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[BFG] Heavy escorts


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have been slowly scratchbuilding a large escort for my bfg fleet. for a while i had been wondering what to do with my bfg spares, all those unused lances/flight decks etc plus i have wanted to make some escort carriers, while i was musing on this i came up with the idea of an escort with a cruiser hardpoints worth of weapons. to stop this being too powerful i figured front arc weapons would limit it without detracting from the original idea. to accomodate the increased weaponry i added the second hit point and turned it into a heavy escort.
what i am after is some thoughts on the pricing of the ships below

a 25cm speed, 2 hit, 1 shield, 1 turret, 5+ escort with wb 6 in its front arc
a 25cm speed, 2 hit, 1 shield, 1 turret, 5+ escort with 2 lances in its front arc
a 25cm speed, 2 hit, 1 shield, 1 turret, 5+ escort with 1 launch bay and wb2 in its front arc

i dont think these ships will be overly powerful due to their limited fire arc but if anybody thinks otherwise please let me know. a variant with 4 torpedoes might also make an appearance if i work out a way to model it. they are not designed to be amazing ruleswise, they are just something i came up with while sorting out some fluff/background in which they are considered outdated. any help is appreciated

heres the wip scratchbuild as it stands right now, hopefully using spares rather than doing all of the detailing myself will make building more than one wont be a chore


more pics http://www.forum.specialist-arms.com...p?topic=5858.0

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  • 2 months later...

I like it. I think it might need its own D6 crit table however.

I think the solution is to keep it simple and just say a critical hit does an extra hull point and cost appropriately, a bit like modern Epic does for some of its lesser super heavies.

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  • 2 months later...

to be honest, coming from a historical naval stand point, and modern naval stand point, a 'heavy' escort has always just been either an under gunned or under armored cruiser, that tends to not be able to fill the role of escort very well or fill the role of cruiser very well.


however since you can make up the rules for it to allow it to fulfill the escort role better, maybe it will work.

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