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IA The Sons of Calth

Lord Marshal Ragnrok

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This is a WIP for the Sons of Calth, please give feedback!

Sons Of Calth symbol


Founding: 2nd

Gene-seed: Ultramarines

Chapter Master: Maximus Virosyrian

The Sons of Calth were once a proud, Codex-compliant successor of the Ultramarines, created in the 2th Founding on the anniversary of the Ultramarines' pyrrhic victory at Calth. They were a strong and noble chapter known for their methodical approach to warfare. For hundreds of years they served the Imperium with vigor and rightiousness, earning respect through their history of successes. But in the 36th Millenium, tragedy changed the chapter as a massive chaos horde fell upon their homeworld. The entire chapter stood alone against the tide, fighting to survive, yet they knew it was suicide. In a last bold effort to save their chapter, the Chapter Master and Chief Librarian enacted a daring plan to create an escape route for as many marines as they could. The majority of Chapter Librarians and half of the already decimated 1st Company would cover the retreat of the rest of the chapter as they made for the fleet. The Chapter would then use their heavily damaged fleet to break through the enemy blockade and make for the quickest warp jump. The plan worked, the Chapter Master, Chief Librarian, half of the remaining 1st Company and the majority of the librarians held the line along side many of the chapter dreadnoughts. The Honor Guard stood with them, raising the chapter's Banner of Eternity high, only when the last of those veterans fell did the banner begin to lean. Yet before it fell, before it could be lost to the enemy, Venerable Arathos, one of the chapter's oldest dreadnoughts, heft it high with his massive fist and carried it until his armored form hit the deck of the warships. And so while so many fell, they sold their lives so that their brothers and their legacy might live. The surviving dreadnoughts, including Arathos, and the saved Banner of Eternity are symbols of the chapter's sacrifice and service to humanity.

When the fleet finally emerged from the warp jump, they began to lick their wounds. Almost 75% of the chapter was wiped out, its leadership was in shambles, its 1st Company was now but a few squads and much of the chapter war material was lost. The Master of Recruits, the most senior captain to survive, was unanimously named Chapter Master. His brothers now turned to him and the remaining dreadnoughts for wisdom and leadership in their greatest time of need. After this terrible defeat, the Sons believed that they were unfit for proper service to the Imperium, that they had failed in their duty. Yet, their brother sons of Guilliman would not let them sink in their sense of failure, for they had survived to fight again. Brother astartes from other successor chapters and the Ultramarines themselves counselled the Sons that their time to strike back would come, but for now they must change their strategy and recover. Within the realm of Ultramar, the Sons have slowly rebuilt using the resources of their Primarch's domain. During this time of recovery, the Sons also forged a beneficial relationship with the nearby Salamanders. In working with the Salamanders, the Sons developed skills in maintaining, repairing and even improving their own equipment rather than relying on serfs and servitors. The skills they learned from the Salamanders spearheaded the chapter's movement toward greater self-sufficiency. Thus the Sons have survived and rebuilt, striking when they can, for so long as a single Son of Calth lives, chaos will feel their wrath.

Now, 6000 years since the massacre, the Sons of Calth are restored and ready to enact their full vengeance. They are now a fleet-based chapter known for its emphasis on self-sufficiency and strong traditions. Among these traditions is still their methodical approach to warfare, yet they have learned from tragedy that sometimes, traditions, like the Codex Astartes, most change. And so they have focused their tactics on adaptability. They can change their strategy to fit any situation, but have not developed any particular strong point except for (obviously out of necessity) ship to ship combat.

(More to be added)


Sons Of Calth color scheme

Colors: Astronomican Grey, Shining Gold, Charadon Granite, Green #36804d

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My first reaction is, unfortunately, a slightly nit-picky one...


Sons of Calth is a good name. It references the (arguably) greatest trial in the history of the Ultramarines.


But the Ultramarines did not win the Battle of Calth.


No, the Mark of Calth is still running.


With that in mind, perhaps have the Sons be a Chapter that was Founded to finally end the count of the Mark of Calth? Would also fit in quite well with the rest of what you've written. I think there's a Calth badge from the Heresy that you could use as your Chapter insignia too? Can't for the life of me find it though...

i do know of that technicality. the Imperium officially refers to it as a pyyrhic victory.


as for your other suggestions tho, its like you read my mind. i am definitely looking to use a symbol of Calth/the battle as the chapter symbol

That could be a good source of storytelling for you then! The Imperium/High Lords probably wanted them to be slightly more obedient, but the Sons themselves knowing what's up with the Word Bearers, as it were.


Google isn't giving me anything for Calth insignia, except for Apologist's models here and on Dakka.


In light of that, my suggestions (which play off each other):

  1. A (simplified) broken globe against Ultramar's inverted omega.
  2. A burning book (Heresy-era Word Bearers symbol) against Ultramar's inverted omega
  3. A combo of the two: burning book on broken globe, or inverted; with or without the Ultramar omega in the background

Some of those ideas are only good if you're confident in your freehand!


Also, their expertise at ship-to-ship combat has brought up delicious mental images of Ultras (because I'm not sure what your colour scheme is like) ambushing and boarding Word Bearers ships as they translate out of the Warp.

The High Lords of Terra (who decree when, and in theory why, a founding happens) probably would expect Chapters to be reasonably obedient to them. And in the case of the Sons, that may be true, but their primary motive (perhaps due to the training cadre assigned to them) might actually be to bring the Mark of Calth to a stop.


It'd be interesting to have the High Lords perceive the Chapter as being stalwart paragons of the Codex (which they very probably are) while the truth is that the Chapter wants to get vengeance for what those same High Lords perceive to have been a victory.


Basically, the conflict between the Imperium thinking of Calth as a victory with the Chapter seeing it as an ongoing battle.

  • 2 weeks later...


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