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[HH1.0] Night Lords Tactics


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Anyone tried using a Praevian with some scouting Vorax?


They could be in combat turn two assuming some survive due to their relatively poor armour and the rending on cc weapons could help carve apart larger vehicles if you don't opt for smash attacks.


Poisoned rotor cannons might even cause a wound or two on the way in.


Biggest use would be as a super distraction from the rest of the army.

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I went up against a buddy who was using one in a 2v2.


Sadly my partners Knight Atrapos got to them first >_>


That said, thanks to them getting LA:NL and Talent for murder, these murder bots really bring the kill with +1I during Night Fight (situational but if you have Curze its a bit more reliable), +1 to hit and to wound if you outnumber is saucy.

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Not that vorax are bad, but if I was running a praevian in terror assault I think I'd usually rather have castallax with darkfire lances, since terror assault is often light on anti armor options. That being said given the vorax would benefit from talent for murder, they would definetly work fairly well together with other NL units to ensure they have the outnumber bonus. 

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I was considering Castallax with Darkfire but a number of factors have put me off


I'm doing pretty good on the Anti-tank side of things in my current local meta so don't really require the Darkfire lances.


However Castallax have recently received a +20 points increase (see the FAQ and latest mechanicum book) making each one over 100++ points each. Thats a huge amount per model if you add the Darkfire on top. A basic Vorax is nearly half the points.


Most important factor however is looks. The Vorax look lethal and just begging to be festooned with skulls and skins, check out the arm power blades (which give +1 attack). They will fit right in with any Night Lords force.

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Has anyone used the Flaymaster as I really like his fluff and was wondering if he would be a good addition to my shattered legions force.?


On another note I am planning on doing a shattered legion force that incorporates a large block of Iron Hand breachers with forgelord and a couple of Deredeos any idea of what else I can add from the Night Lords Legion to support this as after reading most of the Night Lords fluff I am pretty keen on fielding some 30k Night Lords

Edited by teutonicavenger
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I posted this way back in the thread:


"First off he isn't inefficient for his points; his wargear works out to about the same as a normal primus medicae with similar gear, tho I think he might be about 5 or so points cheaper than the total of his items so there's that.


His melee weapon I'm not too sure of, a paragon blade at -2 str and ap 3 kind of sucks as most of the time you're not benefiting from instant death; you average .2 ID wounds per 2 attacks, so it would be almost 5 rounds of combat to get it.


No artificer armour is a bit of a killer, so you can't tank power swords or plasma fusils or ailos lanchers on him. However, for things you get your armour against, his 3+ and rerolled FNP averages 14% fail rate vs 2+ 17%, so you can tank chaff on him decently.


Him being an apothecary gives the normal squad wide FNP, which lends itself to priority units such as Terminators, raptors, and blobs. Sadly the lack of terminator armour or a jump pack makes those two less attractive, but his Fear and Fearless rules really help out a blob of 20 dudes. This lets you shave off a bit from vexillas on the unit as well as never get swept by combat or be affected by seeds of dissent, while fear can help them pile onto other units easier.


I'm wondering if I missed anything else though, any other unit where he's alright rather than bad like the tac blobs"

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Red Jaqa is str-1. Other than that, your assessment is quite helpful.


The biggest use for him imo is when taking Kurze, as Mawdrym gains -1 to fear tests which he confers to whatever unit he's with (and fearless being the icing on the cake).

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Red Jaqa is str-1. Other than that, your assessment is quite helpful.


The biggest use for him imo is when taking Kurze, as Mawdrym gains -1 to fear tests which he confers to whatever unit he's with (and fearless being the icing on the cake).

Weapon is -1S, but as opposed to paragon which is +1S, you're at a -2S 'penalty'. At least this is what I think is meant.

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Red Jaqa is str-1. Other than that, your assessment is quite helpful.


The biggest use for him imo is when taking Kurze, as Mawdrym gains -1 to fear tests which he confers to whatever unit he's with (and fearless being the icing on the cake).

Weapon is -1S, but as opposed to paragon which is +1S, you're at a -2S 'penalty'. At least this is what I think is meant.


Ah, makes perfect sense now :tongue.:

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Giving a unit fearless is a pretty nice benefit, especially because he's not that expensive. He's not really better than a medicae for a terminator or a raptor unit, however if you're running tactical blobs he's definetly a worthwhile investment. Overall though, he isn't all the great, just a primus medicae with mediocre gear traded off for gaining fearless. 

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Having a little idea in my head for cinematic purposes.

My DG are going to be a siege company, so I thought what better way to supplement the big guns in a siege than with some mid-night clad psychopaths going around taking some faces in their forward deployment. My original thoguht was to combine with creeping death and get a 4+ for all my dudes in the open but you can't take allies with that, so that's out. But with the reaping I can bring all the hella guns I want while the NL bring the distraction I need for my slower elements to move up.

Basically, I'll run Terror Assault as an allied detatchment, so I'll need a master of the legion here to go with the infiltrating terror squads.

  • What HQ would you reccomend? Is there a stand out that brings master of the legion and infiltrate? I suppose if not I could always get a little squad of "Atrementar" terms to teleport in and help.
  • What loadout for Terror Squads? AA/ Gliave/ MB on the sarge and liberal Choom?

Had a go below: Leviathan can come and go with points, but it let's me bring the deep strike support to my Reapings lack of it.

Without the dread it's a solid 770 points of Alpha Strike Pain/ Harass.


It could be less but I can't choose a Delegatus can I? Or he has to be the warlord? So it would just mean I have a warlord in my allied detachment?

Hidden Content

+++ Terror (1175pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (1175pts) ++

+ HQ (185pts) +

Legion Praetor (185pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Digital Lasers, Paragon Blade, Teleportation Transponder, Trophies of Judgement]
····Master of the Legion [Terror Assault]

+ Troops (340pts) +

Terror Squad (170pts) [4x Executioner, 4x Volkite Charger]
····Headsman [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]

Terror Squad (170pts) [4x Executioner, 4x Volkite Charger]
····Headsman [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]

+ Elites (245pts) +

Legion Terminator Squad (245pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 2x Chainfist, 4x Combi-Weapon, 4x Legion Terminators, Teleportation Transponder]
····Legion Terminator Sergeant [Combi-Weapon, Nostraman Chainglaive]

+ Heavy Support (405pts) +

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (405pts)
····Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver]

Edited by Charlo
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Yeah, was going to make them combis. That's fine then. Shame about delegatus as that would shave 60 points off but it's cool.


Really enjoying the fluff aspects of DG working with NL because they're immune to fear :P


Any advice on the Preator? Or is the standard PB/DL/MB supplemented by trophies and deep strike fine as is?

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Pretty much, Night Lord characters are not particularly exciting.


Running Terror Assault as an allied rite is a pretty good idea, you get rid of the frequent complaint of having to take a 3rd expensive troop unit, and the one heavy support choice limitation is not a limitation at all.  You do want to consider that Terror Assault will enforce night fighting, so your shooting will also be hindered.  Ironically, Raven Guard make probably the best partner to Night Lords, with all their infravisors and infiltrate to set up good shooting lanes.


I don't think running two 5-man Terror squads on foot is a great idea, though. They will die easily and are basically forever giving up the chance to ever outnumber anybody.


I would build two solid Terror squads in Dreadclaws, a Leviathan in a pod (so 3 pods), and leave it at that. You can use the fancy terminators death guard have. This is how I would roll:


HQ: Praetor with iron halo, digital lasers, paragon blade - 165

Elites: 2x Apothecaries with artificer armour and heavy chainblades - 130

Troops: 8x Terror Squad with volkite chargers, Sgt. with artificer and chainblade, Dreadclaw - 330

Troops: 9x Terror Squad with volkite chargers, Sgt. with artificer and chainblade, Dreadclaw - 350

(optional) Heavy Support: Leviathan (could shave off ceramite and volkite depending on meta, I'd go with melta lance over grav bombard since you already have lots of anti-infantry) - 380-405


This is a bit more than what you were spending above, but gives you two very strong anti-infantry scoring units with two preferred enemy chainglaives in each and FNP for survivability (and Praetor also gets fear and preferred enemy infantry and FNP) and a fourth heavy support choice that can splatter armor and knights.  They can actually hop out of the dreadclaws immediately since they will have 4+ cover saves during turn one.  You could give the Praetor and apothecaries volkite chargers to keep the theme, but it gets pretty expensive. Sgts could potentially do without one for 10 more points saved. Melta-bombs as warranted.

Edited by Terminus
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Thanks! Yeah, if I'm not using the Leviathan, pods could certainly be a thing. If I'm honest though I don't really want to spend money on dreadclaws, as I already own 7 Normal pods so I'm a bit podded out personally!


The Terminators were to give the Preator somewhere to go, but you bring a good point. Beefing up terror squads is nice too. Perhaps one podded and on infiltrating.

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Pretty much, Night Lord characters are not particularly exciting.



Well they do at least benefit from a talent for murder, so that gives them an edge in challenges. Plus because of seeds of dissent, I usually make sure to really buff up my preator as much as possible, I don't want him losing any challenges. 


Second Terminus' suggestion about the 5 man terror squads, infiltrating units that small are just going to die and not have much of an impact. You certainly don't have to run dreadclaws, I think normal drop pods work just fine for terror squads. That way you can start shooting with your volkites as soon as you drop in. 

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Technically, no, there's a silly rule that prevents characters without infiltrate from joining a unit with infiltrate during the deployment  phase, even if you're deep striking in a pod and clearly not infiltrating, however if your opponent is cool with it I'd run a preator with a terror squad.  

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Hmm I thought as much. That's really stupid. Because unless I take another squad I'm just stuck with nowhere to put him. Especially as I can't get him in friendly transports either.


If I can put him in the pod though I'd run this I think:



+++ Terror (805pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (805pts) ++


+ HQ (185pts) +


Legion Praetor (185pts) [Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Melta Bombs, Paragon Blade, Trophies of Judgement, Volkite Charger]

····Master of the Legion [Terror Assault]


+ Troops (545pts) +


Terror Squad (270pts) [7x Executioner, Legion Drop Pod, 8x Volkite Charger]

····Headsman [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]


Terror Squad (275pts) [9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]

····Headsman [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]


+ Elites (75pts) +


Apothecarion Detachment (75pts)

····Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Volkite Charger]

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That's a very nice and thematic little bundle. Trophies are a bit redundant since the squads already cause fear, but why not.


The infiltrate question is an interesting discussion, because deep strike reserves are different from regular reserves and standard deployment.


It's also interesting how Headhunters lose infiltrate if they take a dreadclaw, which negates this issue being brought up (but also lose it if taking a rhino... whomp whomp).

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As the Emperor once said; "Send the 8th!"


Will give my heavy squads, Dreads and other elements a nice forward support and power unit for the enemy to deal with. Cheers guys.

Again, remember that the Terror Assault will force night fighting, so all those heavy squads, dreads, and other elements will be shooting at enemies with stealth!

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As the Emperor once said; "Send the 8th!"


Will give my heavy squads, Dreads and other elements a nice forward support and power unit for the enemy to deal with. Cheers guys.

Again, remember that the Terror Assault will force night fighting, so all those heavy squads, dreads, and other elements will be shooting at enemies with stealth!

Don't have my book in front of me, but doesn't the NL LA rule give the whole detachment night vision anyway? That would mitigate that issue.

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