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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Evening guys. I need a quick bit of assitance. I know it's a tiny tiny part of the completed model, but I want to get this wood grain thing down. I wasn't super excited about the first iteration, so this is my second try.

If anyone could make with a useful tute, I'd be super appreciative ^_^
@ Rhapsody - Thanks! I'm glad someone noticed the little blood trail he's tracking down. I don't make super huge FW orders often, maybe 3 or 4 times a year. My last one was about a week ago. Could you hear my wallet shriek and die from Oregon? ^_^
@ Recon - Thanks!
@ Koriel - Attempted to. See second attempt above.
@ Forte - Close...to the left of the spine, fourth lumbar down. Abdominal aorta msn-wink.gif
@ Doghouse - OMG doghouse! Haha, thanks! I appreciate another voice of experience.
@ Anaziel - I really appreciate it. I feel like I'm actually starting to amass a fair repertoire of useful hobby skills. Not just how to paint dark blue ^_^
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Looks great!

The idea of blending as per Jaspcats' comment is definitely worth a try. See if you can breakup the even thickness and straightness of the lines on the foregrip part a little more to fit in with mother natures randomness. I appreciate how fine a detail you've given it, so perhaps the blending would help with this, but with you having nailed the lightning - this shouldn't be an issue for ya smile.png

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Guys, I got wood!


Well wood grain at least. A ton of thanks go to Brother Chaplain Kage for that tute. It took a few tries, but I think this one came out the best. 



@ Jasp - Thanks! I had to wash the hell out of this one, but it turned out (comparatively) great.


@ infryana - Good the hear the lightning is up to snuff. I did add more variation in length/thickness/straightness this go 'round.


@ Brother Chaplain Kage - Thanks again!


@ Koriel - Haha, Google Chrome keeps wanting to auto-correct your name to "Coors." And thanks!


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It took me about five minutes solid gawping at those models to realise those space marines have sniper rifles.

I was distracted by the camo cloaks and other cool effects.laugh.png

My nephew's making some sniper marines of his own, so I'll be sure to get him to take a good look at these too.turned.gif

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Morning again guys!

Sat down and finished up the squad leader. Only one guy left. I was going to leave the Sgt for last, but I got excited happy.png

Dammit!... my freehand still looks like a censored.gif daemon puppy... but hey, at least there's a little trophy for our good buddy Jaspcat ^_^
Other than that, I am quite content. I thought all those folds were going to be a nightmare, but turned out not so bad. Hmm.. seems the highlights are a little less stark on the cloth, but hella bright on his pouches. I may have to go back over those.
@ Barabbas - Thanks! It took me a bit, but I'm glad I stuck at it.
@ Pyro - Good to hear!
@ RedMoon - High praise indeed from you tongue.png
@ Ace - Glad to hear I can be inspiration to a mini generation. I've got a little tutorial on how I did the camo if it would help.
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You really nailed it with that last try, terrific wood effect. I find it rather amazing/scary how fast you improve :P

Oh and the sergeant looks just as kickass as the rest, the bayonet works better then the chain attachment aswell.

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Ace - Glad to hear I can be inspiration to a mini generation. I've got a little tutorial on how I did the camo if it would help.

Well, my nephew's stuff is based in the snow, so he's sticking with white robes and cloaks, but I'd bet I can find a use for the camo stuff myself.

My last camo attempts were, uh, less than satisfactory, so I'll be sure to check out your tutorial next time I sit down to paint something.biggrin.png

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Evening Guys,

@ Koriel - I do my best to really practice a new technique so that I can pull it out again if I ever need it... or I just eat the hearts of talented hobbyists to absorb their power. You decide.

@ Brother Chaplain Kage - Thanks buddy! I know what you mean. It's crazy to go back and look at some of my stuff from a couple months ago.

@ Barabbas - I do my best when I've got an enthusiasm for it.

@ Forte - good to hear!

@ Ace Debonair - Sure thing, let me know if I can help out.

@ Anaziel - It only took three tries happy.png

@ Rhapsody - Ah, I suppose the bullet holes are a little hard to see. He's been shot. Under the fake blood, there's both an entry wound on his left temple and a (much larger) exit wound at the right base.

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Very, very nice models Flint! I really love the recon guys. Just so you know, after deciding to do my first ever forgeworld order soon, that I will set two models aside and dedicate them to the Night Lords, and use the excuse to get more lightning claws. On the outside I might be loyal, but on the inside... Well, it is just to scary to say.

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@ Chaptermasterdemon - Thanks! And glad to hear it. Come on over to our roster and showcase threads to put them up when you do!


@ Dark Rage - Glad to hear. It took a little while to get nailed down, but I'm glad I stuck with it.


@ Recon - Yep, stalker bolters. They're just normal sniper rifles in game terms, but I think they look far more awesome than generic sniper rifles. My lightning doesn't have any real placement pattern, I just tend to aim for large open spots that would be kinda empty otherwise. Maybe two spots tops, so the models don't look crowded when they're done. 

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"Lad, do you know the difference between a crow and a raven?"




"Ravens are larger by their wingspan and girth of breast. They have an almost musical note to their call. They're intelligent; they can think, reason, solve problems, they can even improvise simple tools. They're smarter than some species of  homid. I've seen a few I'm damn sure are smarter than Initiate Sokisth."




"But the defining feature of Ravens... they are a contemplative symbol to the gifted insane. Old Terran legends tell of them as muses of the alcoholic and dereanged, the super talented idiot savants of time immemorial."




"Crows, though... crows are sullen and vile, vicious and spiteful. They are smaller, but aggressive and territorial. Mean little bastards all told. They feed off the dead like vultures, and they steal from corpses and the living alike."




"Ah, forgive me, Lad. I'm old and prone to ramble. We were speaking of Khan Bard and his time with the Nineteenth. I'm afraid there isn't much to tell. He served his two decades, learned to scout and track, then returned to us to facilitate the harmony of knowledge shared between cousins. We are a recon company after all. We had much to gain and much that could be of value to share with the sons of Corax."




"The incident with the strike cruiser Corvidarian? Ah, that was an unfortunate business. I'm told a malfunctioning lift servitor failed to disconnect a raw promethium line before they made to depart from the docking lanes."




"Yes, and that lamentable accident with Captain Cordihaine. A fault in the programming of his airlock service doors caused that regrettable rupture. I suppose it was only the poor luck that seems to plague the Nineteenth, that his warplate's locator array was damaged in the ensuing depressurization. Unfortunate really. I hear they never recovered him from the orbit of Glokta four."




"Oh well, chin up, Lad. Those are one in a million odds, and regardless, we have to make sure the Nix didn't pick up any unwanted visitors with that last sortie. I'd tighten that seal on your suit's magnetic anchor unit though, all the same. You never know when a sudden jolt from an odd piece of debris could make a go at knocking you clean off the hull."


~Sevik Lo - Master of Signal - 8th Legion, 28th Company 

 -post action refit and repair of Strike Cruiser "Noctis Nix," following purge of planet Glokta Seven







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