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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Oh wow, morning guys! This thread grew a bit overnight. Always fun to have to soldier through anatomy homework and comeback to find a bunch of fun new replies.


@ Recon - Thanks buddy! I try. 


@ Heinrich - Thanks, it made me hate my life a little ^_^


@ Chaptermasterdemon - Glad to hear it. He took surprisingly little time to paint, comparitive to complexity. Maybe only four hours or so. But I did my normal painting binge preparations: locking myself in my painting room with sushi, a foam roller and Orange is the New Black on Netflix ^_^


@ Sanguinius - Awe, thanks! I like to think fluff is what I'm best at. It really means a lot when I write a whole bunch down, think to myself "eh, this is kinda silly and overdramatic," then I get a gratifying response like that. Thanks a lot. And as soon as I get He'ghan finished up, I'll do a "Kings of the 28th" shot to get them all together.


@ Forte - Thanks! Means a lot from you, buddy.


@ Thamier - Hey, black is always in.


@ Barabbas - Yessir, on it!


@ Nephilim - Don't abandon them! Just become a closet Nightlords player while maintaining a veneer of Emperor's Children, like Forte! ^_^


@ Forte (#2) - Tell me about it. I have jacked up so many manicures...


@ Balthamal - Thanks! That's what I was going for. Truth be told, I'm thinking of going back and adding a few little skulls and trophies, but I can't decided it if would look *badass* or a little over the top hokey.  

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"Lad, have you ever seen what phosphex does to a man?"




"It flash boils the blood, your veins expand and rupture, the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding your brain and vertebrae cooks off so fast the bone fragments. I've seen an Astartes' helmet detonate like a grenade from the  blood steam fracturing his skull even as his armor sloughed off in layers."




"We of the Eighth have split views of chemical weapons. Some of us see them as a means to an end. But most of us of the old legion see it as dishonorable, beneath us in the purity of terror. The great and infallible Imperium declared them unjust and inhuman, prohibiting their use and ordering all legion stores purged. Some of us tried to follow our Grandfather's wishes, damn you. We tried and he still cast us off like a broken spear after a hunt. It didn't matter that we weren't all rabid. One mad dog will infect the pack so we all had to be put down like animals."




"Sorry lad, I'm old and prone to ramble. But while we talk of burning and the weapons of war, we must discuss Aduro Vult. His views are as plain and brutal as the legion he called home for a decade: If it works, use it. If it works well, make it your own." 




"He came back from the Fourth with half a company chasing him. I don't know what happened while he was there... suffice to say he didn't overly endear himself during his tutelage. But the hatred of the Fourth was worth what he brought back. He took with him all the secrets of siege warfare to reave a bloody path across the Kine fortress worlds. He has a way with tearing down a wall that will tear down the resolve of every man on it."




"The Crowbringer and his Jackals can break an advance of infantry like wheat to the thresher. I can break an armored column open like an Aquian wolf-oyster. But seeing your entire squad consumed in hellfire that feeds on the air itself? Aduro Vult can break a man's very will to live."


~Sevik Lo - Master of Signal, 28th Company 8th Legion

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Hey guys. Got a little extra highlighting work done to the trophy helmet. Just wanted to see how "impressive" I could get a single helmet if I threw 110% into it. Here are the results (and actually a decent pic for once!)



@ Kol - 1.) Me too! Imagine Danny Glover in space, as written by Joe Abercrombie 2.) Thanks! 3.) I think so too. It might get a little over the top 4.) Of course we do. Don't want to have skanky looking lightning claws.

@ Marshal2 - Exactly!

@ Forte - I do my best.

@ Barabbas - No big secret. My technique? Sushi, foam roller and Netflix happy.png

@ Heinrich - Thanks! Would that make me Nightlord Ladybot 3000 or something?

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Morning Folks!

@ Heinrich - Thanks! .....waaaaait a minute. Is the T-6000 Kristianna Loken-bot, or Summer Glau-bot? Totally the difference between that being an insult and a compliment.

@ Vazzy - Maybe more like a 1/3. You know how these stories could get blown all out of proportion. Plus Sevik is old. Maybe he's remembering it wrong through the rose tinted eye lenses of a blood drenched marine combat helm?

@ Chaptermasterdemon - Yup! Vult makes 3 of the 4 masters of the chapter all Nightlorded up on my plog. I've got the last one converted and primed, I just haven't thought up anything fun for his fluff, or even a name yet. Thus, he may not exist!

@ Kol - Exactly! Have you ever tried to shank a loyalist marine in one of their eight kidneys with poorly maintained claws? There's a risk of breakage, cuticle infection, all sorts of nasty stuff.

@ Heathens - Whoops... kinda hoping I could fly under the Pyromancer/Heathens-Radar... sweat.gif Isn't the MK3 helm pretty, at least? That was my first try at hazard striping ^_^

@ Kol (2) - *Cue Zoidberg scramble*

@ Heinrich (2) - Yay backup! ... I think...

@ Jaspcat - Seems like a trap... I accept! happy.png

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