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On the suggestion of midnight angel, I am setting up a new thread for the actual contest.  Rules are basically the same as those posted in the discussion earlier, the only change being that an independent character can be added to another unit.




1.  Each Participant may only enter 1 legal unit from Codex: Space Marines.  This may include an attached independent character and/ or dedicated transport.  They may be painted in the colours of the Imperial fists, official successors, or homebrew successors.  Official chapters of other lineages are not allowed.


2.  To enter a participant must post their intention to enter the contest in this thread along with a photo of the assembled models.  These models may be primed or un-primed.


3.  A successful contestant must post photos of their completed models in this thread before 11:59PM November 30, 2013 Eastern Standard Time.


4.  Voting.  There shall be 2 categories that will be voted on: first is best painted unit; second is best conversion.  I am willing to consider submissions for other categories until the second of November.


5.  Who can vote.  Anyone who enters the contest can vote in any or all categories.  Once I have the voting thread up, people will have 1 week to vote.  Your vote will be cast by posting in the voting thread.  You are not allowed to vote for your own models in any category.



If you have any questions feel free to ask them.


Posted at 0.820.013.M2

Edited by Black Cohort
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I pledge to paint 10 assault marines (with 2 flamers, sergeant with grav-pistol and power sword), and attached librarian with force staff and jump pack.    I will paint said unit in the livery of the Storm Scythes, a proud Dorn successor Chapter. 


As far as pics go, i will get a shot of them as soon as I get my primer in so I can coat the jump packs and attach them to the already primed black models that are awaiting these jump packs. 

I am mostly trying to get my Angels of Absolution into a playable state at the moment, so I don't have any grand or interesting things to do with my Fists right now. I do however think this is a good idea so I am going to support it with a small squad even though it would have no hope of winning anything.


I pledge to paint a five man Devastator squad, consisting of two Lascannons, two boltgun marines and a sergeant with a converted signum. To differentiate this squad from my existing Crimson Fists devastators I plan to paint them as Imperial Fists, which means learning to do yellow.


I'll post some pictures later, the squad is a mix of old bits that I have stripped, and unused bits (that are still pretty old).

Edited by Surrender_Monkey

I'm pledging...


3rd Company Sterngaurd. 5 Veterans armed with 2 Combi-Plasma, 1 Gravgun, and a Vet Sergeant amred with a Power Fist.


Changed my pledge because I realized it would probably be smarter to work on something I already have ready to go. Literally just started working on them today. Here's a pick.




Now I just need to replace my Yriel Yellow.

Edited by Crusader_91

I pledge to paint up either a unit of mk 3 stern g's and a Chappy to lead them or a unit of dev cents and a librarian. Not sure which of the 2 are going to happen but as soon as I get a chance i'm going to post the photos of the models as per rules later today hopefully. 

Here is the "before" image for my pledge:




Five devastators including two lascannons, two boltguns and one sergeant with converted signum to be painted as Imperial Fists. I paint with the arms, heads and backpacks detached (I hate having to work into all the nooks and crannies, especially with a white undercoat) so these guys are bluetaced together, and final poses may change.


There is a sixth model in that picture, he is not part of my pledge but will be painted at the same time. He is a "proof of concept" model for a heresy era IF army I want to start. He is basically one of my old chaos marines that has been stripped and had overt chaos bits removed, and a head-swap for an old looking helmet from the Black Templars sprue. I am hoping once painted he will be suitably close to the heresy aesthetic that I can do more of them and pad out those 30 man tactical squads. It remains to be seen whether he will look like a heresy era legionnaire, a chaos marine painted yellow, or a complete mess, if he comes out OK I will post him, if not he will be buried forever!

Edited by Surrender_Monkey

I, Battle-Brother Ludovic of the Imperial Fists Chapter, vow to assemble and fully paint a Librarian before or on the 30th November 2013.

Here's the unassmbled model in all its grey glory:


Good luck to all and thanks to Black Cohort for organising this smile.png

Edited by Battle-Brother Ludovic

Mine are done, for the most part, it's the first time I've got the yellow to come out right and I'm really happy, I still need to base them though.


Legion guy came out OK, I was a bit "overzealous" with some of the filing and there's grooves which are very clear due to the colour scheme, but I think the concept is proven. Now I just need to find enough legion style helmets, I may have to try casting them.

Edited by Surrender_Monkey

And here's what I intend to paint for this Challenge:






Ahem. So yeah, where'd you get the right hand from on the Sergeant?


It looks like you might have converted it. Is it a converted biker's right hand?

Done with my pledged mini. :-) Here's some pictures.












Looking forward to see the result of you guys' painting - have fun!

Edited by phatosen

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