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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Oh wow, glad for all the feedback folks. I'm really happy I posted a WiP instead of just a finished model. Since I have to agree with the general consensus (lightning claw guy being pretty clunky) here's his next iteration. I think it fits *much* better happy.png

And also here's "middle guy" again, bc everyone seems to love him...

Really funny story... I didn't actually know I had given him Loken's chainsword until someone mentioned it in here. Silly me... I dunno why else it would have had an Eye of Horus and a unification war symbol. Oh well rolleyes.gif

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@ Terimus - From the MKIII power weapon pack, I believe.


Well, the hawk eyed among you may have noticed that the primered Child was no where to be seen in that last pic.


S'cause I was painting him after giving him a new arm. I found the smallest powerfist I could, b/c I want some hitting power in my bodyguard unit. Can't all be rayguns and prissy elf blades ^_^


And the EC gang so far.
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Mmm, clobberin' fists.  Gotta love 'em.


But, the paint on it is a touch confusing.  At first I was like "Ohh, glowy fist effect, but why is that numeral on there, too?" 


Then I realized it's not a glowy fist, but a fist with glowy fingers, and iconography that's confusingly the same color as said glowy fingers.  


I really like the glowy fingers.  I want them to stay.  But the iconography on the rest of the fist confuses the effect.  Or at least it confused me.  :P


Can you tell I'm confused?  I may have used the word once or twice there...


The models look kinda willowy, which is something I didn't notice before.  They're almost...dainty.  Those pansy elf swords seem a lot more fitting now :lol:


Speaking of which, the Fist dude's pistol arm really doesn't join to the torso very well.  It's rather low.  It really stands out in the first pic more than the others.


That's all I got.

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@ Depth - Haha, I was clueless to that chainsword's origins as well. Glad to hear you like the spearmen.

@ Firepower - Oh wow, his pistol arm is kinda wonky isn't it? I can fix that happy.png

Hmm... I think I'll redo the powerfist in all purple. 'Cept for the glowey fingers, of course.

I'm glad my Children come across as "dainty" so far. I was really trying to put them into poses that work with the more slender torsos, so hopefully they look like they are very svelte, dexterous blademasters.

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It's always a pleasure to see Emperor's Children before they became drooling imbeciles worshipping the shemale-goddess of heavy metal.

(Not that there's anything wrong with shemales and heavy metal, mind you. I just dislike how pathetic in my eyes every cult legion became.)

That's the power fist from the 'tactical' chaos space marines, right? It looks good on him.

(Or her. You can never be sure with Emperor's Children.)

They all look awesome. I still like kissdougs' Emperor's Children better, though. tongue.png

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@ Biohazard - Good choice! <See below> ^_^


@ Knight of the Raven - I know what you mean. I was just chatting over how I prefered the clean, elegant look of pre-fall Children to all the wacky body mods and whatnot they had going on afterwards. 


And yes, I can't quite compete with Mr Dougs yet.


Micro update! Fixed the powerfist. I like it much better now. Also slowly understanding how to photograph white.



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It's always a pleasure to see Emperor's Children before they became drooling imbeciles worshipping the shemale-goddess of heavy metal



@ Knight of the Raven - I know what you mean. I was just chatting over how I prefered the clean, elegant look of pre-fall Children to all the wacky body mods and whatnot they had going on afterwards.

Whyyyyy :cry:

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@ Termius - Thanks! I like him a lot more now too ^_^


@ Augustus - Pretty super simply, believe it or not. I just never use actual white. Same as I do for my World Eaters:


1.) Astronomicon gray basecoat

2.) Broad highlights with Vallejo Glacier Blue

3.) 25/25/50 mix of Drakenhoff Nightshade, Badab black and matte medium + water for washing the shadows.

4.) 50/50 mix of Glacier blue and White Scar for edgy highlights


@ Forte - I don't like Post-heresy Children b/c I know I could never paint them as well as you buddy!


@ Incinerator - Thanks! 

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Heh, you don't let any parts go to waste, do you? First the axes on your World Eaters and now the hand flamer on an EC : P

I find myself in agreement with TotR, the bases are really well done. I saw your tutorial for them, and the addition of the "ash" in the snow give the bases a nice twist and a unique look.


Edit: got any plans for the Ashen Circle bodies btw? (or perhaps you just got the weapons)

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Woo, quadruple digits!

Thanks to everyone that has come by to chat in my humble little log. It really keeps my hobby batteries charged to capacity, and I can't even begin to describe how much my modeling and painting has improved thanks to all the constructive criticism from you awesome folks. It's hard to believe this thing isn't even a year old yet. But, all that aside, on to new stuff.

My last Child of Ha'dreels lifeguard is almost complete. In the meantime, just so no one thinks I've forgotten...

The Foundation of Jackal Dawn

Upon the young but vigorous Forgeworld, Flintina XIII, production continues on a mighty battle engine. The first of the great machine's limbs has been erected, the claws of it's feet calibrated and it's vital machinated musculature armored against the hopeless attacks of lesser mortals.


(This thing is gonna be **HUGE** biggrin.png )

@ Koriel - I don't let *anything* go to waste. I've still got a couple metal weapons from some of my first chaos marines circa 2001 or so. Unfortunately, I didn't get all of the Ashen circle. I traded a MK3 weapons pack for their axe rakes and flamers to a girlfriend that got them and wanted to use them as generic assault marines.

@ Demon2027 - Thanks for that, although I don't envy you the read back through the depths of this thread ^_^

I am really glad my painting as improved so visibly. I feel like I could actually call myself a "good" painter now (though definitely not great yet) instead of just average-ish.

However, I flatly refuse to stop making you want to paint purple marines. Wanting stuff is what the 3rd legion is all about!

@ Augustus - Glad to hear it buddy! I feel like I "get" how to paint gold and white now, both of which are considered intermediate-advanced colors to get to not look hella flat.

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