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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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@ Chaplain - I snipped the missiles off of the normal plate that goes in there and set lascannon barrels (from the extra landraider sponsons I have) into the recesses. How about white helmet, camo apron? I do need the practice on white happy.png

Yeah, that ought to turn out well; a good compromise. Thanks for the lascannon tip.

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I've missed out on A LOT in a very short amount of time. You are really cranking these out amigo! I really love that Dusk Raider and that Apothecary!


For the apothecary I liked him with the white helm. I think it would have been cool to give him a terror mark, like a good ol' skull image, in blood over the white. I wonder if tamiya clear of that blood for the blood go paint would have been good for that.


Anways, keep'em coming!

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Evening All!


A small update. Finished the next marine in my slowly building recon squad. I've tried a host of new techniques on him. Thinner lightning and a different shading pattern for his lens are at the forefront.

Also, thanks to Augustus for his awesome Rhinox hide metallic technique, which I've tried for both the silvers and tiny bit of bronzes. Gives a much more worn look to the metals which I am in love with.


@  Forte - Whats wrong with a Tinbitz base?
@ Chaplain - I though so. I think it will give a good focal point to the model which he kinda lacks now. You're welcome!
@ Hushrong - Thanks buddy! That seems to be the general consensus. 
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Coming along nicely little miss. Lightning is tricky but I always just pull up a picture of actual lightning so I don't forget how the stuff actually behaves in nature. Always try and go thinner if you can, challenge yourself more with each model (not saying you aren't, just reminding you).


This is a good example of what I use for reference:



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Looking good. The slightly darker colours, the black trim and the camo cloaks really makes for one "realistic" model. The lightning on this model is a huge improvement, especially compared to the older one in the side by side picture.


Keep up the good work and bring us more 8th legion goodies.

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Evening guys!

@ Recon - I just use it as a base instead of bare metallic. Looks way better.


@ depthcharge - Thanks! Thou it's a bolter holster, not a bra :P


@ Heinrich - Thanks! *saved to desktop*


@ Forte - Glad to hear it. I feel like I'm getting better bit by bit ^_^


@ Jasp - Thanks buddy! Will do.


@ Koriel - I know right? I think I'm going to have to do some re-painting.


@ Vazzy - Haha, good to hear. I think I'm slowly starting to perfect it.


@ Barabbas - Seems the lightning is a big hit. Definitely going to have to do some repainting.

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I know it's a tiny thing to pic out in this sea of great models like heart eater but I really like the dusk raider :) and wonderful free hand on the shoulder.


oh and the camp cloaks! Nice colour combination and pattern works well with the deep blue.

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Afternoon Folks! Recon guy 3 joins the squad:


@ Squeaky - Thanks! I did quite enjoy painting and writing fluff for Brother Madruk. I think he was a good "culmination" of techniques I was trying. Glad to hear the badge came out well. That little free-hand Dusk Raider symbol made me hate life a bit pinch.gif

@ Recon - Are we talking recon marines or the bolter holder? That's just from a Thunderwolf accessory sprue happy.png

@ nhaunter - Thanks! I thought it came out well.

@ Knight of the Raven - Glad to hear, it isn't even that much more work, so I'm glad it pays off.

@ Recon - It does. I think I've finally gotten the final "shifty" highlight down so they look pretty well.

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Looks like he's been wolf hunting Flint!!


Your camo cloak is really nice, looks like actual camo, and one that any (un) respected member of the VIIIth would don!!


Do you make huge FW orders?? Often?? I spend all the money I can through them and only end up with like 2 or 3 kits!! Next up however, Night Lords MKII and III shoulder pads!!


End of Line

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Looking good, the thinner lightning looks much better. One can almost imagine those guys camping in the shadows, taking out people or legionaries one by one. Although I suppose NL snipers would just shoot to maim, to spread terror.


Oh, and is that a wood effect you've utilised on the shotgun?

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I think that you've got some really bold and imaginative ideas here that you have pulled of remarkably well without going over the top.


There are some really creative combinations of parts going on here but most importantly you aren't straying from the theme, although they are quite individual models they still look great as a whole yet maintain a very brutal feel.


I especially like the blue camo-cloaks, really does drive home the attacking from the darkness feel in contrast to some of the more traditional legion-esque (proper word from now on...) feel of some of your earlier models.

The Mk IV armour doesn't look quite as brutal but I think that the more uniform look combined with the cloaks really makes them look sinister.


Keep up the good work :tu:

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