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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Evening guys! I'm on the final highlights of my forgelord, so I should have him up by tomorrow at the latest.




@ Basswave - I do indeed. Thanks for the idea!


@ Barabbas - They aren't that bad. As long as you have some warm water handy to help reshape them. I only had a real problem with a single one.


@ Forte - I'm hoping so! I want to try something like this:




@ Honda - Are ideas brewing? Excellent... 


@ Nephilim - See above ^_^ 


@ DSS7 - Thanks!

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"True terror never comes from shock, brutality or pain. An inexorable, invincible foe tears the will from a man more surely than any bullet or blade."

~ Remembrancer Simeon Vazquez




"He owes me a fang."

~Seravok Sar'keth, Bladeborn of the 28th




"Wolves know when to hunt, when to call the pack to assail a stronger foe, and when to hide in their dens when a krag lion happens upon their kill."

~Khan Bard, 1st Dewclaw, 28th Company 




"I've seen that metal bastard walk through fire that would dismantle an up-armored raider. I'd avoid being underfoot, lad."

~Sevik Lo, Master of Signal, 28th Company 




"Your will, my claws, Forgelord."

~ Chaplain Vau'gun Wreave




"Tears of Isha, leave us be. We have nothing left, our craftworld bleeds it's last crimson drops. Let my daughters live, they are but children."

~ Saladriel Kon-vornarion, Farseeress of the Ishanda Craftwold


"Unable to comply."

~He'ghan Iron Night, Forgelord of the 28th Company, 8th Legion

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I find myself in agreement with Kol. I'd say the lightning is to be used to add some detail to models that are somewhat unadorned, but if you add it to a model that is allready cluttered with details (like the forge lord) it would detract from the whole, rather then adding to it.

Not every Night Lords model needs lightning, take the terminator from massacre, he has no lightning at all but he still looks suitably Night Lordy.


So in my opinon I'd say he looks fine without lightning.

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Morning guys!

@ DSS7 - Glad to hear we agree. I have like 5 Zhufors sitting around headless, so I had to find something to do with the rest of them

@ Nephilim - Thanks! I figured since he has a tiny lightning generator on his backpack, it'd work out to even. There isn't a lot of free space on him, unfortunately.

@ Heinrich - I think he's a little crowded, where would I even stick it? happy.png

@ TheWarmaster - Awe, don't say that. I post stuff to inspire and be inspired. If I remember correctly, you have some awesome RT minis to work on!

@ Kol - Yeah, I'm not too sure what that is. It looks like two plasma pistols stapled to a circus baton.

@ Recon - Thanks!

@ BassWave - Hah, me too. Gotta love homicidal robots

@ Kol(2) - Agreed. Plus, fluff-wise He'ghan isn't big on following fleshbag traditions and superstitions.

@ Koriel - Good to hear!

@ Augustus - We're 30k in here, we don't have silly warpsmiths yet. He's all Forgelord happy.png

But yeah, like I said above, I have a *ton* of Zhufors just sitting around since I needed their heads for stuff.

I got the little single clamshell-pack techmarine, so I'm afraid I don't have any of the servitors. Which sucks now because they would be quite useful for a project I'm currently working diligently on msn-wink.gif

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How are the autocannons to assemble? I've heard those ammo belts can make life a living hell.

I was gonna ask the same thing.

i used a few of them last year. the ammo belts don't fit perfectly, but they bent pretty easy. for me crooked barrels where more of a problem than the ammo belts. but with a little patience and hot water, the kit works fine thumbsup.gif

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That model is always so imposing and you've certainly added a sense of menace to him. Loved the quotes, especially the plea for mercy from the eldar. smile.png

A couple of observations:

1. Good job cleaning up all the lines on this model as they are everywhere. Unfortunately, there is one in the first picture on the casing of the plasma claw thingie. Because it is right in front, some consideration might be given to cleaning that up. It doesn't seem like it would take too long.

2. This next observation is definitely optional. I like to add some "heat" markings to flamers, meltas, and plasma weapons. Makes them look like they've been used. Everyone has their own favorite recipe for this, but a very simple and quick one is:

a. A light wash of blue (it used to be called Asurmen Blue, not sure the new name) on the end of the weapon. This only extends a couple of millimeters from the end. Let that dry.

b. A smaller band (maybe 1-2 mm) of whatever Devlan Mud is now called. Let that dry.

c. To top it all off, just a little bit of carbonization. So a light dry brush of a dark brown.

That will help the end points of those arms stand out just a tad without attracting your eye away from the head and torso.

Also, I would agree with those that say lightning is not required on this guy. He has enough going on that it might make it over busy. Not saying you couldn't find some real estate to put a flash on, but unless you're going to add it to a couple places, I don't think it would advance the scheme as much as we might think.


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You could fit them on the shoulder pad, his leg, his chest plate, his arm. People think you need massive amounts of space to pull of lightning as an effect, but you don't. You just have to paint small and not try to crowd too much into too little space.


for example:



He's working with about the same surface area as your forge lord. Couple little lines on the chest, one on the shoulder and a bit on his thigh. boom. effect achieved.

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Hey guys, a few small tweaks and updates:

First tries at heat staining. Not too terrible for a first shot. I may be practicing for a new tactical support squad...

A little more visible here.
And I have to admit, I do like his little lightning spill ^_^
@ Barabbas - Haha, thanks a lot! Eldar torture seems to be popular. Good to know for future reference ^_^
@ Noserenda - Glad to hear it. Every time you show up, I come closer and closer to making a tiny Alpha legion allied force...
@ Wicced - Summed perfectly
@ Honda - Thanks for the suggestions. Let me know what you think ^_^
@ Basswave - Glad to hear someone noticed! Flamers with no visible ignition source are almost as big a pet peeve for me as helmetless marinespinch.gif
@ Heinrich - Let me know what you think!
@ Cormac - Thanks! I tried to keep it subtle. I do think he looks better with a tiny lightning spill.
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