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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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So anyone else slowly building towards armoured breakthrough?


I have been inching my way towards getting predators for the troop slots.


Laser destroyer vindicator is on the way as well.


Yep, Yep I got



4 Auto Cannon Preads

Scarran Venator 


two Vindi LD

and Cerburus 


That am playing round with atm what are other people running ??

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Ok I'm trying to decide on a special unit to top off my initial 30k force. Shattered Legion of mostly Iron Hands with a couple Salamander unit thrown in for the hell of it. Mostly thinking Firedrakes since they are awesome and I really just want a heavy hitting elite melee terminator unit but I'm also thinking about Gorgons and Medusan Immortals. Disregarding my desire for a melee unit (since that would pretty much mean Firedrakes ;) ), which would you all recommend? I suppose I should also consider Mechanicum stuff but I haven't looked at it much yet so I'd be open to suggestions there as well. Thanks!

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I've just about finished building a ten man volkite immortal squad and I'm trying to plan my next ten and I have a question your you all: will replacing bolters with combat blades in immortal squads add an additional attack? Would there be a point to running them with blades and a hammer in a LR under CoBI or am I better off just keeping them with volkites? I love the fluff behind immortals but wow are they expensive when kitted out with choom.
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Ok I'm trying to decide on a special unit to top off my initial 30k force. Shattered Legion of mostly Iron Hands with a couple Salamander unit thrown in for the hell of it. Mostly thinking Firedrakes since they are awesome and I really just want a heavy hitting elite melee terminator unit but I'm also thinking about Gorgons and Medusan Immortals. Disregarding my desire for a melee unit (since that would pretty much mean Firedrakes :wink: ), which would you all recommend? I suppose I should also consider Mechanicum stuff but I haven't looked at it much yet so I'd be open to suggestions there as well. Thanks!



Immortals with volkites are a tough cookie, but gorgons give you more mileage and are useful in more lists.



They have Boarding Shields so, no, they wouldn't get a bonus attack for having 2CCWs.



That's what I thought too, why do they have that option then? Is it just a thematic thing?




That's what I thought too, why do they have that option then? Is it just a thematic thing?

I...have legit no idea. It might be just that or an unintentional hold-over from a previous iteration when they were in development.




It's for modeling purposes. If you give them volkies, no point in pistols ;)

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Would adding a melta to a ten man choommortal squad be a good purchase or a waste on an already expensive unit?


Melta guns are still good on immortals. Assault weapon, and it wrecks knights pretty well and most non Iron Hands certified transports. Plus, to me, they make an even bigger CHOOM noise.

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Ok I'm trying to decide on a special unit to top off my initial 30k force. Shattered Legion of mostly Iron Hands with a couple Salamander unit thrown in for the hell of it. Mostly thinking Firedrakes since they are awesome and I really just want a heavy hitting elite melee terminator unit but I'm also thinking about Gorgons and Medusan Immortals. Disregarding my desire for a melee unit (since that would pretty much mean Firedrakes :wink: ), which would you all recommend? I suppose I should also consider Mechanicum stuff but I haven't looked at it much yet so I'd be open to suggestions there as well. Thanks!



Immortals with volkites are a tough cookie, but gorgons give you more mileage and are useful in more lists.




Ok what about Gorgons vs Firedrakes vs Castellax? I must say the idea of putting a Praevian in with a couple Castellax for effective T8 is very tempting.


Edit: I really want to like the Gorgons but they seem underwhelming to me compared to other elite terminator units and even compared to Cataphractii don't seem THAT much better.

Edited by ronin_cse
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While I do want them to be better, the Gorgon 5++ and 5+ FNP is statistically better than the cataphtactii 4++ and they get blind in addition to that along with a hammer in their base cost. So they aren't a power house but it seems they are a good deal
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Firedrakes are nuts. Strait up flamin' maddog Gangsters in combat. But they have some weaknesses (power fists and any S8 or more weapons) and do not provide fire support. Expensive and they will end up needing an assault vehicule.


Gorgons tend to be very durable, can sport Grav guns and chain fists and are cheapest of the 3. Power Axes and a free thunder hammer to boot, and the chance to blind and screw over your opponent.


Castellax are pollar opposite to the Fire Drakes. They are VERY expensive, in addition to the praevian tax. They are anti armour/2+ save gosu ballers in the shooting phase, they scrap anything without a flare shield, but are very pillow fisted when charged.

Edited by Wolf_Pack
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Between Relentless Grav Guns and chainfists Gorgons make an awesome dreadclaw unit.


Drop in, pop a Hullpoint from a vehicle and then hope the blind aura keeps you safe!


I think they could do with perhaps 1 in 3 getting grav guns though, just to make big squads a little more advantageous.

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You know, I hadn't thought to put him in a Vindicator Squadron. I tried him in a Predator Squadron and was unfortunately, underwhelmed. Probably me not using him well enough and in the right game (It was against Necrons lol).


To address an earlier, unrelated topic:


So anyone else slowly building towards armoured breakthrough?

I have been inching my way towards getting predators for the troop slots.

Laser destroyer vindicator is on the way as well.


Yep, Yep I got



4 Auto Cannon Preads

Scarran Venator 


two Vindi LD

and Cerburus 


That am playing round with atm what are other people running ??



I've written both 2k and 3k lists using this Rite of War. I haven't tested them, but do have most of the models for the 2k, so will play it eventually.

Here's the 2k:



Castrmen Orth (80)

Delegatus + MC Power weapon, Artificer armour, Refractor field (100)
Damocles Command Rhino (105)



Sicaran Battle Tank + Lascannon sponsons, Dozer blade, Armoured Ceramite (200)

Veteran Squad; 5 men + Legion Vexilla, 2 power weapons. Sergeant has Power fist, Artificer armour (175)



Predator Squadron; 2 tanks + Predator cannon, Lascannon sponsons, Dozer blades, Blessed autosimulacras (260)
Predator Squadron; 2 tanks + Predator cannon, Lascannon sponsons, Dozer blades, Blessed autosimulacras (260)


Heavy Support

Predator Squadron; 3 tanks + Magna meltas, Lascannon sponsons, Dozer blades, Machine spirits (570)

Vindicator Squadron; 2 tanks + Demolisher cannon, Dozer blades (250)


TOTAL = 2000pts



It's a shame I can't Outflank the tanks, but I'm trying to get the most out of Fast 3HP vehicles.

- Orth in a Sicaran is pretty much a given. I'm taking him instead of the free character tank (which is optional).

- I did have a mounted Praetor & Outrider squad for maximum fluffs, but the IH Rigid Tactics limitation kiboshed that idea. I went with a Delegatus (gotta have that Master of the Legion rule!) and Veteran Squad in a Damocles instead. Yay moar tankz!

- The Troops choices; They have to have Predator cannons, so that's a given. I gave them lascannons for sheer firepower and kept the units smallish for mobility. I also figured, since they're my key scoring units, that Blessed Autosimulacras might keep them going a little longer (they're not free like with HotG, though).

- Lastly, Heavy Support. I really had fun here with the 'Fast' rule. Fast Vindicators can move 12" and still shoot their main gun, which is amazing. Laser ones could too, but like to stay still for more shots, which seems a waste imo. The Predators are my personal favourite unit though! With Machine Spirits & Fast, they can fire 3 weapons after moving 12", giving them a MASSIVE threat radius, even with those Magna meltas.

Edited by Emperors Teeth
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