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[HH1.0] Night Lords Tactics


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Over a plasma blaster? Seems like taking poor weapons to get a fringe benefit out of a rule.


I use the same style of Siege breaker in a Horror Cult list where theres no consul limit and heavy troop tax so you can splurge a bit more on characters

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I'm slowing expanding my NL out of my standard Terror Assault RoW. I've had some good success with 2.5k Terror lists at my local club, so it's nearly time for something different.


I'm rather keen on adding some warp cult allies, a horde of rending mutants (whfb ghoul models) could be fun.


I'll need some standard tacticals as troops choices for non terror assault and I'm considering a unit of heavy support Volkites, what's not to like about a unit of 10 guys armed with strength 6 heavy 4 long range death Ray's?

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Best use I've found for a Siege Breaker so far is running him with a Veteran Squad with missiles and Sniper. Not only do you have the option of rending S8 but the re-rolls as well.

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I've got a pretty standard NL Terror assault list so far, with a few extras. Looking to make my next FW purchase, what would you suggest is good for Night Lords at the moment?

I've heard a lot of good things about the leviathan, and as aircraft aren't too popular in my area I don't think a deredo is needed yet.


List as is has the basic 20 choom marines, 20 raptors, drop pods, sevatar, 10 cataphractii, 20 bolter marines (which are usually run as an extra terror squad), fire raptor, Curze, and a couple of superheavies. 


At the moment playing against a lot of deathstars in flare shielded spartans.


Has anyone tried the Scorpius? 

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Scorpius is an excellent tank, BUT its weakness is slot ineffeciency which is compounded when taken in Terror assault.


Grav dreads in pods kill flare spartans, as do medusas, Leviathans are always really mean, though I'm going to play with one for the first time today in a 3k Terror assault list, so I'll let you know how it goes

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Oh yeah man, if you're playing in a death-taxi heavy meta, drop pod leviathans are money.


Typically you don't want to assault a spartan since the unit inside will get the charge on your assaulting unit. However, rarely does anything want to charge a leviathan dread.

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Oh yeah man, if you're playing in a death-taxi heavy meta, drop pod leviathans are money.


Typically you don't want to assault a spartan since the unit inside will get the charge on your assaulting unit. However, rarely does anything want to charge a leviathan dread.

How'd you want to outfit it? Drill/Melta? And is it worth getting 2 in the talon, one for assault one for shooting? 

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I would recommend magnetizing, that way you have access to whatever option is appropriate for the threat. When running multiple I find it's best to outfit both to go separately if necessary but can function in multiple roles (e.g. claw/bombard on one, and drill/lance on the other).


Though double storm cannons with choom-chest and phosphex is quite good definitely good for chewing through hordes.

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Probably the most versatile levi is the drill grav version. You can kill tanks in melee and kill 2+ from shooting )sometimes damaging the AV 14 armoured ceramit and the like). The storm cannons are really good at killing 3+ dudes and AV 12, but I find that Night Lords don't need help killing 3+ dudes. The melta lance loadout seems to be favoured when theres high priority vehicles without armoured ceramite (like knights) or when the targets have it, but with less than AV 14

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Leviathan Talons - plain and simple. Sicarans and Scorpius Whirlwinds are great but you're severely handicapping yourself by taking them and being restricted to a single HS slot.


The list I'm currently planning out contains 2, both footslogging because you can't give them all pods, 1 melta lance and storm cannon and 1 claw and grav. If you're going to pod them I think claw and drill will work just as well because you've got the armour out of the equation but you'll also chew through high toughness multiwound models like the mechanicum automata and Primarchs without access to S10 or armourbane

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idk, bombard is so much better than the claw and it really lets you take full advantage of the dreadnought drop pod being open topped by alpha striking any unit with 18" of where you dropped. The only time id gor for claw is if I knew for a fact I'd be against the aformentioned primarchs or me

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If you've got fore knowledge of facing a Primarch or against Mechanicum then it's something to take into account. I love the bombard and prefer it with the claw most of the time, but given I need the extra anti armour element for terror assault it wins out. The benefit I have with my current build (at 3k) is that with:




Legion Champion running with 10 Terminators

2 Leviathans


threat saturation is outstanding. The Terror Squads mop up the infantry and it's mean. Very mean. I feel quite bad seeing some of the devastation it unloads sometimes

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I believe flint makes use of them with some success

Though I'd take as many as allowed/ points for, 2 squads could go squish fast to the correct application of firepower due to footprint and how much space you want 100 models to take on the table

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I really try not to sound like a broken record, but they are pretty great.


I typically use the following alongside my World Eaters, Dark Mechanicum or Solar Aux:


Force Commander - Tainted Weapon, melta bomb, cyber familiar, digital laser, warp cult, tainted flesh

2x Levy squad x50


It's only 350pts, but provides you with 101 fearless, rending speed bumps. If they kill something, great, but it's mostly secondary. Think of them almost like a protective screen and you'll rarely be disappointed.


They are spectacular for dog piling things you don't want to fight with the standard elements of your list. They are especially helpful for my Dark Mechanicum since they are the complete opposite end of the spectrum from Castellax. Primarchs are one of the worst things that can get into your big, stompy robits, especially Mortarion or Vulkan. Morty is much more difficult to lock down, but still doable. Once they're stuck into cultists, they have to grind down every single one. It takes a surprisingly long time even with a bodyguard unit.

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Thoughts? It's pretty straightforward I think, infiltrating TS's supported by dreads and scouting vorax in addition to a nice termie brick (that won't scatter by Sevatar, who will be arriving T1 with the vets w/pod). Curze does his thing murdering everything to death that's in range :tongue.:. The big thing is 4+ cover basically across the board T1 to survive  opening salvoes.




3000 points Legiones Astartes Crusade Army List


Legiones Astartes Night Lords

Rite of War: Terror Assault


HQ-497 points




-Centurion (consul: Praevian): boarding shield, boltgun, power fist

-3x vorax class battle-automata


Troops-795 points


-Terror squad: 10 members, 10x volkite chargers, aa, mb


-Terror squad: 10 members, 10x volkite chargers, aa, mb


-Terror squad: 10 members, 10x volkite chargers, aa, mb


Elites:-665 points


-Legion terminator squad: 5 members, 1x chainfists, 5x combi-weapons, teleportation transponders


-Legion terminator squad: 5 members, 1x chainfists, 5x combi-weapons, teleportation transponders


-Legion veteran squad: melta bombs (full squad), aa, drop pod dedicated transport


Fast Attack-n/a


Heavy Support-605 points


-Leviathan Siege Dreadnought talon: 2x dreadnoughts, bombard, lance, 1x drill, volkite chargers


Lord of War-430 points


-Konrad Curze: Master of the Legion (Terror Assault


edit: Thanks for the input Slips. I took your advice and bulked out the terror and terminator squads at the price of a leviathan. Also mb's and aa on the vets.


Regarding Curze going it alone, I'm hoping there's enough target saturation in the list to provide a decent amount of 'protection' that way. Plus I can stick him in literally any piece of terrain and he's got a 2+ or 3+ cover save. Otherwise I can drop one levi for some raptors and stick the last levi in a pod (per Balthamal's advice).  I just like the idea of Curze stalking the battlefield as a lone killer :happy.:

Edited by Runefyre
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Not enough Punch, imo.


Preferably, your Terror Squads would have 10 Volkite Chargers and your Termies, better split into 2 5 man squads, should all have Combi-Weapons for On-The-Drop Punch.


I'd honestly ditch the Storm Cannon Levi for the points to do so. With the remaining points, get the Tac Vets Melta Bombs (they're running Tank Hunters, I assume?), Artificer Armour  and Melta Bombs on any and all Squad Sergeants that can take it and a Chainglaive on them too where possible.


Afterwards, get Bio-Corrosive Rounds for your Vorax to make their Rotor Cannon Shooting not be Terribad and give the Praevian a Power Fist since thats more consistent than a Charnabal Sabre.


So something like:

+++ Night Lords (3000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (3000pts) ++
+ HQ (530pts) +
Legion Centurion (355pts) [Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]
··Consul [Praevian]
··Vorax Class Battle-automata Maniple [bio-corrosive ammunition, Vorax, Vorax, Vorax]
Sevatar (175pts)
+ Troops (730pts) +
Terror Squad (275pts) [9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]
··Headsman [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]
Terror Squad (275pts) [9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]
··Headsman [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]
Terror Squad (180pts) [5x Executioner, 5x Volkite Charger]
··Headsman [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]
+ Elites (670pts) +
Apothecarion Detachment (140pts)
··Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner, Nostraman Chainglaive]
··Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner, Nostraman Chainglaive]
Legion Terminator Squad (255pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, 4x Combi-Weapon, 4x Legion Terminators, 3x Power Fist, Teleportation Transponder]
··Legion Terminator Sergeant [Combi-Weapon, Power Fist]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (275pts) [Legion Drop Pod, 8x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Melta Bombs, Tank Hunters]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive]
+ Heavy Support (635pts) +
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (635pts)
··Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Cyclonic Melta Lance, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver]
··Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Grav-flux Bombard, Phosphex Discharger, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [Traitor, VIII: Night Lords]
+ Lord of War (435pts) +
Konrad Curze (435pts)
··Master of the Legion [Terror Assault]
Created with BattleScribe
The Full Terror Squads have Apothecaries for a bit more resilience and can also deny any counter-infiltrating.

+++ Night Lords (3000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (3000pts) ++
+ HQ (575pts) +
Legion Centurion (400pts) [Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]
··Consul [Praevian]
··Vorax Class Battle-automata Maniple [bio-corrosive ammunition, Enhanced Targeting Array, Vorax, Vorax, Vorax]
Sevatar (175pts)
+ Troops (825pts) +
Terror Squad (275pts) [9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]
··Headsman [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]
Terror Squad (275pts) [9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]
··Headsman [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]
Terror Squad (275pts) [9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]
··Headsman [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]
+ Elites (530pts) +
Legion Terminator Squad (255pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, 4x Combi-Weapon, 4x Legion Terminators, 3x Power Fist, Teleportation Transponder]
··Legion Terminator Sergeant [Combi-Weapon, Power Fist]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (275pts) [Legion Drop Pod, 8x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Melta Bombs, Tank Hunters]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive]
+ Heavy Support (635pts) +
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (635pts)
··Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Cyclonic Melta Lance, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver]
··Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Grav-flux Bombard, Phosphex Discharger, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [Traitor, VIII: Night Lords]
+ Lord of War (435pts) +
Konrad Curze (435pts)
··Master of the Legion [Terror Assault]
Created with BattleScribe
Only real difference with this one is that you have more Terror Marines for more Infantry Hate. Vorax also have ETA's for BS5 Shooting.


In both cases, you have less Terminators but they pack a punch on arrival (depending on Combi-Weapon choice) and can stand up to T4 Multi Wound Terminators thanks to Power Fists.


Leviathans have 30" Shooting thanks to Calivers and also have Phosphex to clear chaff if necessary.


Vets traded the singular melta gun for squad wide melta bombs.


All Sergeants can tank Non-Ap2 Shooting for the Squad and, should he survive long enough, wouldn't leave the squad high and dry if they came across something with an AV.



 But thats just how I'd go about things.

Edited by Slipstreams
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Well, the only way I see to remedy that would be to ditch one of the two remaining Leviathans in my above examples, give a Pod to the remaining one and nabbing some Raptors who'll have 2+ Cover so long as they run with Curze.

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Depends what you're facing down imo. If there's a massive chunk of long range firepower that is going to enjoy shooting at Konrad and the Levis regardless then might be beter taking the raptors to give him some meatshields and podding the Leviathan will get it bang in the middle of all the shooting so the threat is far more imminent. Pleasant problem to have however

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After some addition consideration, I've changed up the list again. I removed one termie squad, vets, and one levi; but gave Curze a bodyguard, added apothecaries, and added two contemptor cortus in pods. Plus I want to use a charnabl sabre on the praevian, just 'cause nobody uses them and it's a kinda cool gimmick.


3000 points LACAL

Legiones Astartes Night Lords

Rite of War- Terror Assault




Centurion-cataphractii terminator armour, teleportation transponder


Centurion (consul: praevian)-breacher shield, boltgun, charnabl sabre

-3x vorax




Terror squad-10 members, 10x volkite chargers, aa, mbs


Terror squad-10 members, 10x volkite chargers, aa, mbs


Terror squad-10 members, 10x volkite chargers, aa, mbs




contemptor corus-dreadnought drop pod


contemptor corus-dreadnought drop pod


apothecarion detachment-3x apothecaries, aa, augury scanners


Legion terminator squad-1x chainfist, 5x combi-weapons, teleportation transponders


Fast Attack-195pts


Night Raptor squad- 3x chainglaives, aa, mbs


Heavy Support-360pts


Leviathan Siege dreadnought talon-cyclonic melta lance, siege drill, dreadnought drop pod


Lord of War-435 points


Konrad Curze

Edited by Runefyre
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