move in hover mode with the dread still inside.  I find the basic pods a bit lacking once they have arrived, but the dreadclaw still has some value.

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The dreadnought pod allows your dread to fire turn one and still be in position to charge in the next. The shrouding it grants is also nice, so anyone shooting through the pods at other stuff has to get through a 3+ cover save. Edited by Terminus
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Hey guys. I’m getting ready to sell my 40k Orks army and pick up a Betrayal box and some other fun stuff. I want to run a Terror Assault list for the iron-willed, justice-loving, traitor-killing, loyalist Night Lord captain I came up with. Here’s what I’m thinking for a 2k point list.




-Artificer Armor, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Volkite Charger, and Trophies



Legion Terminators x5

-Comb-Plas on everyone, 4x fists, 1x chainfist, Teleportation Transponder


Vet Tactical Squad x9


-Furious Charge, AA for sarge, Vexilla, Chainglaives on everyone. Maybe Nuncio-vox.


Mortis Dreadnought

-TL Autocannons



Terror Squad x10

-AA, power weapon, and plasma pistol for sarge

-9x Volkite Chargers for everyone else


Terror Squad x10

-AA, power weapon for sarge

-10x bolter


Terror Squad x10

-AA, power weapon for sarge

-10x bolter



Predator Squadron x2

Predator Autocannons with Lascannon sponsons, and Machine Spirit on both


     The plan is to stick my Praetor in the pod with my vets for a turn 2 (hopefully night fighting) assault on something that absolutely, positively has to die. The nuncio-vox could make my praetor into a ghetto-Sevatar and allow for some precision DS termie support. My volkite squad is for killing big blobs. The plasma pistol rerolls 1s and stops an AA sarge from tanking my volkite shots. Hopefully I get the squads numbers down below 10 so I can get TfM. The other Terror Squads will prioritize objective holding, and objective taking. The DS-ing Combi-Plas termies are for exactly what you would expect. I figure a 5 man squad is safest for the smaller teleporting footprint. The predators are there for some ranged AV, and the Mortis is for AA and more autocannon shots. And everything is for rule-of-cool.


     The questions I have are: 1) is putting my super-expensive melee squad in the only pod in my army a recipe for disaster? I know the Dreadclaw mitigates some interceptor risk by landing far away from doritos/ hyperion missile stuff and moving-flat out turn 1. But is it enough? 2)How wrecked will I be if I just ignore heavy armor that I can’t crack, focusing on killing what I can? I don’t see Autocannons and a couple of LC sponsons being reliable against LRs let alone flare shielded Spartans. I’ve got some melee AV, but that’s not something I feel I can reliably count on. 3) Is Machine Spirit worth it? I could turn those 50 points into a lot of melta bombs.

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Lists should really be in the army list sub-forum, but to answer your questions.


1.) Yes, without supporting drop elements and not being a Kharybdis, all the jinking in the world won't save you against a Deredeo with no better targets.


2.) The most powerful stuff in the Legion list tends to be armor, so you may find yourself in a bad spot.


3.) Not on both tanks and not at all for predator autocannons. If you're talking melta-preds or vindicator tank destroyers, sure, their guns are good enough to give one of them machine spirit so he can split fire.


A few general notes:

1.) plasma blaster is totally worth it on terminators and is a great 15-point purchase. Plasma pistols, on the other hand, are among the worst 15-point purchases.

2.) chainglaives are amazing, take them everywhere you took power swords. You can't give them to all your veterans though, since they are character only. Not even command squads (or the unit leader standard bearer) are characters. Just your joe shmoe Sgts, Apothecaries, and HQ choices.

3.) if you want a unit with a bunch of chainglaives, take a Night Raptor squad with an attached Vigilator, so you can scout move them and have a 4+ cover in the open during the first turn.

4.) if you are going to spend the points on bolters, go ahead and pay the extra 30 points to give them all chargers. Preferred Enemy makes it worth it and you can assault to finish off any infantry you didn't gun down

5.) with Preferred Enemy re-rolls, Terror Squads have identical performance to furious charge Vets when you're charging, and are flat out better in subsequent rounds. If you are benefiting from talent for murder, the gap is even wider. I would re-tool one of the terror squads to be your dedicated close combat unit, and make your veterans snipers (for monstrous creatures) with melta bombs (for monstrous creatures and tanks). The preferred enemy rule also transfers to any characters that join them, making them better in combat. Add rad grenades so you're wounding marines you outnumber on 2s re-rolling 1s, or just buy heavy chainblades. Add an apothecary, and now they have FNP and two chainglaives and a paragon blade in the unit.

Edited by Terminus
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The new gang up rules can push Terror Marines over the top if the enemy fails that fear test. Hitting on 2s, wounding on 3s, re-roll 1s for both.


The +1 to hit is making me really want to try Horror Cult as it lets raptors be semi-useful and score instead of being a giant point sink

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Thanks for the responses! Yeah I see now that vets can't take chainglaives. That would be a super-cool if they could. But they can't. I think I'm going to rework my idea and probably sub some Night Raptors for the Praetor escort squad. Thanks for the insight. I kind of wanted the plasma pistol to work, but 15 points is a lot and with the rumors that Terror Squads are losing precision shot, it's even less worth it. I'll rework my list and post it in the list sub-forum.


Thanks again.

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Terror Squads are not losing precision shot. They didn't have anything before, were granted both precision shot and strike by the FAQ, and the people that saw the red book say it's now added to their rules.

Edited by Terminus
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Oh cool. I was referring to the FAQ. I know the new AoD Legions book will override the FAQ/ Errata, and I'd heard that Terror Squads are listed in it with Precision Strikes but not shots. I hope it is in there, that would be great.
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Anyway, I don't see why the book should override the FAQ, considering it was sent off to the printers before the FAQ was written.

That's... that's... Really? Well at least we get to keep Precision Strikes and Shots until we hear otherwise.
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Its how the printing process works.


It can take a pretty long while before:

  • Final Version is sent to the Printers.
  • Test Batch is sent back to FW
  • FW Approves or makes necessary adjustments
  • If printers have to change stuff, repeat step 2
  • Printing Process finally begins.
  • Batches are sent out as they are finished which, depending on location (china?), can take a while to get to FW HQ.
  • Once enough stock is accumulated, pre-orders go up.

And anywhere in between those steps, which, after a bit no longer really permits them to change stuff in-book, the FAQ is released which ends up adding things in that they probably forgot to when updating the AoD book.


So, until they amend the 2016 FAQ, I'm also in the boat of using it in conjunction with the new AoD book regarding changes that occur in one and not the other.

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 Yeah I see now that vets can't take chainglaives. That would be a super-cool if they could. But they can't. 



It sure would be really nice if veterans or terror squads could take chainglaives. I find raptors are just not that great with chainglaives, one base attack is a bit lackluster, leaving them entirely reliant on a good extra attacks roll on the turn they charge. Anything with 2 attacks base would be far better for chainglaives. 


Until I have the new book in hand, I'm just going to stick with the FAQ. Given the new red book isn't really out yet except for the few lucky people who got it at the weekender I don't really see the changes as the official, widely used rules yet, certainly not among people I play. 

Edited by Lord Asvaldir
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1 Base attack but +d3 Attacks on the Charge /w Raptors.


So for a 10 man Squad thats a potential 40 attacks on the charge. Slap on Curze for Hit & Run, rinse and repeat.

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