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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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I'm not a fan of the new camo scheme instead of the white on the helmet and apron personally.  I would recommend practicing your technique for painting white on some spare minis.  I know you keep saying that you don't like painting it but avoiding it isn't the solution.  Master it and make it yours instead, then paint a detachment of WE for your army.

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Afternoon folks, just a short update on what's coming up in the next few days.

I'm going to finish up these guys as well as the remains of my MK2 squad:


Fun story, each of those recon marines has a different type and brand of primer. I'm going to see which one I like the most.

And a look at that Storm Eagle from *waaaaay* back near the beginning of this plog, the mighty VENATOR DOMINO! ...in all his WiP glory...:



I've been tossing another layer of paint on it every so often and gradually getting small sections done with still quite aways to go. I'm an avid brush painter, but I can occasionally see where the hassle of getting an airbrush could do me some good in the "painting large areas" department.

and replies!

@ DarkVen - Thanks! I'm on it. I'm surprised you haven't made an evil apothecary yet. But you aren't as into the pre-heresy side of things, are you? Oh well, you'll have to keep amazing us with awesome 40k stuff happy.png

@ Koriel - Thanks! I think I've gotten the little winter city camo thing down pretty well. The more I think of it, the more I like the idea of a Nightlord breaking up that glaring white with hasty camo patterns to be sneakier. And no, that isn't a mold line! (*looks both ways and runs to check*...*whew* Just a weird wash line.) Nope, good to go.

@ Barabbas - Glad to hear, I need the practice for my squad of recon guys.

@ Forte - Glad to hear it! I'm still playing around with power weapon possibilities, so advice is always a pre pre.

@ Cormac - Thanks, I do too. Oh! "Lighting" not "lightning" setup happy.png I just meant I had gone with a different mini lighting rig for my photos. Lightning, on the other hand, I am still fair to middling at.

@ Mikhail - I know you're right. Like I said, you keep me honest happy.png

The more I see it on my Nightlords though, the more I think it looks a little "off" on them. I think I'll save painting white for just those though, some awesome World Eaters! They actually seemed to come out quite well, while the Nightlords' white sections have been decent to bleh. If I'm totally honest, I'm thinking of starting my own separate little World Eater's blog soon. I really enjoyed painting those two and doing something super bright for a change.

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Aha, I apparently misread. Well, the lighting looks great. :p


Funny thing is, I started rationalizing that what I was seeing was lightning effects, it just was not coming across good on my phone. To the point that I thought you were going for one of those lightning ball effects, you know the bluish purple discoloration when tiny lightning hits the glass where you touch it?


Because, you know. That would be a new lightning effect. :D


Except now I think that would look great. Less jagged bolts of lightning, more colorful sheen like you would see on the surface of oil. Like they've been coated in the filth they personify.

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Airbrushing is fun and amazingly quick once you get the knack of it.  Quick to get such smooth blended areas of different colours or patches where you want shaded effects.  Definitely worth it for vehicles and priming on the cheap.


As for your primer - have you considered the option of grey?  It's not as bright as white, nor from my experiences in the few various cans I've purchased, as grainy.

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Blue hair is that a carry over from RL?

What does that have to do with painting miniatures?  


It would be extremely refreshing if we could stay ON TOPIC for at least one page.  You know stuff like painting technique, miniatures, brushes, paint brands, stuff like that.  

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@ Ace - Hey! Good to see you back in. Nightlord physicians work on the "best walk it off quick" school of thought.

That's probably the kindest option a Night Lord doctor has!laugh.png

As much as I liked the white armour and coat, that is some nice camo effect, so that gets a thumbs up in my books.thumbsup.gif

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As good-looking as I find the girl in Flint13's avatar, I agree with mikhail. Off topic has taken hold of the forum since a few weeks and the quality of the threads is really feeling it.

And yes, a World Eaters detachment. laugh.png

I agree that the camo scheme on the helmet feels off. It's well painted, but it's just strange on a helmet. I had trouble understanding it was camo to begin with.

The Storm Eagle looks good. And I bet it was easier to build than the Forge World version.

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Wasn't trying to offend....sorry

It has nothing to do with being offensive as far as I'm concerned.  I could care less what any of you people look like or anyone's feelings to be perfectly honest.  What concerns me is several pages of comments that have absolutely nothing to do with anything hobby related.  There is an alarming trend in the WIP forum recently for there to be one update actually containing a picture of a mini or something related to it then several replies about anything and everything but the hobby.  Work, food, quitting the hobby, coming back to the hobby two days later, what color shoes are you wearing?  None of this belongs in the WIP section and everyone seems to have forgotten it.  The B&C looks more like DakkaDakka every day.

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I must agree with Mikhail on this one- these are the kinds of things that should generally be discussed in a private message, skype, facebook, etc. or at the very least tacked on to the very end of a post that offers some kind of constructive commentary.  The primary function of a WIP topic and subforum is discussion and posting of works in progress; the occsassional tangent is fine- but on every page? A tad over the top.


Flint, what did you use for the lascannons on the storm eagle? Did you make a custom mount plate for them?  


Also, gonna backup a possibly painful opinion for you, but I do honestly think that the white on the apothecary is a herculean effort worth pursuing; it would add a stark contrast to the blue that would provide some "pop" on the tabletop.  

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In all honesty Flint, I liked the white much much better, I get that it's a pain to do, and anyone who looks at my WIP will argue I can't paint white very well, which is true. But I feel like the camo is kinda out of place. 


Just my two cents

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Lol you guys are getting off topic about getting off topic :P



I will say this Flint, your dedication and constant updating keeps reminding me to work on my heresy dark angels :O I keep neglecting them.



I like the storm raven to storm eagle conversion because it kind of has a subtle barb to it. If you've read the Soul hunter series then you will know that a storm raven wouldn't have been the only thing the Night Lords have stolen from the Blood Angels :D

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Got to ask Flint the metallic trim on your NL apothecary what's the recipe, I'm testing a knew technique for my first NL (Kol Saresk) just a SGT. And I'm wanting a tin/platinum look, yours seems to be spot on.



So, with my normal sustenance (sushi), tension relief (foam roller) and artistic muse (snoop dogg) I was prepared to get the color white correct even if it killed me. My results? painting white. I like this better

I woke up saw this shook my head and blasted some buried in Verona whilst making a coffee to tackle some more DA (that's how you get in the zone) :P

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Evening guys! Let's see what we have here.

@ Forte - Let me know when you do. Totally going to copy it :P

@ Recon - Yup!

@ Cormac - That's hilarious! And actually a really cool idea. Aren't nightlords supposed to use little sub-armor lightning generators? Hmm... maybe there's something there.

@ infryana - I have! Believe it or not, the one on the far right is a slate gray primer. I think the light is just making him a bit washed out. Test results to come.

@ Mikhail - Will do to the best of my ability!

@ Barabbas - I don't think I could see them in scout armor. But power armored marines with a green swamp pattern over that dirty ivory armor would look awesome! My recipe is super simple for those cloaks: astronomicon base, followed by streaks of russ gray, fenrisian gray and adeptus battlegray. Wash it with blue, and done. I imagine different streaks of brown and green followed by devlaning the heck out of it would look pretty sweet!

@ Ace - Indeed! I'm not liking the helmet as much, I think it may be too small to hold that pattern believably.

@ Knight of the Raven - Ah, yep I'm decided. Camo cloak, white helmet. And while I wasn't a big fan of the Chapterhouse conversion kit, all things considered, it was decidedly easier to assemble.

@ Chaplain - I snipped the missiles off of the normal plate that goes in there and set lascannon barrels (from the extra landraider sponsons I have) into the recesses. How about white helmet, camo apron? I do need the practice on white ^_^

@ Vazzy - Yep, going back to white. I'm so indecisive pinch.gif

@ Depth - Eh, par for the course ^_^ Thanks for the complements. I imagine those Dark Angels won't hobby themselves.

Haha, got that li'l A D-B easter egg, did you? devil.gif *stupid blood angels*

@ Recon - Yup. My one painted blood angel ends up in a bad way earlier in the thread ^_^

@ Jasp - Super simps DarkVen helped me out a lot with it, so it finally looks passable.

Base in Tin Bitz (warplock bronze), highlight with runelord brass. Wash with devlan, highlight with iron breaker, wash with sepia. That way you get deep recesses with a nice worn appearance. Not enough shine to get noticed when sneaking up on someone, but still decidedly metallic.

And noone likes Australian metal... that's why it stays in Austrailia :P

@ DSS7 - Well... looks like I'm going half n' half anyway ^_^

@ Chaptermasterdemon - Yep, me too. Since I'm hella indecisive, he's getting a white helmet and a camo skort.

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