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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, February 13, 2014 - Off topic
Hidden by Captain Semper, February 13, 2014 - Off topic

Guys Imperial Dating Tips (inspired from Forte's pic)


1. Eldar - When they look at you with disdain, they are not trying to play "hard to get". They really could care less about you.


2. Dark Eldar - Long legged vixens wearing minimal leather may initially seem like a good idea. It isn't. Their idea of a fun evening includes restraints, sharp edged instruments, and the removal of important parts of your body. Oh, and you'll scream till you're hoarse.


3. Night Lords - Yes, there is something memorable about scary women. Consider what living in a nightmare for the remainder of your short miserable life might be like.

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@ Kol - Does this help? It's about as close as my lil camera can get.





@ Forte - I'm not sure what to say to that pic. I'm half drooling adoration, half blind jealous lady-hate.


@ Anaziel - Thanks! It's the best one next to his trigger. Highlights didn't come out quite perfect though.


@ Warmaster - I could see it. I think she's like a foot taller than me, though.


@ Kol - Hey, I like axes. Swords are so Evocati.


@ Wicced - Thanks. I think I'm finally getting the hang of them.


@ Koriel - I do indeed. And I try to keep them unique. I like little details to break up all that blue. Can only have so much lightning before it's too much.


@ Ludovic - No joke, I know what you mean. And thanks, I'll do my darndest.

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It's a good looking marine Flint , apart from that terror marking I think. The mk3 lid isn't the easiest to do it on but right now it looks like a bunch of lines without any purpose. I think extending the line under the eyes to the 'teeth' will make a great difference, as will getting rid of the white at the bottom edge. Just looks really odd right now.


The red finger though,  ;)

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Two things.


1. I'm not exactly sure but what's that symbol on his right shoulder pad supposed to be?... Suppose I might have missed something.


2. If I'm honest, I don't think the helmet markings really adds to the model's look. It doesn't exactly lend to that sense of 'terror marking'. But then again, I've rarely honestly seen a terror marking on a helmet that actually looked... well, terrifying.


Its a solid model and your paint work is slowly improving. I will say though, I love that his left middle finger is the only red part on his gauntlet. That made me laugh so hard.

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@forte- wish my girlfriend was that into 40k :(


@flint- I think the main issue with terror markings on mk 3 is the grill. If you were to fill the grill, you would have a large, surface to mess around with symbols.


I approve of the red finger :tu:

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Pretty sure that's a mk2 helmet :P

Allthough mk 2 and 3 (and in some cases mk4) are abit more challenging then a helmet with a large flat surface, it's not that difficult to do proper terrer markings. Heinrich did a terrific marking on a mk3 helmet, (used to be his old avatar pic unless I'm misstaken).

Like Midian said, removing the line at the bottom and making some small alterations to the part under the eyes would make it look more like a "proper" terror marking.

Still I kind of like it the way it is now, it's unique, and who said all terror markings had to look like skulls.

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Morning guys! Look what finally came in the mail today. *excited!*


@ Kol - Sure thing! It's really just a little doodle. I think it started out as a star. Low born marines of the 28th see red as a good luck charm.

@ Midian - Gotcha, I've been trying to figure out what to do with the "grilled" helmets. This one I tried out a little voodoo skull thing. As you can see, it's pretty hit or miss so far. Thanks for the CC. I'll see what I can come up with on future helms

@ Redmoon - It's from an accessories bit from the space wolf thundercav sprue. It is a little suspicious that a space wolf would be carrying a Thousand Sons' occult artifact around, wouldn't it?

@ Recon - Thanks! The axe are from the WoC marauder box. Since I play Beastmen, WoC and Chaos Dwarves over on the other side of the fence, I have a *ton* of axes lying around in my bitz bin

@ Barabbas - Glad to hear it! Though I think you're biased based off of that Dusk Raider I did awhile back msn-wink.gif

@ Cormac Airt- Thanks! It was supposed to be a pre-heresy Word Bearers helm, but hey, ended up ok anyway

@ Noctus - 1.) Just a little doodle really. In my fluff, the lower born Astartes of the 28th consider red a good luck charm, which is why it's scattered around the tacticals, but not the recon squad. I think it's a half star with a little black X, if that helps

2.) I know what you mean. These guys are kinda my practice run at making terror markings, since they are something I've always struggled with. At the very least, I only have 5 MK2 guys, so I'll see what I can come up with in future endeavors.

Also, glad you like the finger happy.png

@ BassWave - Yeah, mine too. I'll play around with the helmets and see what I can come up with. I've never seen a filled in MK 2 or 3 helm. It might look awesome! Glad to see the the finger is popular among the cool kids

@ Koriel - It is indeed a MK2. I just filled in a tiny bit towards the middle. I don't especially approve of the Sonic the Hedgehog viewplate thing. Like I said earlier, this one I tried to make look kinda like a stereotypical Baron Samedi type thing, but he's pretty hit or miss. Back to practicing!

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Ha, excited over my MK3 pads finally showing up so I can finish my breachers and my heavy support autocannon squad.

But yes, also raptors happy.png

So here are my experiments with "filling in" the MK3 and MK2 helms for more surface area. The results were surprisingly cool. I'll be giving them a pass or two with a hobby file to smooth them out.

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