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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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@ Ch@oz - You're screenname is interesting to type, haha. Truth be told, the only unhelmed marines I have every painted have been Salamanders back when they had initiative 3, no land speeders and were african instead of daemonic. I'm *terrible* at Caucasian skin tones.


Plus the thought of a ginger African space viking amuses me to no end.


That's a new perspective. I am now completely sold on the idea. Carry on ;)


As for the teeth highlights i think bleached bone or vallejo off white with a watered down sepia wash would be the way to go, but that's assuming dental hygiene is anywhere on the list of priorities for Chaos Space Marines. Which I guess makes long, dark, curly, pirate teeth the norm among them. On the other hand- "scary monsters don't have plaque".

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@ Ch@oz - You're screenname is interesting to type, haha. Truth be told, the only unhelmed marines I have every painted have been Salamanders back when they had initiative 3, no land speeders and were african instead of daemonic. I'm *terrible* at Caucasian skin tones.


Plus the thought of a ginger African space viking amuses me to no end.

That's a new perspective. I am now completely sold on the idea. Carry on ;)


As for the teeth highlights i think bleached bone or vallejo off white with a watered down sepia wash would be the way to go, but that's assuming dental hygiene is anywhere on the list of priorities for Chaos Space Marines. Which I guess makes long, dark, curly, pirate teeth the norm among them. On the other hand- "scary monsters don't have plaque".

Nope. They wear the faces of your parents.

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As for the teeth highlights i think bleached bone or vallejo off white with a watered down sepia wash would be the way to go, but that's assuming dental hygiene is anywhere on the list of priorities for Chaos Space Marines. Which I guess makes long, dark, curly, pirate teeth the norm among them. On the other hand- "scary monsters don't have plaque".


In the 2nd ed Chaos codex, they converted a helmet-less vet sergeant model in to an aspiring champion for the Black Legion...they gave him yellowed & blackened teeth and pasty pale skin to make him look sort of zombie-like.




The dark skin on the wolf looks good.  As for skin highlights, try lightening up the base skin-tone a small amount at a time with Bleached Bone, until it looks right.

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Flint, the models are looking good!
For Terror marking Ideas, especially sewn mouths and such, what about basing it off of the second ork hunter shown on this page, or the guy shown here, where you paint the full skull, then fill in the teeth or threads on top. This shows the sewn mouth, without looking too abstract that was the problem with your first attempt.

For the Dark Space wolf, it actually makes sense to me to show the helmetless guys heavily tanned. People talk about pale northern people, but that is only b/c regular humans have to bundle up and keep their skin covered against the cold. Superhumans, like Alaskans, can withstand below freezing temperatures, and therefor have to watch out for Snow Blindness and the related sunburns. I see no reason why a guy who has spent too much time out on the snow wouldn't have a nice tan, if he can take to cold.

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"Perfection is a quantifiable aspect."




"But much like the cascading imperfection of a geometric series, it may always be just out of reach."




"The transcendence of a decapitating finish is ruined by the defloration of a flawless tabard, unmarred until that very moment by blood or blemish."




"Only in absolutes, is there perfection. Anything less is a failure. An insult. A declaration of incompetence forever writ large on the psyche of the warrior born."






"There will be nothing else. There is nothing else. We are the chosen. We are the only absolute. Quantifiably, unarguably, unashamedly ....


...we are perfection unequaled...


and we are thirst unending."


~ Ha'dreel Aldanath, Dragonslayer of the 22nd Millennial  




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"Perfection is a quantifiable aspect."


"But much like the cascading imperfection of a geometric series, it may always be just out of reach."


"The transcendence of a decapitating finish is ruined by the defloration of a flawless tabard, unmarred until that very moment by blood or blemish."


"Only in absolutes, is there perfection. Anything less is a failure. An insult. A declaration of incompetence forever writ large on the psyche of the warrior born."


"There will be nothing else. There is nothing else. We are the chosen. We are the only absolute. Quantifiably, unarguably, unashamedly ....

...we are perfection unequaled...

and we are thirst unending."

~ Ha'dreel Aldanath, Dragonslayer of the 22nd Millennial



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Gah, everytime I get an idea, Flint has to go and steal it...but make it much better. dry.png

I just bashed together a Child last night, even went about magnetizing the backpack/jump pack...

Oh well, Flint's guy is 100x better anyway.

And welcome back!

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Great looking Emperor's Child! The pose, the purple, the quotes, all are excellent!


If I had to critique one aspect of the paint job it would be the white. White is a really difficult colour to get right and it's essential that it is applied in several thin coats. This helps ensure a smooth finish and reduces the likelihood of the minis natural detail being obscured.


Keep up the excellent work :)

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Holy crap. I was just checking in before bed. Never thought my lil thread would be up twelve posts since then! Wow, thanks so much guys. Feels like I never left ^_^


@ DSS7 - Good to be back, Joan ^_^

@ Cormak Airt - Nicknamed? He *IS* the censored.gif dragonslayer. Lookit his slayed dragon tongue.png

@ Aquilanus - Thanks! It was surprisingly easy. Only my 2nd try.

@ Balth - cool.png

@ Fracture - Thanks! I was trying to make him as eye-grabbing as possible. Glad to hear it worked.

@ Recon - Thanks buddy. I'm happy he turned out well.

@ Augustus - I like the cloth too. I have Brother Chaplain Kage to thank for that suggestion. Really kept it from being flat and boring.

@ Darth Potato - First, I love the fact you have a super regal Sigismund avatar, and a silly screen name. It makes me happy. I thought the purps and snow looked pretty good together as well. Seemed to make sense with all the white and blue details.

@ Firepower - Yay! Internet celeb. Love your Templars and beardy avatar! I won't argue. I'm a *hella* messy painter. I'm slowly working on actual brush control. Until then, just call me Joanna Blanchette biggrin.png

@ Forte - Thanks buddy!

@ TearsoftheRaven - I know I do. I've got this cute little skirt...

oh, the Emperor's Child. Thanks! tongue.png

@ Warmaster - Oh no! I still want to see yours. We're just on the same wavelength. Great (sadistic, homicidal) minds think alike!

@ Kizzdougs - Slowly working on painting white better. The little model was in pretty bad shape to begin with, as he was a pretty terrible cast, but I tried to make him work. I'll try the super thin approach. Thanks for the help!

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