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Anti-Marine List Help

Rafen IX

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Afternoon brothers,

Drawing on your collective wisdom again. You've been really helpful so far getting me into playing our Blood Angels against the enemy.

Earlier today I played against a DA army, admittedly they seem designed to fight other marines. But I was wondering with our expensive codex if you have any thoughts on a list, or essentials going into a list to be able (with good tactics) to give him a run for his money. I didn't put this in the list forum because it can also include tactics.

Tyranids no problem, I squash them all day...well meph does anyway ;)

So appreciate your accumulative thinking.



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Ravenwing hybrid, two units of bikes (plasma talons urgh), dred, land speeders, two units of devs (one plasma 4x, one las 4x). Bloody defense line las cannon. Some small tac squads.


Just so much plasma and he's just as fast if not faster. Very tricky.


Oh and prescience lib

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Hmm ok model availability is as follows.


HQ Meph, Dante, Term chap/reclusiarch, can proxy Libby.

Elite: stern gaurd, dred, priest jump pack, Corbulo. Term squad x5, assault term x5, normal chaplain.

Troops: assault marines x20 tacticals x20, death company seven no jump packs some power swords. 5x sniper scouts.

Fast attack: 1x land speeder, 3x bikes (can proxy attack bikes), borrow a Baal pred.

Heavy support: Stormraven, 2x 5 man dev squads with assorted weaponry.

Transport: Land raider crusader, rhino, pod can borrow another rhino.


It does seem alot but I've only recently starting playing the game. I collected the majority of these a few years ago and it fell by the wayside :)


Oh and an honour guard with jump packs

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I don't have a terrible amount of experience playing other marines (I play grey knights frequently, but they're a different beast), but I'll offer what I can.


Running ravenwing means that he's going to end up with a pretty low model count (just like us), and every wound hurts just that much more. The bikes will have decent cover saves all the time, so trying to mow them down with low-AP stuff won't be that effective.


My suggestion would try to get assault cannons to cause lots of reliable wounds. The best ways to do that are with vehicles - the Baal, the land raider, and the stormraven.


So, I would start with those three vehicles. You can either put Assault terms or death company (or assault marines without jump packs) in the LRC and march it up the field until it dies or he dies. For an HQ put a libby in there for Sanguine Shield (AV14 with 5+ cover all the time is tough to crack, even with 5 lascannons). The Baal can easily provide fire support.


I would also consider loading the dreadnought into the Stormraven. You'll have to worry about getting intercepted (I usually Jink mine if it gets shot at to protect the contents), but if you can drop off that dreadnought in his back lines, you can wreck havoc against tactical squads or devastators (I'm assuming you have a furioso dread?).


As troops go, assault marines are easy to hide behind the LRC and Baal, and with priest support can put the hurt on bikes if they can get the charge. IIRC the plasma talons only have 18 inch range, so if they shoot you you're in good range to charge them on your turn.


Finally, you're going to have to use LOS-blocking terrain to protect your troops and side armor from his long-range fire support. It can be hard to get enough "good" terrain to help you out, but if you can find it you'll give yourself a leg up.

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Stanard answer to all is Mephiston. Low model count units he will chomp through. All in power armour means he cannot be stopped.


10 man Sternguard with the 2+ poison shells should manage 10-12 wounds which will decimate a bike squad.

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Problem with Meph would be all the plasma and his non-IC status, but you could do worse than screen him with another unit and then wings him up the field to clean up against the tacs and devs. Maybe even get him stuck into some bikes as a secondary attacker (you do not want him eating the plasma.overwatch shots). 

I'd say you want to get up in his face quickly so pod the Dread (assuming fragioso?) and Sternguard, to address the must-kill targets early on.Maybe pod a tac squad? Rapid fire bolters early on could be useful at thinning out numbers in one of those dev. squads and spare your bigger hitters for other things. Jumpers, Baals and LRC to rush up and support asap, send your armour at his bikes and speeders if it survives being a shield.  

Are the Speeders and his Dread the only AV targets? That'll be good for you, takes the burden off needing to bring much tank busting gear, Meltas on the ASM and AssCans should do the trick. What are the Speeders armed with?

What's his overall model count? How many scoring models? If you can easily deal with the latter due to low numbers then you're already half-way there.

What's the point limit? Mephiston + LRC eat a massive chunk out of any list, but you can just about tolerate it in 1750+

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Bugger I knew I forgot something lol,

1500 points


His list from memory:

Naked epistolary,

Dred, multi melta

2x dev squad 5 man. One with plasma cannons one with las cannons.

That really annoying plasma speeder, a aegis defense line with an Icarus las cannon.

I think two ten man tac squads combat squaded, a few multi meltas.

One unit of bikes 6 man with two meltas.

One six man unit of whatever gets those plasma talons.

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