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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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The Dusk Raiders are storm grey with right arm, shoulder and left kneepad crimson, and golden trims.


Yes, juicy is the word. Reminds me of the redcurrant jam my granddad used to make.


Found these for visual reference, hope these help. :)



Dusk Raiders Heraldry



And their Legion symbol.

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I'm not an old hand with years of experience like Heinrich or Ven, but I've got a few good ideas now and then.


This post made me grew old.


Ok, onto commenting...





Looks like both minis have problems with density of paints. Colors (blue, metallics, white) look uneven, that could be easily solved by trying to paint the named colors in 2 layers or by using brighter primer. Anyway you should try to mix paints with water a bit more.

About metallic - it asks for washes. At this point they're just too shiny. Washing them will get necessary shadows and play with the color a bit.

Another point (and I'm always get a little crazy about that) - extreme highlights. I see those on the Night Lord, but the WE has none, what is waste, because they can give dimension to the battle damage. I would recommend to try very extreme highlighting on the sharp edges. My own NL are based on this play with highlights.


I hope this helps.


and now I leaving. But I'll be watching from the shadows...

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Is that a revision to the Dusk Raiders that Forgeworld did?


I could have sworn that in The Flight of the Eisenstein that Garro was reminiscing and stated that they had the right arm and shoulder painted red but the rest of the armor was left as bare white ceramite.  

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Is that a revision to the Dusk Raiders that Forgeworld did?


I could have sworn that in The Flight of the Eisenstein that Garro was reminiscing and stated that they had the right arm and shoulder painted red but the rest of the armor was left as bare white ceramite.

I believe it's from one if the Horus Heresy books, Betrayal I think. As far as I know the colours as the same as they ever were, dark red right arm and unpainted gunmetal ceramite.

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"Death is the great leveler. It comes for us all, collecting its impartial toll from the greatest and the weakest alike."




"But only the weak succumb to death without resistance. Only the weak slip away without question or struggle."




"The sons of Barbarus are the definition of weak, not even worth the contempt of traitors and hypocrites. They disgust me beyond word or thought."




"Their father is the worst of them. Forsaking an oath when it becomes inconvenient is the pinnacle of the flawed and failing. He is no father to me."




"You can not choose your family, but you are honor bound to atone for their misdeeds. I will tear the hearts from my traitorous kin one by one..."




"... and when I lay them at the feet of my unfaithful gene-sire, the great leveler and I will reap such a red accounting as to tear the sky asunder. We will wash the shame of their weakness from those of the fourteenth in a deluge of ash and blood."  


~Madruk Vaun, Legio XIV

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Evening guys!

@ Forte - Nah... Madruk was just a one off. Just wanted to see if I could do it.

@ Barabbas - Glad you like him and that we're buddies now. That tiny legion badge and his reloading double clip made me hate life a little pinch.gif I worried he may be a tad too bright, but I didn't want to wash him and have to do all that rivety highlighting again.

@ nHaunter - Hah, maybe. It's a running joke b/tween me and Jasp now though happy.png

@ Vazzy - Thanks! He actually took *far* less time than I thought. The recipe for wine red clicked far easier than I assumed it would.

@ Kol - Thanks! Imma get back to the good stuff here in a bit. I'm surprised you didn't jump at the MK3 AC guy that accidentally showed up a few posts back happy.png

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It is very cold here... and also hard to type in gloves. Just for everyone's information.


@ Jasp - Ooooh. That sounds like a fun job, what are you excavating?... and should you be reading while piloting a thirty ton piece of equipment? I just teach affluent ladies how to do situps for a living...


@ Vazzy - Yup, the formula seemed to click pretty well the first try. It's just one shade darker than what I normally do for the Nightlords.


@ Barabbas - Super simple if several steps. Khorne red basecoat badabed (I'm making that a word) black, then highlighted with khorne red again. Edge highlight with Evil Sunz, then a wash with Carroburg. I know a lot of people complained that it is much more purple than the old Baal red, but I really like the "winey" depth it brings to reds.


@ Cormac - Just raider, singular for now. My favorite is the clip in his hand. It was a pain to model, but it's actually two of them taped "jungle style."


Hmm... now that you make me think about it, that belt thingie came from the thunderwolf cavalry accessories sprue. What is a space wolf doing with a Thousand Sons scarab occult pendant?!?!

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