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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Hah, I didn't realize I totally picked up a 25th follower. Thanks Ven! Slowly catching up to 'ol Heinrich happy.png

@ Recon - White in any form, Caucasian and Asiatic flesh tones (though I can do dark skin tones, as my old African american Salamanders will attest), eyes with pupils, marble effects anything metallic and real life cats.

@ Vazzy - UGH... Ultras tongue.png Maybe one day. But today is not that day.

@ Warmaster - Fun story, remember that MK4/5 guy from a few pages back that I was going to paint in the colors of whoever found that bloody handprint brush for me? He's going to be an Alpha happy.png

@ Jasp - Nice! I can't, unfortunately so I tend to have little "bursts" of posts. If I don't pay attention to what my clients are doing, they'll injure themselves somehow. Women in their 30s with too much spare money are like 5 year olds when it comes to self inflicting injuries. I do occasionally sneak read a new Jack Ketchum novel while pretending to look up some exercise for them on my tablet though happy.png

@ Kol - This guy? Just waiting on MK3 Nightlord pads.


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@ Kol - Yep, that guy. I am quite a fan. I think I'll have most of my heavy weapons teams in MK3 plate, so there should be at least 15 of them all together. I just *hate* painting all those bands and rivets in MK3 pinch.gif

@ Chaptermasterdemon - Well that should be obvious :P

@ Kol (2) - Your math sounds about right.

@ Jasp - Only to finance those I actually enjoy working with. Like the 16 year old vegan power lifter. I train her for free ^_^

@ DSS7 - Dusk Raiders? If you ever need help with the colors or whatnot, let me know!

@ Barabbas - I keep wanting to spell your last name Solagon.

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thumbsup.gif Will take you up on the colors it won't be for awhile I still have 5 other projects to finish.But yes Dusk Raiders It shall be.

Heh, if the ship ever draws me in, this just did the same for me.

Flint, I think you may be recruiting for the wrong legion teehee.gif

In Fact, he's now my background!

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Morning folks!


@ hushrong - Thanks! That's exactly what I was going for. I wanted him to look like he had just obliterated a squad by himself (probably some Ultramarines) and was torn to hell doing it. Regardless of being gore/mud splattered, having chunks knocked out of him and being blind in one eye, he points to that Evocati waiting for him... "You're next, asshat."

You've definitely achieved that pose and intimidation level! I would love to see this fella in a duel.


I do not know if I skipped over any mention of what's next to come but I'm quite anxious! :)

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Morning folks!

@ Aquilanus - They do look *really* good, I won't lie. I'm torn between using more MK3 for my terror squads, or switching to MK4-6 plate. On the one hand, the Iron armor looks really intimidating. On the other, I'm sure I'll be sick of painting it after the heavy weapon guys. I'm also thinking that Terror squads should have the newest and best equipment in the company, which would give me an excuse to Nightlordify some sweet sweet beakie armor.

@ DSS7 - Sure thing buddy! Take your time, I'm not going anywhere ^_^

@ Barabbas - You guys should totally make a club!

@ Jasp - Yeah, Heinrich and I actually had a long and hilarious conversation the other day, in which I was poking fun at him for living in the Hipster ground zero that is Portland. Then I realized I was drinking a strawberry and kale milkshake and had to shut up.

@ DSS7 (2)- Sounds about right.

@ Jasp (2) - That would make my to do list 1 Alpha, 1 Ultra, 1 Blood Angel. Hah, maybe one day soon.

@ TJWurm - Thanks, that's pretty high praise! Glad you liked him. I did really like painting him as a change of pace, but I don't think I could ever see myself doing more than a few of those tiny little legion badges. It made me hate my life a little, even with the tiniest micron pen in existence pinch.gif

@ Hush - Thanks! Maybe I'll build Jasp's proposed Blood Angel to look like they are dueling when I build him. I always wondered why the Blood Angels and World Eaters didn't have more interaction in the books and background. They seem like such good parallel mirrors for each other.

Up next will probably be me finishing my MK2 squad with their apothecary and my squad of five MKIII autocannons if those shoulder pads from FW ever show up.

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How...how have I missed this thread! Love it all - those Heresy minis are simply brutal, and really are what CSM should look like in the first place.


I'm going to have to read through this thread in more detail as I've only skimmed so far, but I like what I've seen.

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That's one of the best dusk raiders I've ever seen and the world eater is just brutal. I can't wait to see your take one some of the other legions :)


For the terror squads I'd just mix the different marks to create the most badass mofos in the 8th legion.

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Hey guys, how does this model look?




BAM! *drops microphone (paintbrush ^_^ )*









What do we think of my response to jasp's second demand/challenge?


"Know this, mongrel. On this day you stand before Bakar the Halcyon, Twenty-second son and bearer of the Argent Wreath. You are no match for me at your best, and today is not then."

~Bakar Vendariel, Legion Champion, 22nd Sanguine Host



"Keep singing your pretty boasts at me, little angel. They'll soon be screams of remorse."

~Drakka Nine-Fang, Centurian Legio XII, Company CXVI 





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