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[HH1.0] Night Lords Tactics


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Hmm so one row that's recaught my interest is the horror cult and I've slowly grown more in favor of jump troops. My first thoughts on this list are that:


You will need to run this thing with Curze for the night fight Benefit.


There are two ways to run this list, one in which is focused on raptors, the other is focused on 20 man tacs in kharbydis, which could be quite fun.


Raptors are really expensive, this you will need to go bear bones with these dudes. Maybe a power weapon or two and regular seargent kit.


You will need a distraction carnifexes to avoid the insabe amount of high strength firepower from the auxilia, mechanicum and typhoon. For this reason I suggest a strong core of a leviathan and two contemptor in a pod.


Has anyone tried running this before? I'm curious as this is just about the only real way to run jump infantry.

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Leviathan and 2 Contemptors in pods is how too many of my lists start these days, lol. I really need a third d-pod, but they are so friggin annoying to assemble and transport, beyond the cost!

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Get one of those cardboard bottle holders from the supermarket and customise is with some foam? Turn it into a four holder instead of 6 :p


Once box 2 of heresy loveliness is confirmed as having assault marines, then I will do a horror cult with all the chainglaives.

OK maybe not all the chainglaives, but you will need a disturbing amount of dice with 3 ten man squads hitting combat with onslaught.

I feel a chaplain will be a must for one squad, but that's a tactic that needs careful planning.

Support elements should be reasonably mobile as well I think to keep up in support of the raptors

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Leviathan and 2 Contemptors in pods is how too many of my lists start these days, lol. I really need a third d-pod, but they are so friggin annoying to assemble and transport, beyond the cost!


I keep the top section and the base seperate.


Then you can at least layer the doors/ base flat in a 40k case and the other bits can be shoved into a backpack in some tissue or something.


Just rest them on during the game :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Y'all clearly not excited enough! Assault marines taking a massive points drop! Get rocking the maxed out talent for murder boys! Also speeders and javelins are reduced in points so our alternative weapon platforms are more readily available.

My list has had near enough 70+ points knocked clean of it!

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I'm also loving the Kharybdis price drop! Makes Horror Cult even more attractive.


Now if only we had ready access to plastic mkIV assault marines....


However I'm NOT liking the increase in DDP's price, it's kinda ridiculous. Especially since it doesn't even have a damn weapon.

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My Terror Assault list has taken a hit with the increase in points of the Dreadclaw and Dredpod :sad.:


Going to have to make cut backs elsewhere!



However I am eagerly awaiting plastic Assault troops, they will make up the troops sections of my list when I do non terror armies.

Edited by Perry
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I had ago at using this list today, 2500 points against World Eaters with Angron.

+++ Night Lords + Militia 2.5k (2496pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++

+ HQ +

Legion Praetor [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Digital Lasers, Paragon Blade]
Legion Terminator Command Squad [Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod, Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 3x Chainfist, 3x Combi-weapon, 3x Legion Space Marine Chosen, Plasma Blaster, Power Fist]
Master of the Legion [Terror Assault]

+ Troops +

Terror Squad [9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]
Headsman [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]

Terror Squad [9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]
Headsman [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]

Terror Squad [9x Executioner, Flamer, 8x Heavy Chainblade, Legion Drop Pod]
Headsman [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive]

+ Elites +

Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought [Two Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons]

Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery [3x Legion Rapier, Shatter Shell]

+ Heavy Support +

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [Traitor, VIII: Night Lords]

++ Imperialis Militia and Cults Army List (Allied Detachment) ++

+ HQ +

Force Commander [Tainted weapon, Melta Bombs, Power Armour]
The Muster of Worlds [Cult Horde, Tainted Flesh]

+ Troops +

Inducted Levy Squad [49x Levy Auxiliaries]

Inducted Levy Squad [49x Levy Auxiliaries]
The World Eater player was using the new army list, whilst I'm waiting to buy mine at the FW Open day
The World Eaters had a foot slogging Terminator unit, with Angron and a Praetor, two units of Assault marines, unit of tacticals, mortis contemptor with lascannons, contemptor talon with cc/ kheres, Sicaran with lascannon, jetbikes.
Everything went extremely well, with around half my force intact by turn 7 and  holding 4 out of 5 objectives, and only an immobilised Sicaran and the Mortis Contemptor left for the WE.
Angron got felled by a Tainted flesh horde, whilst the other unit ate a squad of Assault marines. These levy hordes are great fun to use, but easily slain if your opponent has enough templates, lucky this guy left his blasts at home.
I'm thinking of swapping my Mortis Contemptor for something else, I'm going to have to make cutbacks somewhere in the list due to the drop pod price increases, just got to decide which unit will add value and improve the force.
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@ Perry - Aren't those rending, fearless cultists just the best? :D


@ Runefyre - Pretty simple to make Mk4 assault marines. Have you got some B@C marines still sitting around? Just snag some sanguinary guard jump packs from eBay. They're super cheap and are pretty much identical to the resin MK4 jump packs from FW.

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I'm just joining the party. At what a good point. I'm looking for some fast drop pod allies for my slow deathguard

I'm just joining the party. At what a good point. I'm looking for some fast drop pod allies for my slow deathguard

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I dont think it matters so much with the rending and fearless when youre rolling 50+ dice in one sitting :D


Fast drop pod allies you may as well take terror assault with a delegatus. Or neglect the drop pods and take assault marines now theyre cheaper, and benefit real nice from TfM

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Militia with Tainted Flesh and Cult destroyes every balance. These provenances are way op and should be banned. A couple of douches shouldn't be able to kill the Master of the Red Sands.

So nothing to learn from your game, brother, except that IM has a huge balancing problem. ;)

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Yeah, thinking about it Levvies with those two province just seem fully OP the more I think about it and read how they go. They're cheap enough to be expendable but deadly to even the biggest assault  troops. You can't ignore them and shooting them takes away from other threats.

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@ Perry - Aren't those rending, fearless cultists just the best? :biggrin.:


@ Runefyre - Pretty simple to make Mk4 assault marines. Have you got some B@C marines still sitting around? Just snag some sanguinary guard jump packs from eBay. They're super cheap and are pretty much identical to the resin MK4 jump packs from FW.

Who doesn't have B@C minis laying around these days :tongue.:, but that's a great idea, thanks!

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And like that whirlwinds rose in popularity :tongue.:


I personally love Whirlwinds, I just think that for a Heavy support slot though they don't achieve too much - but they are cheap.


Hoping the Radiation Rounds from the early chapters of Angel's of Caliban that the dreadwing use will become a thing.......

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And like that whirlwinds rose in popularity :tongue.:

I personally love Whirlwinds, I just think that for a Heavy support slot though they don't achieve too much - but they are cheap.


Hoping the Radiation Rounds from the early chapters of Angel's of Caliban that the dreadwing use will become a thing.......

Pretty much for the same cost as the 2 squads of militia and commander you can take a squadron of whirlwind that can see then off in 2 turns dice gods permitting and it's not like you'd never hit them either. Hiding 50 dudes is nigh impossible :p

I think the fortunate thing about the new lacal is the reduction in points to the speeders, which gives us a solid, speedy way to deal with armour, so although we may not get to use all the tanks with our most effective rite, NL aren't gonna get stuck in a rut and lists can cover their butts and be strong in equal measure.

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Militia with Tainted Flesh and Cult destroyes every balance. These provenances are way op and should be banned. A couple of douches shouldn't be able to kill the Master of the Red Sands.

So nothing to learn from your game, brother, except that IM has a huge balancing problem. ;)

The 50 man units can be annihilated in one turn of shooting. Mortars, special weapon squads, heavy weapons etc


I used them against Salamanders last week , a mortar unit caused 92 wounds from one round of shooting!


Plus there is the issue of the size of the unit on the table and speed. They walk and get slowed by terrain.


They are not a i win unit

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