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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Is that a Tartaros Terminator shield?  It's the only bit from that kit that I'm missing since it doesn't come in the Legion upgrade kits.  You have turned out a very impressive conversion especially given the time limit you imposed on yourself.  I agree with forte, you need to sand down the shoulder pads a little more until they are as smooth as possible.

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Holy snaps people. I never thought when I started this log a few months ago that I'd get this much interest. I mean, this thread is up to almost 300 replies and almost 20 followers. Remember when I was all excited to hit double digits just a little while ago?

Before I say anything else, I want to thank everyone who has commented, helped, criticisized and just stopped by to say "hey." It really keeps me going to be better at both painting and converting.

Now, past the mushy Gray's Anatomy moment, I've got a couple new projects in the works. First off, is a fun inter-legion project that I hope will be the first of several. Details remain under wraps for the moment, but I'm excited, so I can't help but hype it with almost zero details like this was a new console unveil at E3! *ZING*

Secondly, I hope everyone is proud of me. I actually sat down and fully constructed an entire *non-character* unit of 100% pre-heresy marines. Enjoy:


BAM! Check it. I have regularly caught flak for poodling around the 30k/40k divide and rampantly disgregarding GW/FW purist wisdom. I have to admit, there is something OCD-ishly satisfying about having an entire squad in (mostly) matching armor with period correct accessories and weapons. Of course, it took me hours to assemble 6 guys, seeing as how I can't *not* convert things.

The cast of characters.

Sgt. Mohawk Chainaxe


Leaping flag guy


GI Joe homage guy


Non-regulation Harries method guy


Jumping the brook with a chainsaw gun guy


Obligatory Boltgun *AND* Bolt pistol guy


Let me know what is thought!

And on to my fav, replies:

@ Vissah - Thanks! I think he turned out alright considering.

@ Recon - Good to know, that's certainly the idea.

@ disease - Thanks for stopping by. I seem to be attracting a fair number of Deathguard folks as of late.

@ Chaplain - I can see the idea. It'd look neat... but how would he get to the knives? They'd be way over his head where he can't reach, wouldn't they?

@ Deathspectersgt - Thanks. Polish eh? Unless it has a base in Russian, I'm kinda clueless. Does it sound awesome?

@ Forte - Haha, excellent. I shall consider this a gentleman's request for a hilarious rivalry, since we hate each other a little bit evenly happy.png. Your challenge is accepted. Also... terminator rubdown tongue.png

@ Mikhail - It is indeed. It was just kinda laying around since in pre-heresy any type of shield is a little useless on a terminator, and in 40k, I don't get storm shields *sad face* I'll give the shoulders a going-over with an emery board before he catches primer happy.png

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Morning Folks, it's that updatey time again.


In a (hopefully) continuing theme of actual non-character infantry, here's my first shot at a recon marine. I assume Recon0321 will appreciate it ^_^




Since he needs to be sneaky, I darkened down his colors a bit, with a darker mix of VGC Storm blue and a wash of Badab instead of Drakenhoff. Bronze is minimal, just on the buckles of his gear. On the few pieces of armor trim, I went with matte black instead.




Stalker pattern bolters take a surprising amount of time to paint compared to normal ones.




Also my first shot at camouflage. I was going to cop out with just a highlighted black cloak (like my vigilator) but last second I decided to try something a little more challenging. Not perfect, but I think he blends pretty well with his base ^_^




Dat gear  


If anyone has a tutorial they could link to on painting winter camo, I'd be grateful. It isn't gawdaweful, but I think I could improve it a bit. I found a few panning through google pages, but most were to old articles that don't exist anymore. Oh well.




And replies!


@ Deathspectersgt - Thanks! They took irritatingly long to build. You should get into Russian. Then you too can yell at teenagers learning to ride horses! Plus it sounds awesome.


@ Chickenleg - Funny story, I think MKII is actually my least favorite of heresy armor. I'm glad you like it though. I am partial to MKIII myself. Even if it isn't "Nightlordy" it looks very sinister with that awesome faceplate.


@ nhaunter - Thanks buddy! I look forward to it.


@ Heathens - I thought you might enjoy some MKII stuff ^_^


@ Forte - Thanks! Rivalry approved. My conversions shall triumph over your disgustingly gorgeous paintjobs!


@ Vazzy - Feel free to continue saying it. I don't get tired of hearing nice things ^_^


@ Hushrong - He does look kinda mean doesn't he? I can just think of him popping off shots "Heart, heart, head. Heart, heart, head..."


Thanks again for all the kind words folks!

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Micro-update. I just washed the cloak with Drakenhoff Nightshade, then rehighlighted it. I am 100% happier with it now. It has a sort of "Nighttime Urban Winter" feel too it ^_^






and Two





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Wow that is an amazing mini looks great...I knew once I saw them on forge world I wanted them yours are the first I have seen amazing job....would you mind if I stole the image for my profile picture...(I would be sure to give you all due credit for the excellent work...) keep it up!


Check this link it USMC desert camo but the page has other and I recommend the US army or USAF tutorial for a good stand winter camo stand in



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Morning Folks! Here's what happens when I *promise* myself I'll just sit down and put a model together without converting or playing with it.

The boys of Fourth Claw Tactical disperse tactically over rough terrain to safeguard their new VIP... with tactics.


This is zero conversions for me





and replies! laugh.png

@ Forte - Since we're keeping a Rivalry score now, does that put it at Flint -1, Forte- 0? ^_^

@ Chaptermasterdaemon - I know the feeling. I love converting, but when it comes time to slap paint on stuff, I'll procrastinate like noone's business.

@ Kol - Thanks! And I agree, I love all the little miscellaneous stuff that comes in the FW close combat packs.

@ Vissah - Tell me about it! It consistently amazes me how much difference you can get from a small batch of actual paints when you switch washes, apply them slightly differently and so forth.

@ Vazzy - Thanks. I suppose I've stumbled on a winning camo formula ^_^

@ Recon - PM sent! And thanks for the tutorial. I'll have to sit down with it tomorrow when I have free time to see if I can replicate it with wintery colors.

@ Marshal - Wow, I've gotten a bunch of big pre-heresy names in here now. Thanks a lot!

@ Chickenleg - Thanks. I like how the blue wash made the cloak look a lot more coherent with the rest of the dark blue model. Funny how that hint of blue makes it look 100% more "together."

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It's that time again. Unfortunately, I was left alone with a pristine new set of MKIV plate and 4 hours of free time. Thusly, exactly zero painting happened. This happened instead:
















Not sure what they'll end up as. Probably a unit of veterans, maybe a Terror Squad. If you'll notice, I changed up the arms on the Vox Operator a bit between the group and individual pics. He was looking pretty stiff, and I wanted him more dynamic and actiony. What do we think?


@Forte - Haha, it amused me greatly.

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