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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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@ Cormak Airt - Nicknamed? He *IS* the censored.gif dragonslayer. Lookit his slayed dragon tongue.png

Hey, I didn't say the supposed dragonslayer. Though an argument could be made. He is an Emperor's Children after all. How do I know he isn't just taking credit for the kill from one of his subordinates? I didn't see him kill the dragon. Did you see him kill the dragon? If you did . . . seek professional help. :p

But in all seriousness, I was just commenting on the fact that an Emperor's Children lord called the Dragonslayer pleases me, considering an alternate heresy I'm invested in has the Primarch Fulgrim landing on Medusa and being called the Dragonslayer.

Perhaps more on topic, the model does look nice, though there are spots on the helmet where the white seemed a tad thick.

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Oh wow, that's good. thumbsup.gif

Although I don't see any blood marring his tabard - unless he wasn't talking about his own tabard, in which case fair play.laugh.png

As the person who is (very slowly) writing up Fulgrim the Dragonslayer's story for Cormac's alt-heresy, the existence of this model puts a happy smile on my face. biggrin.png

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@ Recon - Did indeed good buddy

@ Terimus - Forgot why I ever left ^_^

@ MrBear - Thanks! He does his best with the tools he has

@ Barabbas - Thanks buddy

@ Squeaky - Thought it might be a good idea to start as impressively as I could.

@ Brother Chaplain Kage - Of course, thanks for all the assistance in his production!

@ gaurdian31 - No worries, I have something special on the painting desk for my World Eaters fansmsn-wink.gif

@ Cormac - Oh, of course. Just taking a good natured poke at ya ^_^ Haha, taking credit for an underling's accomplishments sounds *very* plausible.

@ Ace Debonair - Oh wow, imagine the coincidental timing on that one. Glad to hear he brings a smile thumbsup.gif

Again, thanks for all the support folks. It really keeps my hobby batteries charged.

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Ok, World Eaters have been mentioned a few times now. I wanna see! :p As for the Emp Child he looks great especially for being a rough cast that you've fixed. Had a look at some of your NL as well and really like what I see. This thread has a lot of great work in it, keep it up
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@ Warmaster - Oh no! I still want to see yours. We're just on the same wavelength. Great (sadistic, homicidal) minds think alike!




Yeah, might give me an excuse to bring my Brotherhood thread out of retirement.


Although Square Base has me hooked at the moment.

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Looks to me like the contents of a 40k style flat pack.

"Brother Magos, we have spent many hours trying to find it, but no avail!"

"No sign...at all?"

"No, Magos"

The Magos was crestfallen. To have come this far, endured so much, but to be denied at the most crucial moment was too much for him to stand. Making a decision, he turned to his fellows waiting upon his guidance.

"Brothers. We must accomplish our task. It is essential that we succeed. Our allies are relying on this Knight to defeat our enemies!

"We must brave the enemy at our door, fight our way to the temple, beseech the keepers within to give us what we lack most.

"An Allen key....!"

Many days later...

"Are you sure you followed the instructions?"

"Yes, Brother." The answer was strained, with a forced patience that would snap at any given moment. The Magos could hear other voices, the owners had given up all pretence of comradeship and were moments from attacking each other.

"It says here...here" flourishing a booklet fiercely. "That you insert tab A into slot D whilst ensuring that slot G accepts tab X!"

"Where?! Where does it say that?!" said the other voice, the tone lowering an octave or so. The build was not going well. The torso was...wrong. The Magos struggled to understand what it was.

Then he realised. It was upside down...


In all seriousness, I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out smile.png

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Evening folks!

@ Insane Psychopath - Thanks! Glad to hear it meets modly approval happy.png

@ Jaspcat - What'd I do? tongue.png

@ Aquilanus - HA! Magic

@ Koriel - I can only hope!

Ok, I may have lied a bit. After finishing Ha'dreel, I couldn't shake the urge to try another Child of the Emperor. Here's the first of his bodyguard:

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@ Firepower - Yay! Internet celeb. Love your Templars and beardy avatar! I won't argue. I'm a *hella* messy painter. I'm slowly working on actual brush control. Until then, just call me Joanna Blanchette biggrin.png

I've fixed others. I can fix you, too.


I like the spear on the new guy. The power effect actually puts your 'Blanchette technique' to good use. The blue free hand is a bit clumsy again, but judging by the sharpness of most of the highlights, I know you can do better. So...do better! msn-wink.gif

Although in fairness you have a slight handicap: fixing mistakes on a white field is an uphill battle to say the least. Anyway, if you want to practice, just prime a dummy model and cover it in all the squiggly, complex designs you can think of. Rinse, repeat. Using brighter colors on a black priming will also give you some experience on watering down colors and layering.

Or, you can keep rolling as is, and I can keep picking on you for it. laugh.png

And thanks for promoting me to "celebrity" status. Now I gotta duck the internet paparazzo ph34r.png

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