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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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Hm I have 155pts spare but don't know what to do with them, options are:


1 another sicaran+ceramite

2 preadator, rhino

2 rhinos, quad mortar+gear worth 25pts

1 rhino 2 quad mortars



List arleady has

2 sicarans



2 tacticals

and 5 termies

My army needs transport, but'll the tacticals hold on their own if I leave ferrus and the sicarans in the bacK?

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Had my first game with my iron hands army, but it was a full 5v6 Apoc game so maybe not the best time to make decisions on tactics, but I had fun none-the less. First time I had models on the table left! I found that Iron hands are tough as nails, buuuut they still fold to huge blasts like nothing. Lost a 20 man squad to a lord of skulls and 20 marines to a deathstrike missle/Orbital bombardment, but almost all my non-rhino tanks survived and so did my terminator chosen. Things I learned: 


Watch out for strength 9 Massive blasts.

Orth is godly in his sicaran

Terminator chosen are nasty versus most things

Iron hands are tough as nails and so are the thud guns.


Overall a fun game, and wil probably be playing 30k from now on for most of my games!



Anyways, what do you think would be a better investment? A Power of the machine spirit vindicator, or two javelin speeders?

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If you have Ferrus and are using head of the gorgon, more Av13 is always  a better investment due to free IWND and Blessed Autosimulacra.


Regain lost hull points on 2 separate rolls! one a 5+, the other a 6+

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So, anyone considered taking flamestorm predators and outflanking them? Because holy God-Emperor and the Blessed Iron, I am doing that :cuss. It's not even that costly for the three of them!

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Despite not really like the Iron Hands aesthetics, can I commend both of you for the incredible appearance of those.


Out of interest, what do you count the Power Halberd as with Power Lances not available to Legions outside of Emperor's Children?


power sword or axe ;) 

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If Marines can take the Chem-Malcador Infernus, its a nasty bit of kit!


A Torrent, Hellstorm, Ap2, Poisoned 2+ Weapon is NASTY against anything without an AV or Poison Resistance.


Otherwise, for the LoW Slot, sadly, there are better options. Especially for Orth.


Think about the Cerberus' Neutron Cannon w/ Orths buffs! Nasty! (If you can roll high on the D3 shots /nudgeWolf_Pack)

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