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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Whole squad together looks magnificent. The camo cloaks really look like they'd blend right in with the background.


Now what's next I wonder, something you've allready built or perhaps something we have't seen yet.

Keep up the great work :tu:

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I liked it (though the loyalist in me still says ravens are better than crows :p ), but seeing Kol's comment and rereading it in Spock's voice just may have made my day complete.


Though I could never see him as . . . Well, any Legion, the idea of a Spock-based Night Lord is about as terrifying as Bruce Banner being inducted into the World Eaters.

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=][= Content of negative value removed =][=


lets not forget its the great modelling that inspires and should be commended 

you could do with slowing down your painting and look around the boards and maybe ask for help on blending as your armour looks like blotches of blue and black.as for the lightning there was a tutorial by an old mod nimh i believe you might want to look at .also check your models posing some look awkward ,if you are unsure look in a mirror to see if it looks believable

on a plus the lenses look good as do the cloaks.maybe spend more time on the armour to bring it up to the same scale.

i appologise if this sounds harsh but as a modeller you will not better yourself if everyone just tells you everything is great


=][= Content of negative value removed =][=

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 9, 2014 - Negative branch starting with ppotts's posts hidden/edited
Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 9, 2014 - Negative branch starting with ppotts's posts hidden/edited
EDIT: I would politely suggest you read through the thread. Specifically the parts where negative aspects were highlighted, tutorials suggested and improvement shown.
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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 9, 2014 - Negative branch starting with ppotts's posts hidden/edited
Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 9, 2014 - Negative branch starting with ppotts's posts hidden/edited

i did start reading and thats just it too much blurb and not enough content

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 9, 2014 - Negative branch starting with ppotts's posts hidden/edited
Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 9, 2014 - Negative branch starting with ppotts's posts hidden/edited

ok its time someone put something up other than gushing at your models because your a girl.

this post has seriously devolved into facebook blurb which will distract from the actual modelling.

30 pages is crazy for the quality of these models when i have seen so many better threads with fantastic modelling getting so few comments

(maybe its just a gealousy thing,if you cant paint as good as someone huddle together with the mediocre and tell each other you are awesome)

lets not forget its the great modelling that inspires and should be commended 

you could do with slowing down your painting and look around the boards and maybe ask for help on blending as your armour looks like blotches of blue and black.as for the lightning there was a tutorial by an old mod nimh i believe you might want to look at .also check your models posing some look awkward ,if you are unsure look in a mirror to see if it looks believable

on a plus the lenses look good as do the cloaks.maybe spend more time on the armour to bring it up to the same scale.

i appologise if this sounds harsh but as a modeller you will not better yourself if everyone just tells you everything is great

sycophantic praise never helps



dude really grow the :cuss up its pathetic that you bring her down.

Flint is a great painter/modeller so how about you crawl back under your bridge and man the :cuss up.

im so :cussing tired of this pathetic bull:cuss from the online community.

there are plenty of female hobbyists I have 3 at my Local club and guess what its not because they are female that they get attention.

you truly need to pull your :cussing head in and realise that a lot of males aren't giving her attention because "shes a female"

if you look at the actual quality of her work its improved immensely and the fact that youre calling her out on this :cuss is bullcrap.

id love to see what you are really like because I have an image of the pathetic low self esteemed piece of crap that you are for having the nerve to say that :cuss.

honestly this is why females stay away from our hobby because guys like you are the reason.

if you have nothing nice to say say nothing at all.


edit: im just infuriated as this is not the first time ive seen females targeted on this forum and being told their mediocre, were all supposed to support each other and help each other out not just say your mediocre its detrimental to to this hobby as a whole. would you tell a 10yr old there crap and try harder?

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 11, 2014 - response to ppotts that should have been removed before
Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 11, 2014 - response to ppotts that should have been removed before

lets not forget its the great modelling that inspires and should be commended 

you could do with slowing down your painting and look around the boards and maybe ask for help on blending as your armour looks like blotches of blue and black.as for the lightning there was a tutorial by an old mod nimh i believe you might want to look at .also check your models posing some look awkward ,if you are unsure look in a mirror to see if it looks believable

on a plus the lenses look good as do the cloaks.maybe spend more time on the armour to bring it up to the same scale.

i appologise if this sounds harsh but as a modeller you will not better yourself if everyone just tells you everything is great

Troll begone.



With that said sir, where's your stuff?


5 posts? Really? You lend so much credibility to your words. And do you like scaring away girls because the only one that would ever talk to you is your own mother(s)?


And is a few comments here and there a hurt? It provides incentive and motivation for someone to keep going on.


I'm sorry we all don't start off as golden daemon or world renown painters as yourself. And if you'd bother to check, flint started many of these threads before even listing herself as a girl.


So because people comment on my thread with little sentences and so forth they all want my D? Please sir come find my thread and bash me for feth's sake. I will get you thrown out so fast, you'll wish you were nicer to Ms. Flint.



Thank you, and welcome to the B & C

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 9, 2014 - Negative branch starting with ppotts's posts hidden/edited
Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 9, 2014 - Negative branch starting with ppotts's posts hidden/edited

grow up jasp and read the post properly instead of kneejerk reactions

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 9, 2014 - Negative branch starting with ppotts's posts hidden/edited
Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 9, 2014 - Negative branch starting with ppotts's posts hidden/edited

i did start reading and thats just it too much blurb and not enough content

So did you go through the entire thread, or just the first few pages and then make an assumption that there was no improvement whatsover over the course of the thirty pages? Just look at the recon marines on page 29 and compare them to page one and then decide to have an opinion. Judge a book for its content, not what you think of the cover.
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Before this goes too far.


Firstly, it would seem that ppotts is female themselves (at least to what it says under their name. I have no reason to doubt that). Secondly, whilst it's understandable to defend other members, insulting replies just makes matter worse.


Thirdly, whilst it may seem that many members who have posted here might come across as fawning over flint, it's not the case (at least not to me). There aren't many female members here on B+C, but I would like to think that they are treated no differently to any other member. I myself didn't know that flint was female for a while as she didn't make that fact known straight away. Gender has no (or shouldn't have any) distinction here.


Hopefully, we can start again on a positive note and not resort to hurling insults at each other.


Let's just calm down before things escalate.

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While ppots came off a bit abrupt at first, I actually agree with him/her about the kneejerk reactions that have popped up.


I know a lot of people say the Work In Progress threads should simply be models before, during and after painting stages, and that a lot of comments are off-topic, but I for one feel that comments are a good thing. Not only do a lot of them provide motivation, but simply seeing people post in your thread is a major motivator. Having a sorta-moderately successful thread of my own, I know this as true. Not everyone starts out as a Golden Demon artist, most, if not all, have to work hard at it, and that's I think the point of the WIP board.

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youre right I know Aquilanus, im just tired of negativity on this forum.

I think ill just return to the shadows and stay on the side lines.



and even if its a female commenting or criticising doesn't mean I apologise.

everyone is equal and I consider everyone on here as a brother/sister.

but we shouldn't turn on someone whos consistently updating WIP shots and say its 30 pages of facebook crap. (this is why I don't have any social media except for B&C)

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 9, 2014 - Negative branch starting with ppotts's posts hidden/edited
Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 9, 2014 - Negative branch starting with ppotts's posts hidden/edited
@Warmaster: Yeah, but honestly, when you start out insulting the topic's OP, insulting the posters, trashing the OP's work by not even looking at whether or not the painter has improved and then suggesting tutorials that have, ironically, already been suggested, well it is kind of hard to get a decent reaction.
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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 9, 2014 - Negative branch starting with ppotts's posts hidden/edited
Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 9, 2014 - Negative branch starting with ppotts's posts hidden/edited

Oh, I agree completely. He/she came off abruptly and quite vicious, of that I have no doubt. It does seem like many posts I've seen on facebook and the like though. Dramadramadrama.

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I'm going to put this one in time out for a bit. Don't worry - it will be re-opened very soon as it is an ongoing WIP topic.


The big thing to remember is that feedback should be constructive. That doesn't mean that it always needs to be complimentary, however. Members that want to compliment content are free to do so, of course. Constructive feedback can also be critical.


The problem is that ppotts provided valuable critical feedback, but started it and ended it with negative crap that is unacceptable (I've removed those parts). And then other members let their emotions get the best of them and they responded in kind, though their intentions were honorable.


So I've edited posts and hidden posts that don't provide any value.


Any further crap will be dealt with harshly. If you see anything you consider to be crap you have several options. First, you can address it constructively (i.e., don't throw any gasoline on the flames). Second, you can ignore it (take the high road and don't lower yourself to a level you perceive as being lower than acceptable). Third, you can report the post to the moderators and let them deal with it.

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