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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Personally, a black edge works like a frame to a picture. It's there but more to show off the thing you want people to see. That's why so many display painters paint their socket black. So it doesn't distract the viewers eyes.


Either way, there is arguments for both. But the colour of a rim isn't that big an issue really.

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This latest tactical marine looks like he was slapped together, thrown onto the base without much thought and the helmet was painted on a dare.  There appears to be a huge gap between the left arm and the torso at the armpit.  The base has some weird clump of stuff piled up in front of the mini's boots like a weird snow drift.  That white stripe with the repeating x painted on it isn't a tactical marking I'm familiar with at all, it certainly wouldn't pass as a terror marking.  This particular mini seems like "one step forward and two steps back" for your work.

A bit harsh mate. Might not be your cup of tea but I've seen plenty worse. 

If you have a problem with my constructive criticism of someone else's work then send me a pm and we will deal with it without derailing the topic.  This thread produces enough controversy on its own without you trying to stir up trouble. 


Agree with vazzy

The same goes for you as above.  If you don't have anything constructive to add, keep your posts to yourself.  I'm voicing my opinion and if Flint has a problem with it she can say so herself.

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Better, but I'm still confused as to what the markings are trying to emulate. At this point it seems kind of like red racing stripes are taking over his armor and I'm not sure what the white on his face is representative of. Remember it's okay to do similar terror markings on models, you're Crusade-Era Night Lords there's a lot more standardization in the legion than there is when you get to our day and age.


Don't be afraid to do multiple skull masks, they work, they're fluffy and no one will question it. Also take your time. You set the bar high with your Forge Lord, don't dip back beneath it.

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I don't know, I don't think the Night Lords were ever really standard except in the days before Curze got his claws into it. I mean, just all the different variations of iron and midnight in Massacre, how some models had a ton of lightning and some barely had any at all.
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I don't recall mentioning terror markings but in a way, that's our fault. Someone asks "What is a terror marking" what is the first thing one of us will think of? Skulls, right? Name ten different terror markings that can be put on a helmet. So far, I only know of three "canon" terror markings: lightning tears, bloody palm prints and skulls.


And honestly, we do always say "Make it your army your own." Some things that don't match with our views should be allowed to exist. If we just go by what Forgeworld put in as "canon painting guides" then we have what, one way to paint a Terminator and six or seven to paint tacticals and one way to paint Raptors? Well, I guess it'd technically be Assault Marines since that Talonmaster didn't have the skull-wing mask of the Night Raptor models.


So honestly, if Flint wants to do sewn-stitches or anything else across her helmets as kill-markings, I ain't going to say no. The canon pictures are guidelines and ideas to breed creativity. They are to show us that the limits of creativity are farther away than we think they are, not to bind us to narrow lines of thinking.



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Look Kol, at the risk of bringing more drama to this thread, I feel I should clarify. I'm not telling anyone to paint any particular way, I'm merely pointing out that Night Lords did have a more unified look, prior to the heresy, after which the markings and company designations pretty much went out the window. Yes our legion is a bunch of special little snowflakes, but while the pre-heresy side of the house gets all of the neat toys/rules, they do also fall in the time period when the Legions were actual organizations. We in the 41st millennium don't get all the juicy rules and massive tank formations, however we've got Warbands running around with silver armor calling themselves Night Lords. 


Again, I'm not telling anyone to paint their models any particular way, but if you're trying to fit with a certain aspect of the background then there are certain signifiers you should use. No one challenges me when I say add more lighting bolts, but when I suggest that the hobbyist (who seems to be trying to paint crusade-era Night Lords from what I can gather) paint skulls/death imagery for TERROR markings, people are ready to jump down the throats of individuals like myself and Mikhail. 

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Look Kol, at the risk of bringing more drama to this thread, I feel I should clarify. I'm not telling anyone to paint any particular way, I'm merely pointing out that Night Lords did have a more unified look, prior to the heresy, after which the markings and company designations pretty much went out the window. Yes our legion is a bunch of special little snowflakes, but while the pre-heresy side of the house gets all of the neat toys/rules, they do also fall in the time period when the Legions were actual organizations. We in the 41st millennium don't get all the juicy rules and massive tank formations, however we've got Warbands running around with silver armor calling themselves Night Lords. 


Again, I'm not telling anyone to paint their models any particular way, but if you're trying to fit with a certain aspect of the background then there are certain signifiers you should use. No one challenges me when I say add more lighting bolts, but when I suggest that the hobbyist (who seems to be trying to paint crusade-era Night Lords from what I can gather) paint skulls/death imagery for TERROR markings, people are ready to jump down the throats of individuals like myself and Mikhail. 

I agree with everything Heinrich has posted here.  I was under the impression that Flint was posting her work in order to get feedback and constructive criticism.  It seems like every time someone posts something the slightest bit critical Flint's Fanboys jump all over them.  Why don't you guys take a break and let Flint respond to comments on her work herself?  If she doesn't want comments or constructive criticism then she will let everyone know.

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constructive criticism seems to be rather unpopular these dayswhistling.gif

i like him more than the previous version, the arm looks much better with the new pose and axe :tu:

still not sold on the terror marking, mostly because (i'm with Heinrich on this) i'm not sure what it's supposed to be ;)

the base looks better without the "snowdrift"

and again i find my feelings in sync with Tanith and have to agree on the sword. you could try to place it either horizontally under the backpack or vertically between it and the torso

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Alright guys. Let's see what we can do here, because I'm starting to get a little frustrated. Apologies in advance.

Firstly, I have zero problem with anyone criticizing my work, be it hobbying, painting, converting, whatever. It's the only way I get better, and I've gotten a lot of good stuff going so far. I'm not going to cry because someone doesn't like a paint job.

There are, however, currently two problems that I can see.

First, I want this thread to be somewhere that I can post pictures to get helpful advice and chat with my internet buddies about what I can do to improve and what looks good already. Everyone seems to be on edge, and it's frustrating to show back up to someone defending me, who's upset by someone else, who has been defending what someone else has said, etc. It spirals into this unpleasant circle that artificially drives up my thread's post count with useless stuff. I don't mind when people agree, disagree with me or anyone else in here. Just keep it from getting ridiculous.

Not to pick on you Kol, but it's perfectly fine for Heinrich to think my terror markings look goofy. On the other hand, I don't think you were actually trying to defend me, he just seemed to take it that way. I think you were just stating that you kinda liked it in response to Heinrich's statement that he wasn't a fan, which grew into this mini-deal above. Neither person is at fault, I'm not upset with anyone. Everyone just chill out a bit ok? happy.png

I love all you guys, so figure out how to agree/disagree with each other like you do with me.

Secondly, Mikhail. I really appreciate your contributions to my thread. You have made a lot of suggestions that I've implemented that I feel have really improved my work, and I really appreciate that.

But I also feel that several times you've been pretty rude when it hasn't been called for. The_Chaplain, Vazzy, Knight of the Raven, 1000Heathens, Brother Chaplain Kage, Brother Heinrich, Nephilim, Noctus Cornix and Wicced just to name a few, have all had things about my work they weren't fans of, but every one of them were polite about it. You don't need to walk on eggshells in here, but there have been several times people have mentioned it. It isn't the "slightest bit of criticism" that bothers me, but when things come off as brash and insulting.

Take Ppotts for instance. She had some very valid points about my painting. But she prefaced it by saying that I only got any attention because I'm a girl. You have certainly have not hit that extreme, but there have been plenty of things that could have been phrased better.

Like several posts back, Vazzy wasn't upset that you didn't like my work, he just thought your criticisms were stated pretty rudely. I hope it doesn't discourage you from posting in here, as I feel you've really helped me better a lot of my work. But I do need a level of polite interaction that doesn't make people uncomfortable. I hope that makes sense, and if I can clarify or help with anything, please feel free to PM me.

Alright folks, with that, let's try to keep this business drama free. I've got a lot of work to do thumbsup.gif

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Flint got a suggestion :)

Terror markings I think are fine but I really think cohesion is a pre heresy thing.


With my WE veterans I kept all there facial tattoos similar but different for individuality but overall unit cohesion.


My idea maybe each squad should say if it's a skull marking different versions of skull marks ie coyote human avian etc.


If it's striped helms go for Multi streak & a thick streak or a streak within a streak.


Just my thoughts, keep up the amazing work and know you do all us proud. Love the techmarine love the commentary & story & love the quality/rate you produce these in

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The Forge Priest looks really nice Flint!! The little blue flame is sublime.


I also don't like the terror markings on the second version marine. They just don't look Night Lordy to me. They are confusing shape wise as well. Very blocky on a rounded sleek looking surface. I do think his base looks good though!!


End of Line

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Really enjoy this thread thus far, I've always been a fan of Night Lords. However, the divergent "terror markings" just don't seem right. Honestly, an Astartes is terrifying enough, especially in a dark lit room with glowing lenses. Try taking a cue from the FW pieces, place actual skulls on their helms, or better yet if you're good with green stuff make flayed faces attached to their helms. Nothing more terrifying than looking into a dead skin mask. I would also make it less numerous, not every Astartes needs markings on their person. Other than that, keep up the good work.
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Enough with the personal exchanges.


There is a lot of constructive criticism here - 35 pages testify to that. Not all of us have the same way to express ourselves and, as long as no offense is intended, people should read comments in the spirit they are written. Having said that, this is the internet and intentions may not always be clear. Therefore a certain level of etiquette is required...


Now stay on topic - the OP is doing a great effort here  and is really receptive on comments made here. The thread has already been closed once...

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This is constructive criticism. It is not meant to be a subtle attempt to continue a personal exchange or anything else, so please, do not take it as such.


Flint13, I'd say this is going to be your defining moment. And what I mean by that is, this is either where you step back and say "Guys, I appreciate your help but I want to do it this way. I hope you understand and continue to offer help." or, you don't.


Right now, you've basically hit a beachhead. Unless I've misread, this army is supposed to be a mixture of 30K and 40K. A way to represent both worlds with one picture. That's why the dialogue is always a veteran talking to a newblood.


So what I'm saying is, this is your chance to be different. This your chance to make this army yours and yours alone. Anyone else who follows in these practices will either be taking cues from you, or operating along the same lines of thought.


The fluff for your army is that it isn't made from the baseline criminals of the five hives of Nostramo. These are the hill-folk, the people who had to fight the elements as well as themselves.


As far as I know, that in and of itself is divergent and unique. And as a line of thinking, a tribal recruitment ground should create a more tribal appearance.


I can't pretend to understand the thought behind te terror markings you choose. But then I am not you. I don't necessarily have the same motivations an I do not definitely have the same thoughts on creativity. In a million years I never would have thought "sewn lips" if you had said nothing.


So I guess what I'm saying, this is the part where you can really make a name. Completely destroy the expectation barrier. Make something that is truly yours. And personally, I'd say do it. Even if for nothing more than you can walk away and say "I made this mine."

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This makes I laugh. Flint causing trouble again. Without even trying.


In honesty, I'm not sold on the new markings but it is an improvement over the last one. And you obviously take on board what others say no matter how bluntly worded. Probably why you have such a following already. That and your support of others threads.


End of the day though, canon is always broken. Even by GW and BL who always change bits with different writers. Thank :cuss: too or it would all be silly winged helms. And one person's interpretation is rarely going to be the same as others. Keep at it. Do the unexpected and go with your gut. John Blanche does it all the time.

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Fl;int, I cannot agree more with Kol_Sarek. This is your army, you should do what YOU like. Everyone has their own style (as you know I prefer the "drag queen blue with gold trim- style" on my Night Lordsjawdrop.gif ). There's always going to be people that love your style, as well as people that will hate it. Take from the suggestions what you find useful, and ignore those that you don´t. I´m not saying you shouldn´t appreciate the latter (nor the former), but remember it's your army. You are the supreme judge of your models. If you think they look cool, they do.

Keep up the good work, and please continue with your style, because I am one of your fans. Not because you're a girl, but because you are a polite and positive contributor.

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