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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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That was fun. Whelp, back to work.


"There's another bled out rat. These things cripple other vermin, then stalk the vitae trails. We must be close now...


Ah, that would be the nest then lad. Give it another dose of the chem-fire. We must have picked up this infestation when we docked at Chirexian. I think the skinning pits attract the vulpins. There goes another, get it before it gets into the ducting. Kragspit, get it lad!"




"Of course it bit you, Lad, you were dousing it's brood with petrochem. Let me see it, then. Can't have you getting an infection and sickening the other thrall-slaved. Kurze's spite, I hate those darty little bastards. You can hear them calling each other through the ductwork during the dust cycles. They sound like children screaming... we'll circle back around level twelve to be sure we got the last of them. Now keep your eyes pinned, this might pinch a bit."




"We'll see if you start frothing at the mouth. Might end up having to put you down too, if those things were rabid. Nothing to do but pass time now, Lad. I suppose I could finish my tale of Keldane Blackfox. Got him returned from the Wolves only ten Terran standard back". 




"I remember some Sudmerican prophet from the jungles of old Terra pandering on about the nature of insanity. Repeating the same action and expecting different results. I can see the wisdom in that. The Wolves hated Keldane. Thought he was bad luck, thus the moniker. After the fifth time they tossed him into the Fenrisian wilderness, they had to admit he might have figured them out."




"I've heard him down here, hunting some of his stock. I'll give you a hint, Lad. The key he carries doesn't unlock a bulkhead. I think he's restless though. Hunting these corridors is nothing compared to stalking the wilds of a deathworld... hunting your kind is nothing compared to those he has tracked and hunted before. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Initiate Sokisth in two cycles."




"Well lad, you still look to be of useful health. We've got a lot of ship to cover. Suit back up and adjust your re-breather. I would suggest keeping your face farther from the ductwork when we circle back through twelve. You're having enough difficulty keeping up duties with both eyes intact."


~Sevik Lo - Master of Signal - 8th Legion, 28th Company 

 -post action refit and repair of Strike Cruiser "Noctis Nix," following purge of planet Glokta Seven

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I thought for just a moment you were about to go all wolf like on us !


He's very reminiscent of a wolf'esque geared marine - axe and shield.  But he's not, and he will definitely stand out amongst your MkIV marines.


I do like the raw scratches on the shield, but the base hem of the cloak looks a little clean considering it drapes over the ground.


Glad to see the thread back in action!

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Morning Guys!


@ Infyrana - Thanks. I was trying to make him a slightly more "tribal" nightlord. I'll admit I haven't really tried much weathering with my Nighlords yet. I suppose his cloak is as good a place to start as any ^_^


@ Kage - Me too! You should see my Beastmen and Warriors of Chaos. Axes everywhere. Plus I like how the slightly unique look they give to my Nightlords, since axes are more a Space Wolf/World Eater thing. 

I know what you mean too, shading cloth is something I'm working on. I'll see what I can come up with for that and the base. Don't have a lot of room to work, but it does look a bit lazy comparatively, doesn't it?


@ Rhapsody - Glad to hear it. I feel like I'm actually decent at the fluff bit.

@ Depthcharge - Oh, wow you're right. His base does not inspire confidence. I'll have to give that a look see.


@ DSS7 - Glad to hear it! Since Keldane is so much brighter than some of my other Nightlords, I think it works as a pretty good focal point for the model. 

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 11, 2014 - Being a tool again
Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 11, 2014 - Being a tool again


lets not forget its the great modelling that inspires and should be commended 

you could do with slowing down your painting and look around the boards and maybe ask for help on blending as your armour looks like blotches of blue and black.as for the lightning there was a tutorial by an old mod nimh i believe you might want to look at .also check your models posing some look awkward ,if you are unsure look in a mirror to see if it looks believable

on a plus the lenses look good as do the cloaks.maybe spend more time on the armour to bring it up to the same scale.

i appologise if this sounds harsh but as a modeller you will not better yourself if everyone just tells you everything is great

Troll begone.



With that said sir, where's your stuff?


5 posts? Really? You lend so much credibility to your words. And do you like scaring away girls because the only one that would ever talk to you is your own mother(s)?


And is a few comments here and there a hurt? It provides incentive and motivation for someone to keep going on.


I'm sorry we all don't start off as golden daemon or world renown painters as yourself. And if you'd bother to check, flint started many of these threads before even listing herself as a girl.


So because people comment on my thread with little sentences and so forth they all want my D? Please sir come find my thread and bash me for feth's sake. I will get you thrown out so fast, you'll wish you were nicer to Ms. Flint.



Thank you, and welcome to the B & C

first off who are you calling sir?

i may in hindsight have been harsh but stick by what i said .a persons sex should make no difference but sadly on these type of forums it does .we girls either get hounded by guys for seeking attention or propositioned etc which is why i made my comment and a reason so many girls who do join quickly leave ,it was not aimed at ms flint but those type of commenters ,and kneejerk was exactly what happened. especially the vitriol from a certain member  with an aggressive attitude whose post  is now gone.

and i do not claim to be gold demon standard and the number of posts should have no bearing on an opinion,i was trying to give critisism to help spur a sister on as i thought that was what these forums were for.

but just for you depthcharge12 here is one of my attempts fire away and feel good about yourself




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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 11, 2014 - Response to ppotts being a tool again
Hidden by Brother Tyler, February 11, 2014 - Response to ppotts being a tool again
Please don't start up again, no more debating. Plus this is flints thread for her work, you should start your own WIP thread and we will happily take a look at your work. Don't want this thread closed, thankyou please
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Finally read all the way through your thread. You Night Lords are just killing me with all your 20+ page threads of awesome nastiness and meanness. :)


First off, as I stated elsewhere, you more than have the narrative thing above the "decent" level. I'd say you've got that part nailed down very well and that really complements your painting and modeling efforts. You are a very accomplished modeler and your painting is really coming along.


So please do keep on with your efforts, they are very inspirational.


Even if your Chapter's tactics is "skullduggery". ;)

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For the first time in this thread thus far, I have to say that I'm not a fan of the most recent guy. Perhaps its my hatred towards the Masters of the Chapter, but I'm not digging it. The fluff is good, the model, eh.


That recon squad though, that's good stuff.

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Guys, check this out!


It's cool. happy.png


@Sockwithaticket - Glad to hear it. Fluff-wise the rank and file of my company are a melting pot of the hillfolk of Nostromo (think Hound from A D-B's work) and the various underhive villainy you'd typically find in the Nightlords. I wanted them to look a little more "tribal" than your garden variety NL. Something like evil space wolves with the highborn/lowborn social tensions of the Salamanders. Glad to see my "subtle" axe motif is recognizable as well. I think sometimes, lesser legions forget that we of the Eighth are warriors as well as murderers ^_^

@ Honda - Thanks! Definitely glad I can entertain. I started writing fluff *long* before I ever started painting and modeling. I don't envy your super long reading project though! And I'd like to think our tactics are less "skullduggery," more "skull stabbery." ^_^

@ Warmaster - I know what you mean. I'm kinda hit or miss on him myself. Well, they can't all be winners. I wanted to find something to do with that last master of the chapter ^_^

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Everytime I am emboldened to try something of my own, a little thread of awesomeness like this pops up and my mini's get flying lessons. Until they hit the wall. Your work and your fluff make me insanely jealous.

I just want you to know this..... ermm.gif

On a more serious praiseworthy note, these are all kinds of incredible.

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Haha, thanks for the praise, I feel like I'm getting to be vaguely internet famous. The fair lady bit also amuses. I had to work to even get a "sister" out of Jaspcat :P


But! I want to second Vazzy, I think a rich, wine-like purple would look aces. I also have a sort of (very biased) preference for dark blue.

I laughed so hard at this!

Just keep up the good work sis and I'll send you a PM later.


I was thinking on the SW convert & I'm wondering if he will be accompanied by a fenrisian wolf? Maybe with conversion talon claws?

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Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, February 13, 2014 - Pointless comments on the OPs gender - off topic
Hidden by Captain Semper, February 13, 2014 - Pointless comments on the OPs gender - off topic

Before this goes too far.Firstly, it would seem that ppotts is female themselves (at least to what it says under their name. I have no reason to doubt that). Secondly, whilst it's understandable to defend other members, insulting replies just makes matter worse.Thirdly, whilst it may seem that many members who have posted here might come across as fawning over flint, it's not the case (at least not to me). There aren't many female members here on B+C, but I would like to think that they are treated no differently to any other member. I myself didn't know that flint was female for a while as she didn't make that fact known straight away. Gender has no (or shouldn't have any) distinction here.Hopefully, we can start again on a positive note and not resort to hurling insults at each other.Let's just calm down before things escalate.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA!




Flint's a girl? How did I miss this?



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Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, February 13, 2014 - Reply to off topic post
Hidden by Captain Semper, February 13, 2014 - Reply to off topic post
Excuses. Most of my dealings on here are on my phone too. Including posting pics and doing updates.
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Morning guys.

New tactical dude (not sure why they came out a tad dark, but you get the gist happy.png ):

@ Paladin - Thanks, it really keeps me going to hear that people find my thread worthwhile.
@ Jaspcat - Glad to know I entertain. I actually have one of those FW Chaos Ogryns with the three wacky mutant dogs on order. They're just a bit late getting here. Nightlording them up may be in my future.
@ Nephilim - Yep, am indeed a lady. I just try not to be loud about it. Glad to hear you enjoy them, I'll try to keep my kitbashes interesting. Hopefully I can figure out how greenstuff works at some point sweat.gif
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