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  • 11 months later...
All the buffs to Ashen Circle make the unit attractive again.There is a 30 pts drop/ 5 pts cheaper per model. Basic weapon is S5 Power sword that can be upgraded for 5 pts to Power axes. Better yet the unit can be joined by Chaplain (or moritat)!
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/12/2019 at 4:13 PM, Dhar'Neth said:

All the buffs to Ashen Circle make the unit attractive again.There is a 30 pts drop/ 5 pts cheaper per model. Basic weapon is S5 Power sword that can be upgraded for 5 pts to Power axes. Better yet the unit can be joined by Chaplain (or moritat)!


It's awesome that they let Chaplains in with them. And it's about time. They're supposed to be a unit that Chaplains are frequently drawn from. Small fluff victory!


But Moritats could actually be an interesting choice. It's hard to fit one in with Charismatic Leadership, but joining one to a unit of Ashen Circle brings them Scout (& Outflank!), Counter-Attack, and Rad Grenades. And there's no redundancy with Zardu's Dark Channeling option if you roll Zealot (though a Moritat can't benefit from that due to Lone Killer?). It's not a super competitive unit because it's still just shredding AP3 unless you've loaded on axes, but it's a neat and unusual use for a Moritat to actually buff a melee unit for once :teehee: If only you could allot them into the turn 1 assault marine drop in the Drop Assault Vanguard rite... alas


Otherwise, looks like Word Bearers have a great Praevian default automata trait in automatic Hatred (Everything). 


Seems like the Dark Brethren Rite is going to change as well, in that it's probably going to be drawing on the new Daemons of the Ruinstorm list? But I guess we'll have to wait and see how that works out. 

  On 2/24/2019 at 8:58 PM, Dhar'Neth said:

What gives that the Rite changes? Are there any rumours?


Sorry, I may not have written clearly. I don't think the text of the Dark Brethren rite is going to change at all, or if it does, only slightly.


There is a new Daemons army list coming in Book 8: Malevolence that might make the use of the 7E Codex: Daemons rules obsolete in HH gaming. It seems pretty likely, what with the 7E codex being out of print. This could dramatically change the army list that Dark Brethren allows you to ally with, which would have a big impact on using Dark Brethren.


It's going to be a list that reflects how little is understood about Chaos by the wider Imperium at this point, and how Chaos itself has sort-of united (for as long as it can stand) to help Horus break everything. Specific Marks of Chaos are out, and instead we're supposed to have a kind of Militia provenances selection (with 6 options?). The army also apparently waxes and wanes, getting buffs for the first 2 turns, nothing the next 2, and debuffs after that. And I guess Samus is going to be meaner? I wish we had more specifics, but I think people were focusing a lot more on the new Legion rules when the new book was available to scope out at the Weekender.


If they do change Dark Brethren itself, they may just FAQ the From Beyond line to reference the new DotR list instead of 7E Codex: Daemons list. Or there could be a line in the new DotR list that says something like "replace all references to the old busted in previous books with the new hotness." Or they forgot and we'll technically have two Daemons lists in 30k :teehee:

  On 3/1/2019 at 1:56 PM, Indefragable said:

My memory is foggy, but I think the new daemon rules in Malevolence go by “Daemons of the Ruinstorm.”


...so I think there may be 2 distinct ways of playing daemons in 30k: the old “classic” and the new funky Ruinstorm way.


They certainly do, but using the 7th Ed Daemon codex was always a stop gap - something to represent the Daemonic Allies of the Word Bearers + Cults & Militia. Not to mention the 7th Ed codex is now fully out of print and not something you can buy.


Daemons of the Ruinstorm represent Daemons in the Heresy and will supersede the previous ones, which were fringe cases anyway (and a bit broken...)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

So, thinking about it ... 


How'd you properly 'simulate'  Argel Tal  on the tabletop ?


A Diabolist would make the most sense in terms of having the Daemon  USR, but the statline would be inferior. Stats-wise he should clearly be a Praetor.


The Empyreal Lance would make a nice substitute for the spear he obtained, but its rules suck big time. So, Paragon Blade (or Divining Blade) all over again ... ?


Trying to come up with something creative, but somehow the blunt approach seems to work best, which is rather sad.

  On 5/23/2019 at 12:24 PM, Unknown Legionnaire said:

So, thinking about it ...


How'd you properly 'simulate' Argel Tal on the tabletop ?


A Diabolist would make the most sense in terms of having the Daemon USR, but the statline would be inferior. Stats-wise he should clearly be a Praetor.


The Empyreal Lance would make a nice substitute for the spear he obtained, but its rules suck big time. So, Paragon Blade (or Divining Blade) all over again ... ?


Trying to come up with something creative, but somehow the blunt approach seems to work best, which is rather sad.

In the past friends have agreed I can give a praetor +1 s&t and daemon for 50pts. Means you can sort of run tal but in reality i think whenever or if the rules come he's going to be bloody expensive and a combat monster..... I hope. Edited by Jimm
  • 4 months later...
So, I'm going to start a small force of Word Bearers based around jump packs and probably using the orbital assault RoW. I have a 10-man Ashen Circle unit to be built, and with the recent changes, I was wondering on how to equip them. Their axe-rakes are now a pretty decent melee option, but power-axes are a cheap option and give them some more oomph to fight against terminators and artificer-armour equipped units. I plan to have at least a big assault squad (15-20 marines) to go with them, and probably another assault squad to fill my mandatory troops. Seeing as these should be able to fill the role as harassment units, I think I can make the ashen circle a punchy one (joining a chaplain to them for extra burninatory zeal). So, should I go all in with the power axes on them, or can I mix a bit to save some points? (And keep the axe-rakes, which are really cool bits).
  On 10/19/2019 at 4:32 PM, Elzender said:

So, should I go all in with the power axes on them, or can I mix a bit to save some points? (And keep the axe-rakes, which are really cool bits).


I'd mix in Power Axes on a 1:3 ratio, meaning three Axes in a ten man squad.

  On 10/20/2019 at 9:05 AM, Elzender said:

Thank you guys! I'll take your advice and go for a mix. Since I fot them second hand, some of the axe bits were unfortunatelybroken in transit, so I'll see if I go for 3 or 4 depending on how many broken axes there are .


As for the assault squads, I was thinking on specialising the 10-man one in tank hunting with meltabombs, and using the big one as melee support. For the meltabombs one, any other upgrades that might be worth it, or better to keep it as cheap as possible? And for the big one, do you guys reckon going for combat shields+apothecary would be overkill?A

It really depends at what point level you aim to play, for lower point games it might be too expensive to use them fully equipped, Word Bearers are not that strong with standard unit for melee as we don't have any real buff on this side unlike World Eaters or SOH for instance


But our main strength in melee are Gal Vorbaks and lucky you we have a dedicated rite of war: Last of the Serrated Sun and it's awesome ! 


you will be able to fit ASM for scoring and harassment purposes and using the Gal Vorbak as main battle line units plus add Zardu Layak as warlord to get the Ashen Circle as troops and you have a strong roster of infnatery then add some back line shooty units depending on the point level of your game: vindi laser destroyers, quad mortar rapiers and whatever unit you like in support, leviathan fits well in drop pod with the melta lance to help your front line units against hard av 


In the end try to write down a list with your favorite units and we will help you on that :)


PS: power fist on sergent seems autoinclude or if you want the cheap way some melta bombs but you will already have them on the asm squad so a bit overkill the PF will help you punch through heavy infantery units 

Thank you for the advice Argel Tal!


Truth be told, this is mostly for a narrative project and I actually have no expectations to play games with it as I don't know of anyone around that plays Heresy, but I always tend to try to make the units usable in case I ever get to play.

With that said, I have to confess something: this force is intended as a loyalist remnant of the Imperial Heralds

Edited by Elzender
  On 10/20/2019 at 2:23 PM, Elzender said:

Thank you for the advice Argel Tal!


Truth be told, this is mostly for a narrative project and I actually have no expectations to play games with it as I don't know of anyone around that plays Heresy, but I always tend to try to make the units usable in case I ever get to play.

With that said, I have to confess something: this force is intended as a loyalist remnant of the Imperial Heralds , so Gal Vorbak and Zardu Layak are mostly off limits.


The fluff for the force is an Imperial Heralds force that survives their purge attempt, and actually starts collecting knowledge on how to fight daemons by ambushing other WB forces and stealing their daemonology knowledge. I might actually include a Mara Ghal dread, as its rules make it actually useful to fight daemons, ans I have an idea to fluff it as the Heralds binding a daemon to a captured Word Bearer and interring it in a dreadnought covered in anti-daemonic wards, causing the daemon to be in constant agony and creating a warp-bending anomaly around it. I'd like to include a Primus Nullificator with an accompanying squad, maybe an esoterist, and obviously I will need a Chaplain for some righteous zeal. For RoW unlocking, I might use a Praetor with Burning Lore to represent the knowledge he's acquired from his traitor brothers.


I'll check on the limitations of the Serrated Sun, I know it allows some drop pod deepstriking (is it only for g

Gal vorbak or other units can also take them?) but I don't recall if it limits a lot the rest of the army.



  On 10/23/2019 at 9:49 PM, Daemon Prince Marbas said:

What is the best Rite of War for the Word Bearers?

Well considering the Dark Brehtren only advantage is when you face psychers (cause at the moment all traitor can use daemons as allies so no point taking this rite and the one heavy slot limitation is too harsh...) the answer is pretty simple if you want to use a WB only RoW go Last of The serrated sun ! Take a look at my previous comments or the other ones before that and you will get why it's a good and strong thematic  RoW. The only downside is that Gal Vorbak models are a bit repetitive so you should consider some bitz to get some variation among you drop podding possessed monsters ! I have run this army for several years and it never let me down, great fun to play :) 


Yes it definitely need a re writing at the moment it's just useless unless you are playing against daemon or TS 

Probably something that can buff the daemon when next to WB units for instance but yes it's crappy, Last of the Serrated Sun is better on every level... The only "issue" with this RoW is that you have to get a lot of WB drop pods which meens not usable in 40K cause for some stupid reasons CSM forgot their drop pods during the Horus Heresy even though lots of BL books are talking about CSM using them... 

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