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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Morning folks!

@ Jasp - Oh, come into my house and make fun of my Legion! happy.png Honestly, I was torn between Nightlords and World Eaters when I was going to take the leap into 30k. I have actually wanted to see if I could paint a decent World Eater for quite awhile now. Thanks for giving me that nudge!

@ Heinrich - Thanks! I'm actually surprised it came out as well as it did. My last attempt at legion badge freehand turned out like a cute daemon puppy. Actually... all of my legion freehand seems to come out cartoony and cute. It definitely isn't intentional.

@ Depthcharge - ... that's a mold line?... I actually thought it was part of the armor... why does B&C not have a "super-facepalm" smilie?! This will have to do ohmy.png

@ Kol - Don't be mean to the XIV... they know where to get the good (read:deadly) chemicals.

@ Heathens - 0% taken harshly. Looking at him now, I suppose I shouldn't have painted him running on zero sleep. I think it's a mold off-set. It's so deep and prominent in the resin, I actually thought it was part of the armor. I can see now where the line runs down over the kneepad, so I suppose that should have been a clue. I'll get on fixing him tonight.

@ Recon - I kept it pretty simple since I'm bad at white.

1.) Astronomicon on black primer (despite the white primer rage, cool kids base white marines with black)

2.) Overbrush with Ceramite white

3.) *Heavy* badab black

4.) Edge highlight with Whitescar

@ Forte - Are those XII Legion things? A terror marking on a World Eater would be pretty badass.

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Totally understand, I've done the same myself late at night, missed a mold line, and kicked myself when I looked at it the next day.


For white, I actually mix mine with about 25% administratum grey or Celestra Grey (The latter being a fav). It thickens out the pigment a bit nicer, goes on smoother. I use a seperate pot of black wash I've watered down with about 70% water, making it super thin; I only brush it into the recesses and edges, not the whole area. Then, you can touch up with the white/celestra base, followed by a highlight of pure white. For nicks and paint chipping, i paint thin lines or small blotches with mech standard grey, and underline with pure white.


Hope that helps.

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Yeah, terror markings are the VIII's speciality but those chain weapons would cause some seriously high velocity blood spatter (and that stuff sprays a long way).



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Wow, I just realized my li'l blog attracted a couple more followers when I wasn't looking. Thanks guys! We're almost up to a whole quarter.

For today, here's my finished World Eater... bloodied up, dirtied down and *less* mold lines happy.png







*BAM!* What do we think?

and my fav, replies:

@Heathens - Thanks! I actually tried that out. I have to say, I do like the Celestra (or astronomicon) and White Scar mix. I even went with a thin black wash in the joins of his armor. Darned if you can tell now thou happy.png

@ Forte - Blood enough? I'm still practicing blood. It didn't come out quite as well as on Kyvr Nok, but I like it well enough. Also, that both works, and plays into my love of anything Aliens & Predator (but not Aliens vs Predator...)

@ Kol - Got to love Chainglaives. I seriously think they may be underpointed in Massacre. They kick prodigious amounts of ass in whatever game I've used them in so far.

@ Jasp - Thanks! How'd I do?

@ Deathspectersgt - Got to get the micro-sorority up to capacity somehow.

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@Heathens - Thanks! I actually tried that out. I have to say, I do like the Celestra (or astronomicon) and White Scar mix. I even went with a thin black wash in the joins of his armor. Darned if you can tell now thou happy.png

Glad I could help; the white does look much better, even through all the weathering.

Try it out on your next Night Lord's terror markings and lightning bolts, over a slightly broader Ice Blue. It's a royal pain going over the same lightning pattern twice, but worth the effort. Rehighlighting the helm terror markings in pure white helps too. Here's an old example of my warp-lost Night Lords:


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Evening Guys!

@ Forte - Sweet! A Forte "decent" is some other poor schmo's "awesome!" I have *all* the graphic novels. Alien, Predator, Aliens vs Predator...

@ mikhail - GAH MOLD LINES! ...you are my eternal nemesis... Thanks Mikky. You keep me honest happy.png

@ Koriel - Thanks! I'm glad everyone likes the legion badge. Truth be told, I didn't have my laptop handy when I painted him, and that was the first one I could remember off the top of my head that wasn't strictly "khorney"

@ BassWave - Blue-black, at least happy.png

@ Kol - Indeed they do. Same as an axe, sword or maul. Their only small downside is being two handed, and even then you can still use a boarding shield and bolter. You get the strength bonus of the axe, the AP of the sword with the occasional awesome can-opener moment when you rend the hell out of the ass end of a Leman Russ.

Also, you're right. For some reason, my WE came out kinda cartoony, especially with that legion badge. Dunno what the hell that is.... *DAMMIT* I know what it is... he has anime eyes somehow *Facepalm*

@ Jasp - You say as all of your gross 14th Legion stuff glares at me tongue.png

I think this lil guy is most likely a one off. I wanted to prove I could paint a "real" legionare. The Nightlords' rules in 30k are so deliciously vicious, I can't abandon them... and I have found I *HATE* painting white happy.png

@ Knight of the Raven - Glad to see you back! And thanks, he was my first try.

@ Heathens - Of course, thanks again!

... oh snaps! I'm saving that pic as some sort of historical event. Heathens isn't all Iron inside after all happy.png

Is that a Maxmini head on the right? He looks like he has killer armored eyebrows.

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@Heathens - Thanks! I actually tried that out. I have to say, I do like the Celestra (or astronomicon) and White Scar mix. I even went with a thin black wash in the joins of his armor. Darned if you can tell now thou happy.png

Glad I could help; the white does look much better, even through all the weathering.

Try it out on your next Night Lord's terror markings and lightning bolts, over a slightly broader Ice Blue. It's a royal pain going over the same lightning pattern twice, but worth the effort.

Twice ;) think my method (or madness) has about 5.

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@ Heathens - Of course, thanks again!

... oh snaps! I'm saving that pic as some sort of historical event. Heathens isn't all Iron inside after all happy.png

Is that a Maxmini head on the right? He looks like he has killer armored eyebrows.

Apparently, you haven't seen my Crimson Son... ;) . Yeah, used to have a few Night Lords for my old CSM army, but they didn't survive the trip from North Carolina to Alaska (plus, those were done about 5 years ago. I could do better now) . The Head was from the old pewter Iron Warrior upgrade kit.

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Wow... seems kinda like a weird type of sacrilege for you to use an Iron Warrior head on a Nightlord... I'd call you a heathen, but hey, you know...


Also! I finally found that bloody hand-print World Eater I was looking for like 10 pages ago.




*BAM* Bottom left. He's apparently painted by an gentleman named Demetris Tampakoudis, who has a thing for blood angels. I *know* I remember reading his blog at some point, and he mentioning that he has a little brush that he uses just for bloody handprints and the methods to create them, but I'll be damned if I can find it.



**ALL** The internet cookies to the first person who can find it for me!


Heh, tell you guys what, I'll do you one better. For the first person who finds a link to that bloody hand-print tutorial (and the exact post that outlines the how-to), I will paint this Legionary:



in the colors of a legion of your choosing.


Let the tiny games begin!

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