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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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I'm sure I'm going to catch a lot of flak for this, but please understand I am only trying to provide constructive criticism before I say this:  I think the leg pose is really awkward and off balance looking.  He's about a second or two away from having his hefty, power armored boot snap that support beam and go falling to the earth below alongside his unfortunate victim.


I would seriously reconsider the posing, and maybe have him more perching like a gargoyle- I remember seeing a Shrike conversion on this board that did something similar- and while I'm not promoting the wholesale theft of a conversion, perhaps you will be inspired by it; it would give the model a real sense of control- and would allow you to play with the victims pose.  I can honestly just see the night lord chuckling as he cuts the buttons off the guardsmans coats, then the seams until the thing gives way and...splat.   Oops, well, good thing there are so many? Perhaps he'll recreate that old terran painter's style, what was his name? Jackson Pollock? Delightful. 

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We *totes* have a winner. Everyone thank SanguiniusReborn. The chain cloak idea takes the cake, stabs it, then leaves it hanging from a street lamp bleeding frosting to let all the other pastries know the 8th is in town.



Also, I had no clue what he was standing on when I built it. Maybe a phone pole?

Lastly, I greenstuffed him a little handful of shirt.


Haha, it is both overly huge and dramatic. I love it.

I had that Manticore kit sitting in my closet for like six months, then broke it open to steal a tiny chain fauld thing to use on my praetor... then just forgot about it. Glad I had the reminder!

More specific reply time.

@ Heinrich - You are totally correct. I have the book in my hand as I type this. I also have an ebook copy of "Know No Fear" that attributes the exact same quote to good 'ol Bobby G. Trying to find a page number now sweat.gif

@ TJWyrn - Thanks! I had it lying around since I used the normal claw hands. I thought such an awesome mini accessory was totally being wasted. I'm thinking of switching the head with an IG grunt or something similar to 40k it up a bit though.

@ Marshal2 - You're kinda my favorite right now.

@ disease - Thanks! I think he may be in the running for my favorite mini I've built.

@ recon - Haha, I'd be a little off my game if he were heroic looking, wouldn't I? msn-wink.gif

@ Chaplain - No worries at all! I appreciate the criticism more than the complements just b/c it helps me improve more quickly. I kinda see what you mean. I was hoping with the little claw boots and finding a wide enough support beam under his right foot, I could get away with it. I wanted him to look like he was just steeping foward onto the support beam, getting ready to launch off into the air. Lets see what I can do ^_^

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I managed to get that skinwolf as a prize at a tournament, to turn into my ascended demon prince, and that guy victim is slated to get IG officer'd up.

As much as I hate to start a new argument after that cloak dispute, and knowing your love of topnots, but that one on his head is going straight into the jump pack intake. pinch.gif

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I agree with TJ, you might want to reposition the topknot forward some more if you're set on keeping it, otherwise thats gonna make for a rough flight. As far as the chains go I can't say I'm a huge fan, it just feels like (and I hate to use another Incredibles gif but...) he's asking for this to happen:



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Can Astartes be chocked while they're wearing power armor?

Absolutely. I forget which HH novel it was, and I know this isn't going to be super helpful, but there was a description of either a marine or a Primarch picking another marine up by his throat an squeezing the soft armor to choke them.

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"Lads, assemble. Initiate Sokisth, drop the child. It is time the new blood learns more of the powers that be in our humble legion splinter. I have been here long, and I have seen our chiefs come and go. All the old legion has. We all know of the Three Kings of the 28th... the Bladeborn, the Crowbringer, and the Iron Night. But every master has his guard dog to watch his heels and secure his door. Jhadek Redcrow lifted Crogan from this very company of miscreants and back hill savages. He'ghan rebuilt that rabid hound Vaugan Wreave from the ground up. And Seravok Sar'keth?... well he has the Heart Eater." 


"I can see some of you underhive lads don't have the same respect for the old tales that the hillmen observe. That's understandable. You didn't grow up with the tales of the Heart Eater. Before Father ever set foot on this planet, midnight incarnate ghosted among these hills and krags."




"I've been here a long, long time lads, so I've heard all the different tales. He's a lost legionary of the eighth, fallen to the planet before even our Father found it. He's a fragment of Kurze's psychic will made manifest. He's old Father Midnight himself, come knocking at the lodges and longhouses of the hillfolk who safeguard the old ways..."




"One of those tales is a certainty, however. The Heart Eater is born from the darkest kragsleets of the soaring mountains of Nostromo. The hillfolk who pay heed to the respect of the old ways and the old gods can have retribution for the wretched violence and treachery of the up-hivers that tear them from their homes and families..."




"I have no idea when Raug Heart Eater descended from those winter spited hills to follow the Bladeborn. It was sometime after Sar'keth gained his first captaincy and set about butchering his way up the chain of command. He and the Heart Eater laid a red waste to most of the echelons of the nobility, rulers over the hillfolk and underhive scum. Have you lads ever seen an up-hive officer show his face in the camps of the hill dwellers? Those blown up spire-hive bastards have plenty of power in their lofty peaks, but there's a reason the wolves don't tread down here with us dogs and jackals"




"Kadrok Crogan and Vaugan Wreave were both giants even before they ascended to midnight clad. They are both outfitted in the best warplate our forges can produce, and given the pick of their commander's armories. Each are terrifying and vicious, champions of the Twenty-eighth that fear no man, machine or god."




"But Raug Heart Eater... he is an animal of the darkest winters of Nostomo... and he is coming for them."




"Why is he called Heart Eater? Lad... are you soft in the head?"
~Sevik Lo - Master of Signal, 28th Company 8th Legion

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"Lads, assemble. Initiate Sokisth, drop the child. It is time the new blood learns more of the powers that be in our humble legion splinter. I have been here long, and I have seen our chiefs come and go. All the old legion has. We all know of the Three Kings of the 28th... the Bladeborn, the Crowbringer, and the Iron Night. But every master has his guard dog to watch his heels and secure his door. Jhadek Redcrow lifted Crogan from this very company of miscreants and back hill savages. He'ghan rebuilt that rabid hound Vaugan Wreave from the ground up. And Seravok Sar'keth?... well he has the Heart Eater."


"I can see some of you underhive lads don't have the same respect for the old tales that the hillmen observe. That's understandable. You didn't grow up with the tales of the Heart Eater. Before Father ever set foot on this planet, midnight incarnate ghosted among these hills and krags."


"I've been here a long, long time lads, so I've heard all the different tales. He's a lost legionary of the eighth, fallen to the planet before even our Father found it. He's a fragment of Kurze's psychic will made manifest. He's old Father Midnight himself, come knocking at the lodges and longhouses of the hillfolk who safeguard the old ways..."


"One of those tales is a certainty, however. The Heart Eater is born from the darkest kragsleets of the soaring mountains of Nostromo. The hillfolk who pay heed to the respect of the old ways and the old gods can have retribution for the wretched violence and treachery of the up-hivers that tear them from their homes and families..."


"I have no idea when Raug Heart Eater descended from those winter spited hills and the stories of the hillfolk to follow the Bladeborn. It was sometime after Sar'keth gained his first captaincy and set about butchering his way up the chain of command. He and the Heart Eater laid a red waste to most of the echelons of the nobility, rulers over the hillfolk and underhive scum. Have you lads ever seen an up-hive officer show his face in the camps of the hill dwellers? Those blown up spire-hive bastards have plenty of power in their lofty peaks, but there's a reason the wolves don't tread down here in the good Nostroman soil with us dogs and jackals."


"Kadrok Crogan and Vaugan Wreave were both giants even before they ascended to midnight clad. They are both outfitted in the best warplate our forges can produce, and given the pick of their commander's armories. Each are terrifying and vicious, champions of the Twenty-eighth that fear no man, machine or god.

Raug Heart Eater is a flesh and blood man no matter what the old legends say... but he is an animal of the darkest winters of Nostomo... and he is coming for them."


"Why is he called Heart Eater? Lad... are you soft in the head?"

~Sevik Lo - Master of Signal, 28th Company 8th Legion

By Curze's crown, that is gods-damned amazing. One of the things I love best about this thread is the fluff that comes with each new offering of pics, it simply blows my mind. The Heart Eater is an amazing model and I'm supremely jealous of your skills, Raug and his master Seravok Sar'keth are without a doubt my favourite models in this entire thread, they embody everything a Night Lord, and more importantly, a Nostraman, should be. Scensored.gif your pants terrifying and so bad-ass that even the most hardcore loyalists secretly aspire to be them, Ave Dominus Nox.

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Flint, you make me want to abandon my Emperor's Children and they've been a passion of mine for over a decade. And it's not even your paint, which is great by the way, it's your kitbashes and fluff. Kitbashing is why I got into the hobby in the first place. Kudos.


To you new guys in the hobby: You have it easy with your fancy plastics and soft resin. Back then it was Dremels, metal hacked up pieces and brass pins everywhere. I don't know how many times I cut myself on a freshly severed metal arm or burnt the eff out of my fingers because the metal got so hot from the Dremel it heated through the felt cloth. And I won't even go into how much of a pain in the ass it was for me to get rid of mould lines without ruining some of the castes details.


That said, I sure am glad for the new plastic ranges and resin models.

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