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FAQ Errata Homebrew


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While I am not new to GW's policy of FAQs I thought this would be a fun patch project... Feel free to comment and add suggestions. Maybe (futile or not) those that remain in the original post can be mass copy/pasted to GW Rules Queries at gamefaqs@gwplc.com



Page 30 - Veterans of the Long War.

Add the following:

In addition, models with the Veterans of the Long War special rule may select one of the following veteran abilities for free:

Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Night Vision, Skilled Rider, Tank Hunters, Crusader, Stealth, Stubborn.

Note that every model in the unit must select the same veteran ability.

Page 66 - Chaos Icons.

Add the following:

In addition, if the first model from a friendly unit arriving by Deep Strike is placed within 6" of at least one model with a

Chaos Icon, the following rules apply:

• If the unit attempting to Deep Strike and the unit with the Chaos Icon have the same Mark of Chaos (or both units are entirely

composed of models with no Mark of Chaos) then the unit attempting to Deep Strike does not scatter.

• If the unit attempting to Deep Strike and the unit with the Chaos Icon have different Marks of Chaos then the unit attempting to

Deep Strike scatters D6", rather than the usual amount.

Page 92 - Ahriman

Replace the Psyker entry with 'Psyker: Ahriman generates his powers from the Biomancy, Pyromancy, Telepathy, Divination and

Tzeentch disciplines.'

Page 96 - Possessed

Change points value to 105 points.

Page 96 - Possessed

Change the first bullet point to "May add up to fifteen Possessed........... 21 pts/model"

Page 98 - Thousand Sons

Change points value to 120 points.

Page 98 - Khorne Berzerkers

Change base attacks (Khorne Berzerker) to 2. Change base attacks (Berzerker Champion) to 3.

Page 100 - Raptors, Special Rules.

Add "Hit and Run."

Page 101 - Warp Talons, Special Rules.

Add "Hit and Run."

Page 101 - Warp Talons, Wargear.

Add "Frag Grenades."


Q: Can a model with access to the Chaos Artefacts section of the wargear list replace multiple weapons for multiple Chaos Artefacts?
A: Yes.






EDIT- Thanks for feedback!

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Not going to happen. And if it wasn't FAQ soon after a codex went legal you are going to have to wait years for a faq to happen . The chance for a points change FAQ is close to 0 , unless it is a missprint or a unit gets new models and is remade in a WD article.

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What Jeske said.  It's not that the suggestions are terrible, this just isn't the kind of thing that GW does with FAQs to begin with.  Better off hoping for completely rewritten unit rules alongside new model releases - that does sometimes happen, and I wouldn't be shocked to see new plastic cult troops after all the books have their initial 6e release.


Anything unlikely to see new models - possessed, for instance - are basically stuck as they are till our next codex, however long that is.  Hopefully we don't skip an edition like last time (admittedly we got two the edition before, but still).


But yeah, I see changes to existing units coming in at about the same likelihood as entirely new units appearing out of nowhere.



And if this isn't meant as an actual GW errata possibility, but just a house rule patch for home play, then why stop there?  Why not add drop pods, rewrite the tzeentch lore, etc?

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I think your ideas are fantastic. Yes what the others said are quite likely correct (they aren't going to change them). But I would say email them to GW and GW Faqs along with explanations as to why and hell you *might* just get somewhere

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Reviewed as a set of house rule patches...


A la cart special rules the way you describe for vets is simply not how things are done anymore, and most of those rules are way underpriced at 1 point a model on many units.  If you want to rework vets, I recommend starting from the bottom in a chapter-tacticsesque system, where players pick a legion (possibly with an extra option for non-legion warbands), and that choice sets what their vet upgrade does on units that buy it.  Like, alpha legion might grant infiltrate, or re-roll of reserves (passed or failed) for units arriving from reserve.  Black Legion might grant crusader and Pref Enemy: loyalist marines.  Word bearers might gain zealot, night lords hit and run and night vision, world eaters adamantium will and eternal hatred (always reroll missed attacks against any enemy in any round of close combat), Death Guard might gain poisoned bolt weapons, emperor's children precision shot with sonic weapons, stubborn and armorbane for iron warriors, Thousand sons gain, I don't know access to divination on sorcerers, and something else for non-sorcerers? - it would have to be worked on, but you get the idea.  Then even out the points costs: two points for one wound models, five points for multiwound models and characters, and make it obligatory on characters in general.  As for hatred: loyalists, just pack that in as a default army-wide rules for the marine units in the book.



I'd rather see possessed more or less completely rewritten to more resemble the word bearers possessed from the new heresy book.


I like adding the daemon reserve roll rules to csm icons, but I think an additional undivided icon that just does the default stuff - +1 combat res and scatter mitigation - for 10 or so points should also be added in that case.


Alternatively, just add a specific 'icon of summoning' that does the scatter mitigation thing for 10 or 15 points as an alternative to the fearless banner that units can take regardless of mark.  Basically, I don't think undivided units should be required to purchase the full price fearless banner just to get the scatter mitigation effect, especially when fearless can be so frequently redundant (have a fearless character in the unit, or an apostle nearby, or possibly from some legion vet benefit, etc).



And I still think chaos drop pods, minus the drop pod assault rule, should be added as dedicated transports for chosen, cults, possessed, and dreadnoughts at least.



And the land raider should be able to swap its sponsons out for increased capacity, iirc.  Something like:


capacity 16, no sponsons; may add sponsons at cost to capacity:


TL Heavy Flamers or Heavy Bolters: -2 capacity

Reaper autocannons: -4 capacity

TL Lascannons: -6 capacity


Maybe some additional options on there at different capacity costs, I don't know.  And maybe give the sponsons the independent firing turret rule from the fire raptor (though I'd give the rule to loyalist raiders as well in that case).



And make the land raider a dedicated transport option for chosen.

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   Thanks for the replies. While I'm not new to the way GW does FAQs (I have a better chance of hitting the powerball than seeing these appear in a FAQ)  I just felt something fairly more realistic than a total rewrite would be an acceptable patch... and more productive than a complaint thread reply.  So thanks Jeske and Malisteen- I hear ya loud n clear.  Also as far as house rules go- I think discussing beforehand then handing this to your opponent would be much easier an adjustment than "Now I get drop pods and made up all my own rules."  Also, while I'm aware that "pick and choose" Special Rules aren't the norm nowadays- it reminded me of 3.5 and instantly injected flavor into every unit.


   Meh... I'm a wish lister I guess... Was a pretty fun little project at any rate- I'm hoping my friends let me play w these rules. Thanks for the positive response Maximvs and Iron_within... Maybe I'll attempt to re-price the veteran skills... I would just prefer to stay simple and concise w these...

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yeah what mal said . specific stuff like FoC slot changes have a bigger chance to happen in a supplement codex then in the main one.

As a guide take a look at what mal wrote and how marine "traits" look in the codex sm we have now . After we get to see the two meq upgrades doing chaos legions/cults GW style shouldn't be a problem for anyone.

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Sorry jeske... And malisteen... I'm very confused how our "chaos patches" have anything in common. Malisteens views would be better implemented in a brand new codex. I'm attempting a patch of the current dex in proper FAQ terms. I know it won't happen but I'm more than happy to try to "house-rule" it
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Well the thing is , the way the codex is right now , unless a unit gets new models you will not get new/FAQed rules . The closest thing we can get to is GW nerfing something , if they find it too good. DA and BT had to wait what 3 years [or was it 4?] to get storm shields like normal marines ? This is the time you we could wait for a FAQ.


And if your house ruling stuff , you may as well do chaos in a way all the codex post ours were done. The ones Mal proposed are closer to the design philosophy GW has right now , then the ones you listed. They will not give us vet skills ever again. Stuff like hit and run , could be on raptors , maybe even should have been considering new models and all , but GW decided that fear is what we realy want [we where whining that we want NL raptors all 5th ed] .

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